





  1. 答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。
  2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试卷上。



  1. What will the man do in a week?
  1. Take his final exam B. Take a trip to France C. Attend a friend’s party

2. What does the woman offer to arrange for the man and Catherine?

  1. A wedding B. A meeting C. A dinner

3. How does the woman find the man’s mother?

  1. She thinks she is brave.
  2. She thinks she is determined.
  3. She thinks she is hardworking.

4. Why does the woman ask the man to buy some sugar?

  1. To make some cookies B. To make some bread C. To make a cake

5. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

  1. Trainer and trainee B. Doctor and patient C. Teacher and student




6. What is the reaction to the woman’s coming late?

  1. He is quite angry
  2. He doesn’t lose temper
  3. He pretends to be happy

7. Why does the woman come here late?

  1. Her car broke down on the way B. She had a long talk with a friend

C. The traffic was bad during rush hours


8. What does the woman ask the man to do?

  1. To check out for her B. To keep her bags for her

C. To exchange some change for her

9. Where will the woman meet her friends?

  1. At a café opposite to the hotel B. At a restaurant near a park

C. At an airport meeting hall


10. What will the man do after he returns home at first?

  1. Help his father in his father’s store B. Find a part time job in his city

C. Help his father at home

11. What will the woman learn in the sea?

  1. Sailing B. Surfing C. Swimming

12. What will the man do in the afternoon when he goes camping?

  1. Go swimming and boating B. Go climbing and boating

C. Go fishing and swimming


13. What was the woman’s dad before coming here?

  1. He was a professor B. He was a doctor C. He was a worker

14. Since when has the five acres of land been farmed?

  1. The 2000s B. The 1900s C. The 1800s

15. Who was the land named after?

  1. The queen B. The woman’s mother C. The woman’s grandmother

16. What does Weed and Feed mean?

  1. Rewarding garden volunteers with a dinner made of homegrown food
  2. Rewarding organic gardening expert with homegrown food
  3. Rewarding those liking dinners with homegrown food


17. What is the speaker’s major?

  1. Physics B. English literature C. Philosophy 101

18. What did the speaker learn about in philosophy 101 in the first term?

  1. Different philosophical problems of the universities
  2. Different philosophical problems of the western world

C. Different philosophical problems of the creating of the world

19. Why did the speaker love philosophy 101 so much?

  1. It opened his mind to the views he had ever thought of
  2. It opened his mind to the views he had never dreamt of
  3. It opened his thought to the views that he had forgotten

20. What made his enjoyment of the course further improved?

  1. A very wise man in his dream B. A very hardworking classmate

C. A very convincing professor

第二部分 阅读理解:(共15小题,满分30分)



Should doctors ever lie to speed recovery? What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming for a physical examination just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in good health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? If he asks, should the doctor say he isn’t ill or say he is only slightly ill without a danger of death?

Most doctors believe that the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their conditions and that they lie for the patients’ own good. They follow the belief: “We do no harm to the patients as far as possible by telling lies.”

However, studies show most patients do want to be told truth, though very seriously ill. We are also learning that the truthful information helps patients fight against illness, even recover faster. If they get the untruthful information about their condition, they may even make a wrong decision that they don’t need treatment at all.

The patients and their relatives are more and more unsatisfied with the doctors’ lies. And the increasing doubts and the questions to doctors have appeared. Neither in medicine, nor in law, government or the social science can there be comfort in the old saying, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.”

21. In the writer’s opinion, for doctors it’s right to ________.

  1. let out to everyone the truth about the patients

$来&源:B. tell the sick the truth to help them recover quickly

C. comfort the patients by telling lies

D. tell lies only for the patients’ own good

22. Most doctors believe that ________.

  1. they lie for no reason B. everyone doesn’t want to know the truth

C. their lies do good to the patients D. the seriously ill needn’t to be told the truth

23. From the last paragraph, we know ________.

  1. doctors should tell the truth B. knowing nothing about his illness is good

C. doctors should tell lies D. where there is a will, there is a way


Buster Brown was a thief and a good one,too,he thought. He’d never been caught by the police because he never took chances. He was always prepared for any unforeseen event or emergency.

Confidently,he stood outside the house of his intended victim and read the sign on the front gate of the house. “Don't worry about the dog—be aware of the owner!” it said.Buster smiled and found his way in.

河北省唐山市开滦第一中学2016-2017学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 The house looked quite normal outside,but inside it was very exotic with fascinating objects from different countries and areas.As he began putting them into his bag,a dog came into

the room.It stopped when it saw Buster,then wagged its tail madly and went over to him,licking his outstretched hand."Good boy,” Buster whispered. “What a great guard dog you are—trying to lick me to death.”

Satisfied he'd made friends with the dog,Bluster began to wander round the house,choosing items to put in his bag.His skilled eye picked out only the best antiques(古董):a pair of silver candleholders,a silver tea-and-coffee service,etc.His new friend,the dog,sat and watched,as if wondering what was happening.

“Well,boy,”Buster whispered,finally.“That might do.Any more and I won't be able to carry it!” He swung the heavy bag onto his shoulders, just as the lights came on, nearly blinding him. He shielded his eyes with his hand.

“You’re a very silly person,” the figure in the doorway said, his voice dry as dust. As the man came closer, Buster could see he was well dressed. His face seemed familiar, but Buster couldn’t quite place where he had seen him before.

“You should have taken more notice of the sign outside,” the man rasped. “I knew about this attempted robbery last week and I also know you will end up behind bars for 20 years. Fancy trying to rob the house of the world's greatest fortune-teller!”

24. Why was Buster so confident?

  1. He was not afraid of dogs.

资*源%库B. He knew the owner of the house lived alone.

C. He had never been caught by the police.

D. The house had no security alarm.

25. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word"exotic" in the third paragraph?

  1. Messy and untidy. B. Rich and expensive.

C. Comfortable and calming. D. Foreign and unusual.

26. What punishment waits for Buster Brown?

  1. A prison sentence with hard labour. B. A long prison sentence.
    C. A heavy fine. D. Community service for 20 years.
    Reading is the key to school success and, like any skill, it takes practice. A child learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front of the other. An excellent sportsman practices until he can play quickly, correctly and without thinking. Educators call it"automaticity (自动性)".
    A child learns to read by sounding out the letters and finding the meaning of the words. With practice, he stumbles less and less, reading by the phrase (短语). With automaticity, he doesn't have to think about the meaning of words, so he can give all his attention to the meaning of the text. It can begin as early as first grade. In a recent study of children in Illinois schools, Alan Rossman of Northwestern University found that automatic readers in the first grade not only read almost three times as fast as the others, but also got better results in exams.
    According to Rossman, the key to automaticity is the amount of time a child spends reading, not his IQ. Any child who spends at least 3.5 to 4 hours a week reading books, magazines or newspapers will probably reach automaticity. It can happen if a child turns off TV just one night for reading at home.
    You can test yourself by reading something new which is suitable for your level. If you read aloud with expression, with a sense of the meaning of the sentences, you probably are an automatic reader. If you read brokenly, one word at a time, without expression or meaning, you need more practice.
    27."Reading is the key to school success" means that reading __________.
    1. helps students go to a key school
    2. can improve students' learning results
    3. helps school develop faster
    4. is a key to a successful school

28. Children with"automaticity" can read faster because they __________.

  1. know how to read the words
  2. pay attention to the meaning of the text
  3. read by themselves without any help
  4. do not have to think while they are reading

29. Rossman tells that any child who __________ will possibly be an automatic reader.

  1. spends an hour reading every day
  2. reads books by the word quickly
  3. turns off TV one night 4 weeks
  4. gets the same marks as others in exams

30. The best title for the passage is __________.

  1. IQ Is the Key to the Automaticity
  2. TV Is Bad for Children's Reading
  3. Automatic Reading Will Be Successful
  4. Automaticity Depends on Practice



$来&源:If you are hungry, what do you do? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? But 71 It never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your friends or favorite stars. So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity (创造力) gets a full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “What happens next?”, “Why can’t I think?”

72 Why reading but not watching TV? It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from childhood. Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to take help from reading.

Once you read a book, you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain something to you. 73 Now this seed is unknowingly (未发觉地) used by you to develop new ideas. If it is used many times, the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things, which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!

This is nothing but creativity. 74 Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words.

So guys, do give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading. 75 Go and get a book!

A. Now what are you waiting for?

B. Reading can help you make more friends, too.

C. Why not do some reading while you are hungry?

D. Just like your stomach, your mind is also hungry.

E. Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.

F. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.

G. Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.

第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


That was when my son was 6 years old. My son is now 22 but whenever I look at him even as a grown man, I remember the small child with 31.

Our cat was 32 to give birth. And like all young children, my son was very interested in the birth of the babies. During the following week, he never stopped 33 me for a chance to witness it. At last, I agreed. I answered all his questions and prepared him the best 34 he might not be shocked or frightened.

That35 when my son arrived home from school, one baby cat had been born. He was so 36 at what he saw that he would put his hand on the mother cat’s stomach and feel the other babies 37. When the mother cat began to 38 very loudly, it was clear that the second baby was on its way. My son 39 but never said a word. Then he asked me, “Mum, why does she cry so loudly when the baby comes?” I 40 that it was not a hurtful pain but a pain of great pleasure 41 the mother.

When the 42 of the third baby was coming by the crying of the mother cat, my son 43 hugged (拥抱) me with tears 44 his face, saying, “Mum, I’m sorry for the 45 I brought you to have me.” My heart almost stopped. With a(n) 46 choice of words, I told him that his birth has brought me 47 but smiles, and that I would like to 48 it 100 times.

Now my son is a grown man, but he always 49 that night, for it was on that night that he finally 50 what the word “love” meant.

31. A. smilesB. tearsC. interestD. care

32. A. willingB. determinedC. readyD. upset

33. A. beggingB. searchingC. thankingD. commanding

34. A. unlessB. untilC. as ifD. so that

35. A. morningB. dawn C. noonD. dusk

36. A. amazedB. frightenedC. angry D. sad

37. A. jumpingB. sleeping C. movingD. growing

38. A. laughB. coughC. cryD. shout

39. A. watchedB. noticedC. foundD. responded

40. A. realized B. explained C. expressed D. added

41. A. inB. withC. onD. for

42. A. loss B. birth C. performance D. protection

43. A. suddenlyB. peacefully C. actually D. naturally

44. A. calming down B. rolling downC. settingdownD. turning down

45. A. painB. trialC. cruelty D. violence

46. A. hopefulB. carefulC. uselessD. informal

47. A. something B. anythingC. nothing D. everything

48. A. join in B. suffer fromC. dream of D. go through

49. A. regretsB. remembers C. ignoresD. prefers

50. A. understoodB. decidedC. admitted D. doubted

第二卷 (60分)

一. 语法填空(15分)


As we all know, English is regarded as a global language, but the language doesn’t stay the same. It has changed 1 time. Actually all languages change and develop 2(gradual). At first the English spoken in England 3(base) more on German than the English spoken 4 present. Then the new settlers who ruled England enriched the English language and especially 5(it) vocabulary. In 1620, some British 6(settle) moved to America and by the 19th century the language was settled. South Asia is another place 7 English now is spoken as a foreign or second language. From 1765 to 1947, English became the language for government and education. Today 8 number of people 9(learn) English in China is increasing rapidly.

I believe that 10 time goes by, all people in the world can communicate with each other easily in English.

1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______

6_______ 7_______ 8_______ 9_______ 10_______

二. 短文改错 (10分)






Tom and Jack are next door neighbor who both work in same office, so they often walk together to and from office. One afternoon, they were walking to home together while it started to rain. Tom quickly unfolded his umbrella and said proud, “My wife really has great foresight (远见). She said this morning it will rain and told me carry my umbrella with me.” Jack smiled and walked closely to him under the protection of Tom’s umbrella and said, “My wife has even great foresight. He didn’t let me carry mine and told me to use yours.”

三. 完成句子(每空一词,每空1分,共10分)

1. 这里曾有一连串的事故,因此你必须小心过马路。

There have been a of accidents here, so you must be careful while walking across the road.

2. 你辨认出John的声音时有任何困难吗?

Did you have any trouble John’s voice?

3. 当天工作一结束, 我们就急忙赶到那里。

When our day’s work was at _________ _________ we hurried there.

4. 她对这件事情的态度和我的一致。

Her _________ _________ this matter agrees with mine.

5. 所幸,被困的矿工都被挖掘了出来。

Luckily, all the _________ miners were _________ out.

6. 我在想你会如何利用这个积满灰尘的窗帘?

I wonder what use you are going to _________ _________ the dusty curtain?

四. 书面表达 (25分)


要点: 1. 道歉。

2. 解释迟发的原因。

3. 建议他可做出修改。

注意: 1. 词数90左右。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Jack,




Li Hua

高一上期中 2016-10-31

听力: 1---10 ABBCB ACBAA 11---20 BCBCC AABBC

阅读:21—23 BCA 24—26 CDB 27—30 BBAD 71—75 DEFGA


完型 31. BCADD 36. ACCAB 41. DBABB 46. BCDBA


1. over 2. gradually 3. was based 4. at 5. its 6. settlers 7. where 8. the 9. learning 10. as

改错 1. neighbours 2. the same 3. 去to 4. while-when 5. proudly 6. will –would 7. to carry 8. closely—close 9. great—greater 10. He—She


1. series 2. recognizing/recognising 3. an end 4. attitude towards/to

5. trapped; dug 6. make of


Dear Jack,

I am writing to apologize/say sorry to you for not sending you the schedule of the journey to Beijing in time. Last Sunday, I spent the whole afternoon making the schedule for you, which I thought was a good job. Unluckily, I forgot to save it in the computer. Today, with the help of my classmates, I succeeded in making a new one. I hope you will like it. Besides, you can make some changes if necessary.

Looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.


Li Hua
