



命题人:尚晔 审核人:曹九珍








  1. What does the woman plan to do?
    1. Stay at school. B. Visit her family. C. Go camping.
  2. What are they talking about?
    1. A ship. B. A movie. C. A joke.
  3. Why can’t the speakers go on the trip?
  1. The man’s uncle died.
  2. The man got sick.
  3. The woman has to attend a meeting.

4. What does the man mean?

  1. Benjamin is very honest.
  2. Benjamin often breaks his word.
  3. Benjamin is serious about his work.

5. What reason was given for the man’s being late?

  1. His car was out of petrol.
  2. He couldn’t mend his car.
  3. He had to go back for clean clothes.




6. What can we know from the dialogue?

  1. The man knows the time of America's bread revolution.
  2. The bread has more than five ingredients.
  3. Both the man and the woman love bread.
    7. What does the woman want to make?
    1. A whole loaf of bread. B. A pizza. C. A sandwich.
      听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
      8. Where did the man grow up?
      A. In a city. B. In a small town. C. In the countryside.
      9. What do the speakers see on the streets?
      A. Kids playing football. B. Nice shops. C. A lot of trash.
      听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
      10. When did the man become a vegetarian?
      1. At age 10. B. At age 12. C. At age 20.
        11. What animals did the man’s friends have?
        1. Horses.B. Pigs. C. Sheep.

12. What made the man decide to eat differently?

A. He read about being a vegetarian.

B. He saw a chicken being killed.

C. He didn’t like his mother’s cooking.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

13. What kind of food does the man want to eat?

A. Thai. B. Italian. C. Indian.

14. What does the woman suggest first?

A. Going to a big city to find the right spices.

B. Looking around the local market.

C. The man should learn how to cook the food himself.

15. Where do the speakers live?

A. In Australia.B. In America.C. In England.

16. Who may the woman ask for help?

A. The man’s brother.B. The man’s uncle.C. Her mother.

听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

17. Which word can be used to describe the New York subway?

A. Old. B. Boring.C. Slow.

18. Why did Rosie Ruiz get on the subway?

A. She was tired of running.

B. She wanted to go home.

C. She wanted to win a race.

19. What happened in the 1960s? $来&源:

A. The trains ran much faster.

B. The subway became dangerous.

C. The trains started running underground.

20. What do people like most about the subway according to the speaker?

A. The feeling of traveling fast in a train underground.

B. The adventure of exploring the tunnels.

C. Standing at the window and watching the lights.





Just a couple of hours ago, I was on the plane, ready to fly home from London. The flight had been delayed by a few hours so it felt good to be so close to take-off. I had my iPod in place and a new book to read. Then, over the loudspeaker came the pilot’s voice: “The ground crew has found a metal instrument in one tire. We regret that we must cancel this flight.”

The passengers’ reactions that announcement led to were interesting. One man close to me began to argue with a flight attendant. A couple in another row complained loudly. A businessman in a black suit actually kicked the seat in front of him. Yet some passengers responded differently. An elderly gentleman smiled as he helped others take their bags down from the overhead compartments. A teenager, rather than trying to rush off the plane like most of the other passengers, stopped to help a woman with a disability. The lady sitting next to me laughed and said: “Hey, it’s not the end of the world,” before she made a call to her kids and shared her adventure with them, the wisest among us who has a remarkable ability to maintain grounded(稳定的) when times get tough.资*源%库

No life is perfect; mine certainly isn’t. We all must face challenges, both large and small. You and I have the power to choose to rise above the external circumstances(外部环境). We always have the choice to be strong and kind when things fall apart.

That’s grace under pressure. My seatmate was right — things could have been so much worse. Anyway, I am safe. I have my health. I have two wonderful children. I have work I love and so much to be grateful for. Sure I now have to wait a few hours to catch the next flight home.

21. What caused the passengers’ different reactions?

A. The loudspeaker.B. The delay of the flight.

C. The ground crew’s fault.D. The pilot’s announcement.

22. Who turned his anger on the seat?

A. A teenager helping the disabled.B. An old man taking bags down.

C. A man in a black suit. D. A man close to the author.

23. What did the woman sitting next to the author do?

A. She assisted a disabled woman.B. She made a phone call to her family.

C. She helped others carry their luggage.D. She told moving stories to her children.

24. What can we learn from the story?

A. Our life is full of ups and downs.

B. It is natural to be scared under pressure.

C. We should help each other in times of difficulty.

D. We should be positive and calm when life is hard.


A warm smile on the street, a happy “hello” in a public park or the cheery sound of your name at the neighborhood bar — it doesn’t take much to feel at home in a busy city. And in the following cities, these gestures are second nature, with locals who are quick to welcome visitors and neighbors alike.

Dublin, Ireland

Dublin is home to some of the warmest people on the planet. One of Europe’s smaller capital cities, Dublin also benefits from a low crime rate and a widespread feeling of security(安全), so residents are more likely to lend a stranger a helping hand. Locals speak in hushed tones in public. Talking too loudly in public gives the impression of being careless at best, and rude at worst.

Auckland, New Zealand

New Zealand’s biggest city is also the country’s friendliest, perhaps because many of its residents are immigrants(移民). People have come from all over the world and understand what it is like to have moved to a different place, so it is welcoming for tourists and new residents. Also, the city is surrounded by amazing scenery and things. That’s got to make people a bit happier, and therefore friendlier.

Charleston, United States

This city has a quiet outdoor environment that helps keep residents in good spirits. Even when you go to the department of motor vehicles, you get a smile. Like many southern US cities, Charleston moves at a slower pace. People take time to sit outside, talk to neighbors and walk to dinner.

Victoria, Canada

A popular tourist destination with a busy cruise port, the capital of British Columbia is known for first-rate customer service and kind hosts. Even the post men and women are super friendly and often say “good morning”. It’s got a small town and big city feel all at the same time.

25. What can be inferred from the underlined part?

A. The behavior of locals does not represent their true nature.

B. It is likely that locals would hesitate to welcome visitors.

C. Locals perform the acts naturally and without thinking.

D. Locals do not feel at home in these busy cities.

26. In which city are locals more likely to understand tourists and new residents?

A. Dublin.B. Auckland.C. Charleston.D. Victoria.

27. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce the tourism in some cities.

B. To show the friendliness of different cities.

C. To make a comparison between some cities.

D. To analyze the nature of people from different countries.


Reading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力) . With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence, according to Intermountain Therapy Animals (ITA) in Salt Lake City. The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ).

The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea. “Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache.” said Lisa Myton, manager of the children’s department.

Last November the two groups started “Dog Day Afternoon” in the children’s department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three or four of the classes received a “paw graphed” book at the last class.

The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager.

28. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. Children’s reading difficulties.B. Advantages of raising dogs.

C. Service in a public library.D. A special reading program.

29. Specialists use dogs to listen to children reading because they think ______.

A. dogs are young children’s best friends

B. children can play with dogs while reading

C. dogs can provide encouragement for shy children

D. children and dogs understand each other

30. By saying “The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea,” the writer means the library


A. uses dogs to amuse childrenB. accepts the idea put forward by ITA

C. has opened a children’s departmentD. has decided to train some dogs

31. The underlined part “a ‘paw graphed’ book” is most probably ______.

A. a book used in Saturday classesB. a book written by the children

C. a prize for the childrenD. a gift from parents


The poaching(偷猎), or illegal killing, of rhinos in South Africa is growing worse each year. The government recently reported that a record number of rhinos were poached in 2014, a year which had more rhino killings in South Africa than ever before.

The World Wildlife Fund, or WWF, says about 20, 000 rhinos live in South Africa. That is more than 80 percent of the rhinos in the world. Edna Molewa, South Africa’s Environment Minister, says, “During 2014, we are sad to say this, 1, 215 rhinos were killed. This is a rise in the number of poached rhinos from 1, 004 in 2013 and indeed very worrying.”

The animals are hunted for their horns. Many people in Asia believe the horn has curing power, which drives poachers, at all costs, mad for more horns. But there is no scientific evidence for this belief. The horn is made of keratin. That is the same thing as human hair, fingernails and toenails.

Ms. Mo1ewa said 386 suspected poachers were arrested last year, an increase from the year before. But rhino protection workers say poachers often go unpunished after arrest. South Africa’s legal system is ineffective. Ms. Mo1ewa said more needs to be done and South Africa is taking strong measures to protect rhinos. The efforts include moving some of the animals to secret places in neighboring countries. “Now approximately 100 rhinos have been moved to neighboring states in the SADC region during 2014 and 200 more rhinos will be moved this year,” Molewa said.

Jo Shaw, the rhino program manager at the WWF, said, “We’re talking about a loss of a hundred rhinos a month, or more than three a day. We really need to see effective action not just at a national level but internationally.” She says officials should find the criminal groups responsible for the poaching and punish them. Government officials are to meet in Botswana in March at the Intergovernmental Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade.

32. According to paragraph 2, we know ______.

A. half of the rhinos live in South Africa.

B. less than 1,000 rhinos were killed in 2013.

C. the killing in 2014 was more than that in 2013.

D. there are only 20,000 rhinos left in the world.

33. What is the main reason for people to hunt rhinos?

A. To get more keratin. B. To protect the farmland.

C. To use them for decoration. D. To make money from horns.

34. Jo Shaw thinks that ______.

A. many criminal groups are well organized

B. new laws are needed to punish the killers

C. rhino protection needs international cooperation

D. conferences about protecting rhinos are to be held every year

35. What can we infer from the text?

A. Rhino protection has a long way to go.

B. No one would like to buy horns in the future.

C. The illegal killing of rhinos will soon disappear.

D. Rhinos living in South Africa will move to other countries.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


How to Beat Loneliness

No matter how great life is, there will always be some time when you can feel lonely. Loneliness is nothing but a state of emotion. 36 Here, take note of these effective tips on how to cheer up your life.


Contact a friend or a relative to join you to explore places you have not seen. Even a weekend getaway will do. If you can’t find a close friend, build a network with other solo travelers. You will not only have a companion there but you will also find a friend.

Get into Sports

You don’t need to be good at specific sports to join a sports team. 38 Ask your neighbors, your family members, your co-workers, or your friends about sports clubs that he may know. Soccer and baseball are good choices.

Be a Volunteer

39 Plus, there are a lot of people you can encounter through volunteer work. Find some local charities and apply as a volunteer. Pick one which has a goal that you really care about. It can be helping the environment, joining in medical missions, and the like.

Join Online Forums

You will find a lot of people who suffer from loneliness as well on the Internet. Join them as they discuss their experiences and share their techniques in dealing with the situation.40

  1. Get Some Time to Travel
  2. Make Many Friends
  3. The satisfaction of helping other people can help ease the loneliness.
  4. Knowing this will effectively make you feel not too much lonely in this world.
  5. There are a lot of ways to help you beat loneliness out of your life.
  6. It is necessary for you to take some steps to find out why you frequently feel lonely.
  7. A lot of people form their team only to exercise their bodies and to meet new friends.


第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


“Ring! Ring! Ring!” The telephone rang for a long time in Bill Hewlett’s house. Bill was the director of a large 41 company called Hewlett-Packard. At that time, computers had already 42 but they were huge machines that cost a lot of money.

Bill answered the telephone 43. He did not like being disturbed while he was reading his newspaper. A young-sounding 44 on the other line said, “My name is Steve Jobs. I am a 45 of the Hewlett-Packard Explorers’ Club. I went on a fieldtrip to one of your company’s laboratories and was 46 by the 9100A computer. I’ve never seen anything so splendid!” He 47 for a while and continued. “I am looking for some computer 48 and will use them to build a frequency counter. Well, I thought you might be able to 49me.”

There was 50. Then, Bill asked the young boy for his 51. Steve revealed that he was twelve. There was another silence. 52 by the boy’s enthusiasm(热情), Bill invited Steve to his office.

A few days later, Bill Hewlett gave Steve what he needed. Steve was also offered a 53job in one of his laboratories.

Eight years later, Steve Jobs set up a 54 with his close friend, Steve Wozniak. Their first step was to find a 55 for the company. Steve Jobs loved apples and had worked on an apple 56 before. Although there was no 57 between apples and computers,

58 thought “Apple” would be a catchy name. “I like the name. We’ll be in a great 59 in the telephone directory,” Steve Wozniak said confidently. That was how Apple was 60 in 1976.

41. A. computer B. machine C. fruit D. telephone

42. A. arrived B. gone C. 1eftD. existed

43. A. quickly B. sadly C. angrilyD. happily

44. A. scientist B. voiceC. girl D. man

45. A. member B. adviser C. teacherD. technician

46. A. met B. delightedC. hurtD. amazed

47. A. thought B. looked C. pausedD. talked

48. A. parts B. experts C. gamesD. companies

49. A. show B. helpC. teach D. 1ead

50. A. laughter B. sound C. excitementD. silence

51. A. address B. numberC. ageD. money

52. A. Impressed B. Woken C. Troubled D. Puzzled

53. A. permanent B. night-time C. full-time D. vacation

54. A. factory B. company C. 1aboratoryD. club

55. A. name B. manager C. place D. designer

56. A. farm B. tree C. factory D. store

57. A. business B. dialogue C. friendshipD. connection

58. A. every B. both C. someD. all

59. A. position B. relation C. field D. moment

60. A. managed B. saved C. createdD. bought





We cannot be too careful while walking 61 riding in the streets. It’s 62 (report) that many people died of traffic accidents each year. Road safety has aroused 63 (wide) attention of the public than before. Many rules 64 (make) to reduce traffic crashes, especially for the ones involving pedestrians. In my opinion, we should take road safety 65

(serious) in our daily life. While using the road, we must walk on the pavement and learn to protect 66. Besides, car drivers should obey the traffic rules, 67 is both good for themselves and others.

In68 word, obeying the traffic rules is 69 all of us should pay attention to particularly. After 70, life is not a small matter.


第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m one of your customer. I ordered a set of books on your website two weeks ago, but I didn’t received it until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books were too poorly packed up that the cover of one book were torn. To make matters worse, it is not a complete set, as I found one book missed.

I’m sorry to have received such poorly service, and I believe I have every right ask you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money back or deliver a new set of books to me. Beside, I’d like to be informed of the process of you deal with my complaint.

Looking forward to your reply.

第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)



注意:1. 字数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Peter,

How are you doing?





Li Hua



听力 (共20小题,每题1分,共20分)

1—5 CBABC 6—10 CCACB 11—15 CBCCB 16—20 BACBA


A篇 21—24 DCBD B篇 25—27 CBB

C篇 28—31 DCBC D篇 32—35 CDCA 七选五 36—40 EAGCD

完形填空 (共20小题, 每题1.5分,共30分)

40—45 ADCBA 46—50 DCABD 51—55 CADBA 56—60 ADBAC

语法填空 (每题1.5分,共15分)

61. or 62. reported 63. wider 64. are made/ have been made

65. seriously 66. ourselves 67. which 68. a 69. what 70. all


Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m one of your customer. I ordered a set of books on your website two weeks ago,


but I didn’t received it until yesterday. And much to my disappointment, the books


weretoo poorly packed up that the cover of one book weretorn. To make matters worse, it

so was (或者把cover 改为covers)

was not a complete set, as I found one book missed.


I’m sorry to have received such poorly service, and I believe I have every right∧ ask

poor to

you to deal with this problem. I hope that you either return my money back or deliver a new set of

books to me. Beside, I’d like to be informed of the process of you deal with my complaint.

Besides dealing

Looking forward to your reply.

作文 (25分)

Dear Peter,

How are you doing? I am very glad to receive your e-mail asking me about my plan for the coming summer holiday. Now I have worked out my schedule.

Firstly, I want to read some famous English classics, which will be able to help me learn about the cultures of foreign countries and improve my English level. Secondly, I am going to learn to cook by myself in order to develop my ability of independent living. Besides, I will spare some time to take an active part in some voluntary work in the nearby community, which I believe will make a difference to society.

Do you have better advice for me? I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.


Li Hua
