





第一节(共15小题: 每小2分,满分 30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Driving to a friend’s house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftop. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about what a pity it is that most city people --- myself included --- usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.

My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.

I know the feeling. Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campfires outside every night, and indoors when it was too cold outside. The moon grew to its fullest during our trip. Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys. Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard. It was one of the quietest places I have ever known, a bottomless well of silence. And above me was the full moon, which struck me deeply.

Today our lives are filled with glass, metal, plastic and fiber-glass. We have television, cell phones, electricity, heaters and ovens and air-conditioners, cars, computers.

Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day, most of it spent indoors, I thought, “Before long, I would like to live in a small cottage. There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains. And perhaps write, but not in anger. I may become an old man there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons. But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touched the moon.”

21. The best title for the passage would be _________.

  1. Break away from Modern lifeB. Touched by the Moon
    C. A Bottomless well of SilenceD. The Pleasures of Modern Life
    22. The writer felt sorry for himself because __________.
    1. there was too much pollution.
      B. there were too many accidents on the road.
      C. he failed to see the fullest moon.
      D. he didn’t adapt to modern inventions
      23. Modern things are mentioned mainly to ___________.
      A. show that the writer likes city life very much.
      B. explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature.
      C. tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life.
      D. show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them.
      24. The author wrote the passage to __________.
      A. show the love for the moonlight.
      B. want to communicate longing for modern life.
      C. advise modern people to learn to live.
      D. express the feeling of returning to nature.
      Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends.
      My earliest memories of my father are of a tall, handsome successful man devoted to his work and family, but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him; as a school girl and young adult I feared him and felt bitter about him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A’s and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard.
      On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father’s friends for lunch at an outdoor cafe. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son’s funny facial expressions. Gone was my father’s critical (挑剔的) air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, who seemed so friendly and interesting to be around? What had held him back before?
      The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our time together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I’m delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was.
      25. What does the author think of her father before her visit to Tucson?
      1. He was silent most of the time.
        B. He was too proud of himself.
        C. He expected too much of her.
        D. He did not love his children.
        26. When the author went out with her father on weekends, she would feel ____ .
        1. tiredB. nervousC. sorry D. Strict and hare-working.
          27. What does the author think of her father after her visit to Tucson?
          A. Gentle and friendly. B. More talkative.
          C. More critical. D. Strict and hard-working.
          28.The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to _____ .
          1. the author’s sonB. the café owner

C. the friend of the author’s fatherD. the author’s father



City Varieties

The Headrow, Leeds. Tel. 430808

Oct 10—11 only A Night at the Varieties. All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer,Duggle Brown, 6 dancers, Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Dural and the Tony Harrison Trio; Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favorite songs.

Performances: 8 pm nightly.

Admission: ₤5; under 16 or over 60: ₤4.

York Theatre Royal

St Leonard's Place, York. Tel. 223568

Sept. 23--Oct 17 Groping for Words - a comedy by Sue Townsend. Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Townsend now writes about an evening class, which two men and a woman attend. A gentle comedy.

Admission: First night, Mon: ₤2; Tues—Fri: ₤3.25 - 5.50; Sat: ₤3.50 - 5.75.

Halifax Playhouse

King's Cross Street, Halifax. Tel. 365998

Oct 10—17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson. This is a magical comedy about real people. A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone. Don't miss it.

Performances: 7:30 pm.

Admission: ₤2. Mon: 2 seats for the price of one

Grand Theatre

Oxford Street, Leeds. Tel. 502116

Restaurant and Caf

Oct —17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13. Sue Townsend’s musical play, based on her best-selling book.

Performances: Evenings 7:45. October 10—17,at 2:30 pm. No Monday performances.

Admission: Tues—Thurs: ₤2—5; Fri & Sat: ₤2—6.

29. Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?

A. City Varieties B. Halifax Playhouse

C. Grand Theatre D. York Theatre Royal

30. If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat?

A. 430808 B. 223568 C. 365998 D. 502116

31. We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is________.

A. a musician B. an actress C. a writer D. a director


Have you ever wondered?

1. Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east?

It can take five hours to go west-east from New York (NY) to London but seven hours to travel east-west from London to NY. The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon known as the jet(喷射) stream. The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic. The planes moving at a constant air speed thus go faster in the west-east direction when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite direction.

2. What would happen if the gravity on Earth was suddenly turned off?

Supposing we could magically turn off gravity. Would buildings and other structures float away? What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth. The Earth is moving at quite a speed, moving at over a thousand miles per hour. If you turn something round your head on a string, it goes around in a circle until you let go of the string. Things not attached to the Earth would fly off in a straight line. People in buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speed until they hit the ceiling. Most things would fly off into space.

32. What information can we get from the first passage?

A. The jet stream always blows from the east to the west across the Atlantic.

B. Planes go slower when they are moving with the wind.

C. It takes more time to fly from NY to London than from London to NY.

D. It is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanes fly.

33. The word “shoot” underlined in the 2nd passage probably means“ ______”.

A. send for B. come out C. move quickly D. grow quickly

34. It can be inferred that without gravity _________.

A. trees and buildings would not so easily fly off

B. buildings and other structures would float away

C. something around your head would not float away

D. everything outside buildings would fly off into space

35. Where can we most probably read this text?

A. In a student’s book B. In a short story

C. In a travel magazine D. In a research paper

第二节(共5 小题:每小题1分,满分10分)


Are your children liked by their teachers? All parents want their children to impress their teachers and succeed in school.You can get your children to impress their teachers by following these easy steps.


Teachers are impressed by children coming to school prepared to learn. Make sure they have everything they need:pencils,textbooks,erasers and so on.


Teach them to ask teachers questions when they don’t understand something. Some children think teachers are bothered by questions,but most teachers are impressed when children take the initiative(主动)to ask.They should take part in class discussions,giving their opinions politely.

Keep your children healthy.

If your children are tired and hungry,they won’t be ready to learn.Children need at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. 38 Provide them with fruit and other healthy foods—apples or bananas are better for them than cookies.

Make sure that your children do their homework.

If they really don’t understand it,discuss it with them patiently. 39 Teachers can always tell who is doing the work.

Teach your children good manners and habits.

Children need to arrive at school on time,and be polite to their teachers and classmates. 40 Nothing is sweeter than children who say “please” and “thank you” and these are children their teachers are certain to love.

A.Require them to be active in class.

B.Don’t do their homework for them.

C.Parents need to teach these skills at home.

D.Tell your children to behave themselves as often as possible.

E.Make sure your children can become taller.

F.Feed your children a solid breakfast and prepare a healthy lunch.

G.Make sure they’re prepared.


  1. 完形填空(共20小题: 每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was pouring outside. We all stood there 41, some patiently, others annoyed42 nature messed up (弄糟) their hurried day. I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens __43 away the dirt and dust of the world.

“Mom , let’s run through the rain,” a girl’s voice 44me.

“No, honey. We’ll wait until it 45 down a bit,” Mom replied.

The young girl waited about another minute and 46, “Mom, let’s run through the rain.”

“We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said.

“No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she 47 her Mom’s arm.

“This morning? 48 did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”

“Don’t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer, you said, ‘ If God can get us through this, he can get us through 49.’ ”

The entire crowd turned 50. Mom paused and thought for a moment about 51 she would say. Now some would laugh it off and scold her for being _52. But then we heard, “Honey, you are 53. Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we just need washing,” Mom said. Then 54 they ran.

We all stood 55, smiling and laughing as they ran past the cars. Yes, they got wet. But they were 56 by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the 57 to their cars. Circumstances (境况) or people can take away your material possessions, and they can even take away your 58. But no one can ever take away your precious 59. So, don’t forget to make time and take the 60 to make memories every day! I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.


42.A.as if B.even if C.whenD.because







49.A.the rain B.the disease C.somethingD.anything















第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The first aid knowledge acquired in class may make a difference to others. One day, Peter, the last one 61_______(leave) school, walked back home, thinking about the class, which was about 62________ to give first aid. Suddenly, he saw a girl lying on the ground with blood flowing out. Obviously, 63______ girl was hit by a vehicle, got 64_______(bad) injured and lost her consciousness. Peter dialed “120” 65________ delay to call an ambulance. 66________ he was waiting for the ambulance, according to the first aid knowledge, he took out his handkerchief and tried to stop the 67__________(blood). Several minutes 68_________(late), the ambulance arrived. The doctor did something urgent with the girl and 69_________(praise) Peter. Then 70 ______(place) safely onto the ambulance, the poor girl was sent to the hospital immediately and saved at last.


  1. 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


作文。作文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号(∧)并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Nowadays, it is very easily to find a student who is nearsighted. What’s worse, the number of nearsighted students are still increasing. From my point of view, there are many reason that can cause nearsightedness. First of all, the wrong posture will result from nearsightedness. Read in the dark places can lead to nearsightedness as well as. Moreover, too much reading without a rest can be other important reason. My dear friends, it is high time that we paid attention to protect our eyes. The most useful method is do eye exercises more often and relax for a while after reading. Watching green trees could also do good to the eyes.







2. 词数100左右。

3. 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

4. 参考词汇:frustration 挫折



日期:Thur,6 Nov 2014 11:30

主题:Cheer up! Everything will be fine.

Hi, Li Ming,

To be honest, I’m really concerned about you as I find you are tired of studying English after taking the exam. I’m writing to_________________________________




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


阅读理解:21---24 B C B D 25---28 C B A D 29---31 B A C

32---35 D C A A 36---40 G A F B C

完型:41---45A D B B C46---50C D B D A

51---55C D B C D 56---60B A A CA


61. to leave 62. how 63. the 64. badly 65.without

66. When\While 67.bleeding68.later69.praised70.placed


第一句:easily-easy第二句:are-is第三句:reason-reasons第四句:from-in 第五句:Read-Reading 去掉第二个as第六句:other-another



One possible version:


To be honest, I’m really concerned about you as I find that you are tired of studying English after taking the exam. I’m writing to encourage you to overcome the difficulty and study harder than ever before.

It is time that we should build up good studying habits. I notice that you used to pay no attention to what the teacher had said. When the teacher was giving lessons, you sometimes seemed absent-minded and forgot to take notes. As a consequence, you failed in the exams. Whats more, as students, we have had many tests or exams and it is natural that we should achieve success and suffer from failure. When we don’t do well in the exams, we will usually fall in low spirits and no longer study diligently as before. However, we should take a positive attitude towards failure and frustration, because as the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. Besides, we need to be self-confident even if we are faced with the poor results. What we can do is to analyse and find out the cause so that we will not make similar mistakes any more.

When you have trouble learning English, please come to ask me for help. Trust me, only if you make some changes willyoubesure to succeed.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
