

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
ExploreandDiscover:A CityTour
Discover some of Winnipeg’s historical past on a guided tour! When: Every Monday and Thursday
Departs:Entrance Union Station
8:30 am(about2hours)
Cost:$30 per person
Call to book ahead, space is limited,walk-ups welcome!
WinnipegRailway Museum & GiftShop
Where the past meets the present
Adults:$5.00 Students (6-15years):$3.00 5 & Under(with a parent): Free
For group tours
Call942-4632 or email wpgrail @ mts.net
Six thousand years ago this was a great place to meet.Centuries later,it still is.The Forks is a place where you can visit and find plenty to do, see ,taste and experience.
Hours:The Forks is open24 hours a day,365 days a year.
The Forks Market Hours:
July1———August31 September1———June30
Open daily : 9:30 am to 9:00 pm Open daily : 9:30 am to 6:30 pm Sundays: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm Fridays:9:30 am to 9:00 pm
Info Hotline:204-957-7618 Toll Free:1-888-942-6302
1.You can call_______if you want to go to A City Tour.
2.Martin will visit Winnipeg Railway Museum with his4-year-old daughter.How much
should he pay?B.$5.00C.$8.00D.$30.00

3.Which is the proper time to visit the Forks Marker?

  1. 8:30 am on Sundays in July. B. 8:30 am on Saturdays in June.

C. 7:30 pm on Fridays in August. D. 7:30 pm on Mondays in October.

4.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A guide book. B.A movie poster.C.A sports magazine.D.A science report.


Shopping centers,stadiums and universities may soon have a new tool to help fight crime.

A California company called Knightscope says its robots can predict and prevent crime.

Knightscope says the goal is to reduce crime by half in areas the robots guard.

William Santana Li is the chief executive officer of Knightscope.He says,“These robot security guards will change the world.Our planet has seven billion people on it.It’s going to quickly get to nine billion people.The security equipment that we have globally is just not going to develop that fast.The company’s Autonomous Data Machines can become the eyes and ears of law enforcement (执行).”

“You want it to be machines plus humans.Let the machines do the heavy and sometimes dangerous work and let the humans do the strategic decision-making work,so it’s always working altogether.”

The machines are one and a half meters tall and weigh136 kilograms.They do not carry

weapons but they have day and night time video cameras which are able to turn360 degrees and can also sense chemical and biological weapons.

Some people may become concerned about their privacy, especially in connection with the video recordings.Some people may worry that such recordings will appear on the Internet.Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the University of California,says the machines have to be used in the right way and it will be interesting to see how state laws deal with this kind of video.

William Santana Li says there is along waiting list for the robots in the US.Workers in the company are working over time to meet the demands of the market.At least25 other countries are also interested in these robotic security guards.

5.What can this new tool do for humans?

A.Make strategic decisions.B.Keep watching day and night.
C.Carry heavy weapons.D.Stop crime autonomously.
6.Why are people worried?B.The robots are very expensive.
  1. Their privacy may be let out.
  1. Robots will replace humans.
D.They will be out of work soon.
  1. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?
    A.Robots Are Becoming More Popular B.Robots Contribute a Lot to the World
    C.Robots Are in Great Demand NowD.Security Robots Could Help Cut Crime

    Every country has its heroes.The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire.If you get a list of the heroes of a nation, it will tell you the potential of that nation.
    If today in America, you ask the high school students to list their heroes, their choice would probably fall into three groups.The first group of heroes would be the rock stars— the people connected with rock music.There is no doubt that such people do have talent but one wonders if one should regard rock stars as a model.The rock stars too often are involved with drugs and their personal life is not all that good.The rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles.However, one should seek more in a hero than such things as money and good clothes.
    A second type of hero for the American youth is the sports star.Again you have a person who has a great ability in one area—SPORTS.However, too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of a mess.Too frequently drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star.
    A third type of hero is the TV or movie star.This person may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome.However, the personal life is quite sad and they should not be regarded as a model for young people.Today, the rock star,the athlete and the actor all have become the models of the youth in America.Really, do you hear a young person say that his hero is a doctor, a teacher , or a scientist? These people are not rich and do not wear fashionable clothes.However, they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.
    What is really sad is that the young try to imitate their heroes.They like to wear the same clothe sand follow their styles.If the heroes of today for the American youngsters are limited only to rock stars, athletes and actors,the future does not look too bright.
  2. What is true of the three groups mentioned in this article?
  1. They are not clever but are good-looking.
  2. They are rich but are strict with themselves.
  3. They are talented in some area but lead a disordered life.
  4. They are perfect in every way.

9.American young people will not admire_______ .

  1. a university professor B.a popular singer

C.a football player D.a film actress

10. According to the writer, people should regard those _______as their model.

  1. who are rich,famous and wear the latest fashionable clothes
  2. who are talented and do things that are beneficial to society
  3. who plays an important role in a play
  4. who have a great ability in sports
  1. What is the writer’s attitude towards American youth’s admiration for their


A. He is understanding. B.He is critical.

C. He is neutral(中立的). D.He is uninterested.


Every year, World Blood Day is celebrated by blood services worldwide on14 June, the birthday of Nobel Prize winner Karl Landsteiner,the man who discovered the ABO blood group system.If you have every thought of becoming a blood donor, just register to do it.And you should never worry about the donation.

Just under a pint (around 470 ml) of blood is taken at one sitting.This amount is no more than13 percent of your total blood volume , and is quickly replaced by your body.

It may come as a surprise,but whole blood is only rarely used.Different blood components are used to treat a range of conditions.None goes to waste.Red blood cells are frequently used to replace heavy blood loss after an accident, surgery or childbirth.White blood cells and antibodies (抗体) are used to help people fight infections if their immune system doesn’t appear to be responding to antibiotics (抗生素).Plasma (血浆), the straw-coloured fluid which carries the blood cells and contains proteins,are used to treat burned patients.

First-time donors should be aged between17 and 65 ,weigh at least 50kg and be in good health.If you have donated before, you can start being a donor again up to your70th birthday.

Although most people are able to give blood,some people who pose health risks or are at a igher risk of having come into contact with an infectious disease are not asked to be donors.Pregnant women or those who have had a baby in the last9 months should not donate blood.

Blood has a very short shelf life.Some blood components can be kept longer than others, for instance ,red blood cells will keep for35 days but platelets (血小板) for only five.Remember, you should wait at least16 weeks before donating blood again.

  1. People should never worry about the donation mainly because_______ .
  1. it causes no pain to their body

B.being a blood donor is a great honor

C.their bodies can produce new blood soon

D.people have a mature research on it

13.What component of blood is used to treat burned patients?

  1. Plasma B.Red blood cell C.Antibody D.White blood cell
    14.We can learn from the passage that_________ .
    A.whole blood is most widely used in hospital
  2. platelets can be kept for more than10days
  3. people can donate their blood four times a years
  4. people can donate at most 470 ml of blood each time
  1. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?
  1. To teach people how to be a blood donor.
  2. To give people the knowledge of blood donation.
  3. To advise people to benefit from blood donation .
  4. To remind people of the importance of blood donation.


Moving abroad can be a challenging experience.You leave your family,friends and everything you know behind.You enter a new culture where the customs and sometimes the languages are different.__16__.It’s a time to discover new things,make new friends and begin a new adventure.

So what are the best ways to involve yourself in the new culture while living abroad?

Live with a native speaker

__17__.First, you have a friend ! Living alone can be a lonely experience,especially if you ’re far from home.You also have the opportunity to meet your housemate’s friends and socialize (交往) with them.__18__.In addition,you have someone to tell you about the cultural customs and interesting places in the area.

Socialize with the local people

The thought of making friends and mixing with the local people may seem scary at first but it’s worth it.__19__ ,attending an evening class or participating in a language exchange with people that are interested in learning your native language.


The food in France is amazing and discovering new food is a fun experience.I’ve tried things that I’ve never tried before.My knowledge of different bread and cheese types has grown greatly.

A.Try the local food.

  1. But it’s also exciting.
  2. I currently volunteer with homeless people.
  3. You can also speak the local language everyday.
  4. Improve my French vocabulary and understanding.
  5. You can meet other people in the area by joining a club.
  6. There are many advantages of living with a native speaker.


第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)


When I was a teenager ,I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race.My job was to __21__ water to the runners.I remember being so __22__ to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed a cup of water.Some ran past,some walked past and a few wheeled past.I saw so many types of people doing it.I thought maybe I could do it too! So the next year I __23__ up for the race.

That first 10.000m race was quite an __24_ .I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked._25__,

I didn’t know if I could finish.Then came a defining (决定性)__26__.

At one point near the end,a 70-year-old man ran past me,very,very fast,and I felt__27__ because I was 50 years younger than he but I couldn’t even keep up with him.I felt __28__ for a few seconds.

But then I__29_ something.He was running his race and I was running mine.He had __30__

abilities , experience, training and goals for himself.I had mine.Remember my__31__ was only to finish.

After a minute, it __32__ me that this was a lesson I could draw from.I learned something about myself in that moment.I turned my embarrassment into__33__ .

I __34__ that I would not give up on running races.In fact,I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare __35__ and one day I would be one of those70-year-old persons who were still running.As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my__36__ .

In life we all have those moments where we__37__ ourselves to others.It’s only __38__.Don’t allow those moments to__39__you.Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you.With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to___40___ anything you want in life.

B.pass outC.take outD.pick out
21.A.bring out
25.A.At timesB.In timeC.In allD.After all

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每空15分,满分15分)


Dear Rosemary,

41 was wonderful to hear from you.I know you are___42___ (die) to know my life in PNG.The ___43___ (classroom) are made of bamboo and the roofs of grass. It takes some boys ___44___ (many) than two hours to get to school. Students have no concept of doing experiments and there is no equipment, either. Sometimes , I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students, most of __45__ will be going back to their villager after __46__ (graduate).

I visited __47__ remote village. The huts there __48__ (be) round and there were no windows . So it took time for my eyes ____49____ (adjust) to the dark inside.I could not participate in the conversation, for I couldn’t speak much of the local English dialect.It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.I really enjoy the work __50__ a volunteer teacher in PNG.




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧),并在其下面写出该加的词.

删除:把多余的词用斜线 (\)画掉.



Dear Jane,

Thank you very much for invite me to your birthday party.I’d like to come and I have to go to my hometown to see my grandparents.They are very older and not in a good health recently.However,my mother made a telephone call to them last week,promised to visit them with me this Saturday.My mother said we will stay at my grandparents’ the whole weekend.So I’m real sorry I can’t take part your party.Here I wish you a lot of funs on your birthday.



第二节 书面表达

假定你是李华,你班的美国交换生Tom 结束了在你校一年的学习,即将回国.你和同学打算于2月5日下午在班上为他开一个欢送会(farewell party),特写信邀请他参加.要点包括:

  1. 感谢 Tom 的帮助;2.欢送会的时间和地点;3.对 Tom 的美好祝愿.


Dear Tom,

How time flies ! It’s one year since you came to study Chinese in our school.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.__________________

4.__________________ 5.__________________ 6.__________________

7.__________________ 8.__________________ 9.__________________



Dear Jane,

Thank you very much for invite me to your birthday party.I’d like to come and I have to go to my

hometown to see my grandparents.They are very older and not in a good health recently.However,my

mother made a telephone call to them last week,promised to visit them with me this Saturday.My

mother said we will stay at my grandparents’ the whole weekend.So I’m real sorry I can’t take party

our party.Here I wish you a lot of funs on your birthday.




Dear Tom,

How time flies ! It’s one year since you came to study Chinese in our school.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


高二英语试卷答案 (A )

阅读理解:1-4 BBCA 5-7BAD 8-11 CABB 12-15 CADB 16-20 BGDFA

完形填空21-25 BACDA 26-30 CABAD 31-35 CBCCD 36-40 BDBAC

语法填空41. It 42. dying 43. classrooms 44. more 45. whom

46. graduation 47. a 48 . were 49. to adjust 50 . as

改错答案:第一句:inviteinviting第二句:andbut第三句:olderold; 去掉 a第四句:HoweverTherefore; promisedpromising第五句:willwould

第六句:realreally; part 后加 in第七句:funsfun

书面表达 参考范文:

Dear Tom,

How time flies! It’s one year since you came to study Chinese in our school. We’re all grateful for what you have done for us. In the past year, you have helped us a lot, without which we couldn’t have made great progress in English. In addition, during this year, we have learned lots of culture about your country that cannot be found in the textbooks.

Before you leave, many classmates and I intend to hold a farewell party for you, hoping that you can remember the wonderful time we spent together. By the way, the party will be held in our classroom on the afternoon of February 5.

May you have a pleasant journey home and welcome to China again. And we are looking forward to your coming back.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
