



试题总分:150分 答题时间:120分钟




  1. (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



When this story happened, they were working around a very large house. Their job was to do the cleaning. It was not a difficult job, but sometimes it was a little dangerous, because they had to walk below where workmen were working. Often these workmen dropped something from the top of the house many meters high to the ground. One morning Joe was working near the house with a cigarette behind one of his ears. Suddenly somebody on the top shouted,"Look out!" But Joe did not"look out". He looked up. And as he did so, a long knife missed Joe's head, but it cut off one of his ears. At once he put his hand to one side of his head and cried out,"I've lost an ear. Help! Help!" Jeff ran up to help his friend."Look for my ear," Joe told him."It must be on the ground somewhere." Jeff looked everywhere for the missing ear. At last he found an ear on the ground. He picked it up and carried it to Joe."Here you are," he said,"I've found it." Joe looked at it."No, that's not my ear." he said,"Mine had a cigarette behind it."

  1. What were Joe and Jeff?
    1. Soldiers.B. Drivers. C. Farmers. D. Cleaners.
  2. How did Joe lose his ear?
    1. He cut it off by himself.B. Jeff cut it off with a knife.
      C. A falling knife cut it off.D. A cigarette burned it up.
  3. At the end of the story Jeff found _______.
  1. someone else's ear B. Joe's ear C. a long knife D. a cigarette
    4. From the passage, we know Joe was not _______.
    1. strongB. kindC. foolish D. clever
      Norm Pethrick, a 36-year-old man in Australia’s northern city Darwin, was praised on Thursday for jumping onto a crocodile’s back to save his wife Wendy at Litchfield National Park, a popular tourist spot southwest of Darwin, a local newspaper reported. 
        Ms Pethrick was standing on a river bank Wednesday afternoon when the saltwater crocodile lunged (扑), locking its jaws on both her legs as it tried to drag her underwater. 
        Norm Pethrick, who with his wife had been collecting water, immediately went to help her. He jumped onto the back, poked (戳) the eyes of the crocodile and finally got his wife free. 
        Ms Pethrick was later taken to Royal Darwin Hospital for a medical treatment. The doctors said she was suffering eight puncture wounds (伤口) in her right leg, a puncture wound in her left leg and a serious cut to one of her fingers. 
       “This could have been a fatal and tragic situation,” said the general manager of Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH), Dr Len Notaras, according to a local report. 
      He said Ms Pethrick was saved by her husband’s “quick and diligent actions”. 
      Dr Notaras also said she would remain in hospital for three to four days and have an operation to clean the wounds, which are easy to get infected because of bacteria (细菌) on the teeth of the crocodile.
      5. This passage is most likely to be found in _____.
      A. a travel guide   B. a newspaper    C. a textbook     D. a novel
      6. The crocodile attacked Ms Pethrick when she was ______.
      A. swimming in the river          B. standing on the river bank
      C. watching the crocodile          D. fishing in the water
      7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ms Pethrick?
      A. Her eyes were badly poked.    
      B. She had eight wounds altogether.
      C. One of her fingers also got hurt. 

      D. One of the crocodile’s teeth was found in her leg.
      8. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
      A. The husband should save the wife
      B. A man saves wife’s life from crocodile’s jaws
      C. A crocodile is not so dangerous as people imagine
      D. Human beings can beat crocodiles sometimes

       I have a neighbor we call “Happy”. I have never seen her angry at anything and never heard her say a harsh (苛刻) word to anyone or about anyone.
      Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden. They spent many happy hours together working on it. Most of the neighbors watched interestingly as Ben doubled the size of their garden. As the cost of food climbed faster than Ben’s beans, we all wished we also had such a large garden. As the rest of us spent our dollars at the market, Happy could be seen picking beans in her back yard.
      Last month, Happy and Ben invited most of the neighborhood over for an “all-day food fest”. We were told to bring gloves and arrive very early in the morning. We didn’t know what was about to take place. 
      By 9:00 am, there were nine of us in the garden picking tomatoes, beans, okra, and squash. By 10:00 am, there was lots of laughter. We shared a lot of stories. By five o’clock, everyone was a little drunk from the wine and beer. After dinner, we played games. As we were leaving, Happy and Ben handed each of us a shopping bag filled with the bounty(收成)of the day, already packaged and frozen. What a delightful gift!
      Well, the point wasn’t so much about the food. The true gift was a day of friends enjoying one another’s company. None of it would have happened if it had been for Happy and Ben’s garden. Now they have a blog about gardening in case we decided to plant a garden. And I am so proud of my tomato plants!
      9. We can infer that Happy and her husband Ben_______.
      A. don’t like spending time with others   
      B. sometimes quarrel with each other
      C. sold the food they grow in their garden  
      D. are a generous and warm-hearted couple
      10. For what purpose did Happy and Ben invite the neighbors to their garden?
      A. To ask them to attend a birthday party
      B. To help them get to know each other.
      C. To let them enjoy what they grew in the garden.
      D. To ask them to share some interesting stories.
      11. What did the writer most probably think of the time he spent in the garden?
      A. It was too long       B. It was wonderful.
      C. It was not as good as he thought.   D. It was too terrible.

      It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argument. We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly, my mother will push the conversation into World War III. She’ll talk about my lack of a bright future because I don’t plan to be a doctor. And much to her disappointment, I don’t want to do any job related to science, either. In fact, when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修) in English and communications, she nearly had a heart attack.
      “Why can’t you be like my co-worker’s son?” she bemoans all the time. Her co-worker’s son received a four-year scholarship and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer. I don’t know what to answer except that I simply can’t be like Mr. Perfect as I’ve called the unnamed co-worker’s son. I can’t be like him. I’m the type of person who loves to help out in the community, write until the sun goes down, and most of all, wants to achieve a career because I love it, not because of fame (名声) or salary.
      I understand why my mother is worried about my future major. I’ve seen my mother struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours. She leaves the house around 6:30 am and usually comes home around  5 pm or even 6 pm. However, I want her to know that by becoming a doctor, it doesn’t mean I’ll be successful. I’d rather follow my dreams and create my own future.
      12. Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?
      A. The writer’s studies.      B. The writer’s future job
      C. Life.         D. Wars around the world
      13. We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the writer’s mother ____________.
      A. doesn’t want the writer to major in English
      B. doesn’t think the writer should be a doctor
      C. gets along very well with the writer
      D. doesn’t think the writer should work in the science field
      14. The underlined word “bemoans” in Paragraph 2 most probably means ________.
      A. agrees        B. shouts          C. complains            D. smiles
      15. Which of the following statement is probable TRUE about the writer?
      A. He wants to be like his mother’s co-worker’s son.
      B. He wants to be an engineer in the future.
      C. He doesn’t think his mother’s co-worker’s son is perfect.
      D. He wants to do something he really likes in the future.$来&源:

      The Spring Festival holiday is one of the longest holidays in China, which many people look forward to. While many of us are enjoying the idea of relaxing in the company of the family and friends for a few days, a lot of woman are actually afraid of the holiday season. 16 They have to take care of the preparation of food and the proper receiving of guests. And the cold season also adds to the stress and the tension. It is no surprise to find a lot of women exhausted and stressed out right after taking the holiday. Then, why don’t you try the following simple tips on how to avoid holiday stress?
      Tip1: Do not make things complicated.$来&源:
      17 Rather than spend a lot of time in the department store looking for the right gifts to give, why not buy online and save you the trouble? People today also appreciate gift cards more, because they can buy the things they really want with the cards.
      Women get stressed out when they are not in complete control over the things. Before you start forgetting some of your tasks, write them down. Make a list of what you need to do during your break, and separate them into the ones you need to do in the order of their importance and the ones you can easily complete.
      Tip3: Take the time to avoid stress.
      Take a warm bubble bath in essential oils. 19 This can also calm nerves. If you are still feeling stressed out, try Chinese acupuncture (针刺疗法). It can help you relax your body.
      Tip4: Get extra energy supplements.
      Take a vitamin C supplement.20 On top of that, it can also help make skin softer, stronger and more radiant. It also has anti-oxidative(抗氧化的) advantages that can fight cellular oxidation. And try to take as many other vitamins as possible.
      A. Everyone can enjoy the holidays.
  2. This can help increase energy levels.
  3. Keep things simple and straightforward.
  4. Don’t force yourself to do too many things.
  5. Make a list of the things you want to do.
  6. Women are usually the busiest people during this season.
  7. Essential oils can help make your skin softer and smoother.


第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

In a tree in a jungle(丛林), there once lived many birds. They were 21 in their small nests and sang every day. Before the rainy season22, all the animals in the jungle23 their homes. The birds also made their homes safer.

Many birds 24 twigs(细枝) and leaves and others wove their nests. “We should also25 some food for our children,” said one of the birds. And they collected food26 they had enough to see them 27 the rainy season. They kept themselves busy 28 the bad times.

Soon the 29 came. It was followed by thunder and lightning. All the animals and birds stayed at their homes. It kept raining for many30. One day, a monkey31 in the rain came into the jungle. He sat on a branch,32 with cold.

The poor monkey tried his best to get a place, but33. The leaves were not enough to save him from the rain."Brrr! It is so34!" said the monkey. The birds were 35 all this. They felt sorry for the monkey, but there was little they could do for him. One of them said, “Brother! Our small nests are not36enough to give you shelter.” Another bird said, “All of us prepared for the rainy season. If you had, you would not be in this difficult37.”

“How dare you tell me what to do?” said the monkey, shouting at the bird. The monkey38hit the bird’s nest, tore and threw it on the ground. The bird and her babies were 39.

The poor bird thought, “Fools never value(重视) good40. It is better not to advise them.

21. A. interested B. angry C. happy D. worried

22. A. changed B. followed C. dropped D. arrived

23. A. left B. repaired C. increased D. loved

24. A. wanted B. made C. brought D. broke

25. A. store B. buy C. borrow D. steal

26. A. if B. after C. when D. until

27. A. at B. through C. around D. on

28. A. looking back upon B. taking care of

C. looking forward to D. getting ready for

29. A. sunshine B. wind C. rain D. snow

30. A. years B. days C. minutes D. hours

31. A. tall B. big C. wet D. slow

32. A. shaking B. rising C. thinking D. jumping

33. A. won B. lost C. failed D. left

34. A. high B. funny C. lucky D. cold

35. A. worrying B. watching C. explaining D. enjoying

36. A. dry B. tall C. big D. comfortable

37. A. plan B. branch C. jungle D. situation

38. A. bravely B. angrily C. worriedly D. pleasantly

39. A. helpless B. nice C. pleased D. bored

40. A advice B time C. experience D. Friendship

第二节 (共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing abilities.

__41__ (compare) with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes __42__ (little) time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. __43__ we insist on this practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many difficulties. In the first place, it often happens __44__ we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. __45__ (second), there are many idiomatic(惯用的) ways of saying things in Chinese. And __46__ is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.

As far as I am concerned, my __47__ (suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something __48__ (beat) us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is __49__ great use to keep a diary in English for __50__ development of our writing skills.

第三部分 基础知识:单句填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)


1.If I remember ________(correct), he’s Spanish.

2.I think I should say a few words of __________________ (encourage) to those who do not win any prizes this time.

3.—It was ___________ (embarrass) that I made several pauses in my speech.

—Forget it. After all, it was your first speech.

4.Please refer to the ____________ (instruct) before you switch on the engine.

5. When you are in an interview, it is important to make a good _____________ (impress) on the interviewers.

6.It's bad _____________ (behave) for a man to smoke in the public places

where smoking is not allowed.

7.It's difficult to be ________________ (patience) when we're stuck in a

traffic jam, but we have to be.

8.I really appreciate your ________________ (offer) to drive me home,but I

am afraid that I have to finish my work first now.

9.Our bodies are strengthened by exercise;_____________(similar), our

minds are developed by learning.

10.You should take your job __________ (serious) now that you have taken it.


11.The children ______________(divide) into three groups and each group was given a different task.

12.There is _______________ like being home with family members during the Spring Festival.

13.Generally speaking, the cost of living in a big city is higher than _______ in

a town.

14.Will you see ____________(关照,处理) the arrangements for the next


15. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise _________________(go) on.

16.You should avoid ___________(spend) too much in the first half of the


17.—The stressful work is keeping me __________ sleeping well these days.

—You should have a rest, or you will break down.

18.Only ticket holders will ________________(admit) into the stadium.

19.In the summer of 2013, many parts of South China experienced extremely

hot weather, resulting ________ many deaths.

20.His _________(worry) look has told me that he cares about me very much.


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for hold such a wonderful party for me before the day of your returning to Australia. I really can’t thank you enough for that you’ve done for me during my visit.

  I remembered vividly the day I arrive here. I was deeply impressed by your kindness or the beautiful scenery of your city. Everything was more wonderful than visiting the splendid Mount Huang on third day. And the memory will surely last a lifetime. I’m also glad to have made many friends here, to whom I hope to see again in the future.

I believe this visit will promote the friendship and understanding between the Australian and Chinese student. Once again , I want to extend my most sincerely gratitude to all of you. Thank you.









Dear David,

I’m glad to receive your letter.



Li Hua



1-4 DCBD 5-8 BBCB 9-11 D CB 12-15 B ACD 16-20FCEGB

21-25CDBCA 26-30DBDCB 31-35CACDB 36-40CDBAA


41compared     42. less      43. If    44. that      45. Secondly  

46. it    47. suggestion    48. beats     49. of    50. the


  1. hold---holding 2. your---my 3.that---what 4. arrive---arrived
  1. or--- and 6. Everything---Nothing 7. third前加上the

8. 去掉whom前的to 9. student---students 10. sincerely---sincere

Dear David,
I’m glad to receive your letter.

I have learned from your letter that you are concerned about the smog which frequently appears in some areas of China. Thank you for your concern. I’m also very worried about such terrible weather because it has brought much inconvenience or rather harm to people’s health such as traffic jam, road accidents, bad coughs, throat hurts and ever lung cancers and so on.
As everybody knows, a good environment comes from good protection. So we should do what we can to make a difference. Try to drive less and choose air-friendly products. Only when everyone has the environmental awareness can we have cleaner air.
Hoping to hear from you soon and share your good ideas. 


Li Hua
