



英 语 试 卷

命题人:徐文卿审题人:曹 芬 时间:120分钟 总分:150分




  1. What is the man probably?
    1. A teacher.B. A student.C. A player.
  2. Where are the speakers most probably?
    1. In the hospital.B. In the classroom.C. In the teachers’ office.
  3. How much will the woman pay?
    1. ¥6.B. ¥8. C. ¥12.
  4. What does the man mean?
    1. He wants the woman to attend the meeting.
    2. He can answer the questions after the meeting.
    3. He will be busy during his office hours.
  5. What will the man do soon?
    1. Get to the TV station.
    2. Buy a mobile phone.
    3. Board a plane.
  6. What tickets does the woman still have?
    1. The 40-dollar ones.B. The 45-dollar ones.
      C. The 50-dollar ones.
  7. When will the box office close?
    1. At 7:00 pm.B. At 7:30 pm.C. At 8:00 pm.
      听第7段材料,回答第8 至9题。
  8. What does the woman mainly say about Tu Youyou?
    1. Her hometown.B. Her education background.
      C. Her date of birth.
  9. How old was Tu Youyou when she went to college?
    1. 18.B. 20.C. 21.
  10. What does the man want to do?
    1. Attend a lecture.B. Watch a play.
      C. Post a package.
  11. How long will it take the man to get to his destination on foot?
    1. About 5 minutes.B. About 20 minutes.C. About 25 minutes.
  12. What is the problem with taking the shuttle bus?
    1. The bus doesn’t go directly.
    2. The bus is quite slow.
    3. The bus won’t come for a while.
  13. Which of the following will cost too much for developing countries?
    1. Clean modern technology.B. Economic development.
      C. Environment protection.
  14. Why is there no agreement on a plan among all the countries in the world?
    1. Developing countries are not willing to help.
    2. Developed countries are too busy with their own affairs.资*源%库
    3. Everyone is looking at the issue in the short term.$来&源:
  15. What is the main problem that people in Africa are facing?
    1. Climate change and over-farming.
    2. Damage to the forests.
    3. Air pollution.
  16. What does the man advise the woman to do?
    1. Run an organization.B. Join an organization.
      C. Go on with a project.
  17. Why did Qi Baishi attend school for less than a year?
    1. Because of his poor family.B. Because of his bad health.
      C. Because of his early marriage.
  18. What did Qi Baishi do after he turned 40?
    1. He started learning to paint flowers.
    2. He traveled throughout the country.
    3. He visited some painters and artists.
  19. Where did Qi Baishi marry his first wife?
    1. In Beijing.B. In Xi’an.C. In Xiangtan.
  20. How many children did Qi Baishi have altogether in his life?
    1. 8.B. 10. C. 12.
      While you are online there are plenty of perfectly legal sites where you can listen to music for free. This gives you the chance to listen to music before buying it, discover new music, and create great online playlists that you can share with others.
      The Sixty One
      The Sixty One is devoted to showcasing obscure (无名气的)or unknown artists of all genres.(流派) There’s a range of musical styles from classical to rock and roll, folk to jazz, and everything in between. Don’t expect to find big name musicians on here; you’re more likely to find the musicians playing at local coffee shops than bands you hear on the radio. You can find fantastic music that you never would have heard of otherwise.
      Pow Wow
      Pow Wows are the Native American people’s way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships, and making new ones. This is a time method to renew Native American culture and preserve the rich heritage of American Indians. PowWows.com has 2 online radio stations that play Native American Music 24/7 free! Here you can listen to your favorite artists and drum groups on your computer or mobile device and add your music to our station.
      Playlist has an enormous library, so you can create playlists with almost any musician you can think of. They have both some lesser known artists and big names, so you have a really good selection. The worst part: Due to licensing laws, many of the songs on Playlist are now restricted to certain countries. So unless you live inside the US, it is likely that you might not be able to find all of your favorite songs.资*源%库资*源%库
      Pandora is an intelligent Internet radio site. Basically, as you listen, you can give each song a thumbs up or thumbs down. You can create your own radio station that only plays music you like. The best part: It listens to your opinion, so that after a while it’s only playing music you like, but the list is always changing and expanding.
      My Space
      Combine a major social networking site with thousands of artists around the world. Each musician has their own page, which normally has a playlist of several of their songs. But it has a huge range of musicians ranging from huge stars to the up-and-coming, and you can listen to the music and interact with the rest of the page.
  21. If you enjoy listening to some new music, you can pay a visit to ______.
    1. The Sixty One B. Playlist C. Pow Wow D. Pandora
  22. You can’t listen to some music on Playlist possibly because ______.
    1. you don’t have any playlist
    2. you are not one of the members of the website
    3. it is only open to those who are in the United States
    4. the music is played only by the local people.
  23. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
    1. Create Your Own Playlist. B. All Kinds of Music Online.
      C. Best Free Music Websites. D. Listen to Music for free.
      A man walked into a small Irish pub and ordered three beers. Bartender was surprised, but he served that man three beers. One hour later the man ordered three beers again. The very next day that man ordered three beers again and drank quietly at a table. This repeated several times and shortly after the people of the town were whispering about the man, who was ordering three beers at once.
      A couple of weeks later, the bartender decided to clear this out and inquired: “I do not want to pry, but could you explain, why do you order three beers all the time?” The man replied: “It seems strange, isn’t it? You see, my two brothers live abroad at the moment, one – in France and another – in Italy. We have made an agreement, that every time we go to pub each of us will order extra two beers and it will help keeping up the family bond ”.
      Soon all the town have heard about the man’s answer and liked it a lot. The man became a local celebrity. Residents of the town were telling this story to newcomers or tourists and even invited them to that pub to look at Three Beer Man.
      However, one day the man came to pub and ordered only two beers, not three as usual. The bartender served him with bad feeling. All that evening the man ordered and drank only two beers. The very next day all the town was talking about this news, some people pray for the soul of one of the brothers, others quietly grieve.
      When the man came to pub the next time and ordered two beers again, the bartender asked him: “I would like to offer condolences to you, due to the death of your dear brother”. The man considered this for a moment and then replied: “Oh, you are probably surprised that I order only two beers now? Well, my two brothers are alive and well. It’s just because of my decision. I promised myself to give up drinking.”
  24. The man ordered three beers all the time because _______.
  1. people were fond of drinking beers in this pub.
  2. he missed his two brothers living abroad very much.
  3. this would help him become a local celebrity.
  4. it was an agreement with his brothers to keep up the family bond.

25. We can infer from the passage that______.

  1. news traveled fast in the town.
  2. the man became famous in the town because he was a heavy drinker
  3. the man’s brothers liked drinking beer very much
  4. the man was strong-minded to give up drinking

26. The bartender served the man with bad feeling because ________.

  1. he thought the man should order three beers
  2. he thought one of the man’s brothers had passed away
  3. he would earn less money
  4. the man decided to drink two beers
    27. The underlined word “condolences” in the last paragraph can be replaced
    1. gratitude B. sympathy C. appreciation D. surprise
      Can you resist cream cakes? I miss my sugar! I’ve decided to lose weight and I had to give up cakes. It’s difficult because I have a sweet tooth and I love cream cakes.
      Not having treats can be good for your health. I’ve heard that the Burts, a family of five in South East England,lived sugar free for a whole year after they found out their daughter had diabetes (糖尿 病).It wasn’t easy. To avoid temptation, I don’t go to any bakeries, but this family actually owns one, which makes up to 3 ,000 cakes a week.
      They were in shock when the doctor said that their 16-year-old Lucy had to check her blood sugar levels regularly and take insulin (胰岛素). He advised her to eat a normal,balanced diet,but the Burts went further and got rid of sugar altogether.
      And how does it feel to live without sugar for a while? Jason Burt said that for a month they felt weak. But later on it all changed. He says he feels “more awake” and full of energy.
      And what about the Burt family business? It had to keep using half a ton of sugar a week and any cook worth his salt knows that you have to taste a recipe to know if it’s right. No problem there,says Jason Burt’s wife, Clare. She points out that she’s got lots of people offering to taste the cakes for them. The family is also thinking about selling more delicious products.
      I wonder what makes us have a strong desire for sweet food. Anyway, I’ve decided to forget about the sweet taste of sugar for a while. As British model Kate Moss says:“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”
      28. From the passage, what do we know about the author?
      1. The author runs a bakery.B. The author hates sweet taste.
        C. The author is on a diet.D. The author’s daughter had diabetes.
        29. What did the Burts do after hearing the doctor’s advice?
        A.They were shocked.B. They went too far about it.
        C.They used half a ton of sugar a week.D. They avoided sugar completely.
        30. From the passage we can learn it is necessary for a cook.
        A. to make up to 3 ,000 cakes a week
        B. to taste a recipe to know if it’s right
        C. to get lots of people offering to taste the cakes
        D. to selling more delicious products
        31.What does the sentence by Kate Moss mean?
        A. It is worthwhile to resist food to look skinny.
        B. There is nothing tasting as good as sweets.
        C. Nothing tastes good when the skin feels terrible.
        D. Nobody can resist the desire for sweets.
        When I left my home in rural (乡下) Missouri to attend college in New York City, I didn’t consider myself an experienced subway rider. Because of my family’s warnings, I was afraid to take the subway at first. Luckily, I was able to overcome this fear by having my first trip by subway guided by a neighbor named Sasha. He had grown up in Manhattan, so he was familiar with the busy subway routes. He had taken the subway almost every day as a child with his family, and so I was encouraged to set off with him to learn the ins and outs of the New York subways.
        Sasha showed me to the stop nearest our building, led me down the steps from the busy street, and guided me skillfully through the fast-moving crowd in the station. I couldn’t decide whether to buy my ticket from the woman on the left or from the woman on the right, but Sasha confidently tugged (拉) me right up to the one on the left. I managed to speak out, “Canal Street, please,”and the woman silently took away my change and handed a ticket to me.
        I couldn’t tell to which platform to go; I had always used landmarks to find my way around my hometown. After a little searching, though, I saw the sign that read “Canal St.” Hanging above the escalator (电动扶梯), so Sasha and I climbed aboard and rode down to our platform.
        When we were finally seated on the train, Sasha lookd at me with a pleased expression. I suppose, he was proud of how well he had served as a guide. “You look like you belong here in the big city,” he said. I smiled back at him, wondering if I had already changed.
        We arrived at the Canal Street station, and we rode up the escalator toward the street, taking care to stand well to one side to let more impatient passengers by. I had a feeling that I have been exploring fantastic caverns (洞穴) filled with treasures and new wonders of an undiscovered continent. I’ll always remember my first subway ride, when “going underground” took on an entirely new meaning.
        32. What do we know about Sasha?
        1. He is an only child.B. He is a tourist guide.
          C. He is from a rural town. D. He is very warm-hearted.
          33. The subway station close to where the author lived was probably .
          1. quite smallB. Newly built
            C. easy to findD. Very crowded
            34. What happend to the author in the subway station?
            A. He almost lost his way.
            B. He took the wrong train.
            C. He asked Sasha to buy the tickets.
            D. He was too nervous to take the escalator.
            35. What did Sasha think of the author’s first subway ride?
            A. Shaming.B. WorryingC. Successful.D. Respectful.
            The Wife-carrying World Championship has been celebrated in a small town in central Finland since 1992. In 1992, the people of the town decided to restart some long-forgotten traditions. 36 He was said to only accept men as members of his gang who proved their worth in challenges. At that time, it was also a common practice to steal women from neighboring villages.
            37 A large number of competitors, people, and journalists from Finland to Canada attend the Wife-carrying World Championship every year.
            38 The Wife-carrying World Championship is held on a 253.5 meters long official track. The track has two dry obstacles and a water obstacle, about a meter deep. The wife to be carried may be your own, or your neighbor’s. The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kg. If she is less than 49 kg, the wife will be given a heavy bag to carry. Each time a competitor drops his wife, that couple will be fined 15 seconds. 39
            Alongside with the Wife-carrying World Championship, there is also a team competition. The distance is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink official “wife-carrying drink”. Then he may continue the race. 40
            While the Wife-carrying World Championship is being held, there are bands playing music, a wife-carrying dance and other forms of entertainment.
            A. There are a few basic rules.
            B. People everywhere hold the event.
            C. A special prize is awarded to the team.
            D. Do you know how these traditions restarted?
  5. This event is becoming increasingly popular.
  6. The winner is the couple who complete the course in the shortest time.
  7. Back in the late 1800s, there was a robber called Rosvo-Ronkainen in that area.

第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


Children all round the world are familiar with fairy tales such as “The Little Mermaid”(美人鱼), “The Princess and the Pea” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The colourful 41 from the stories made us laugh and cry throughout our 42.

The stories are the creation of Danish writer Hans Christian Anderson. He was born into a 43 family in Odense, Denmark, on April 2, 1805. His 44 life was not easy. His father was a shoemaker and his mother a washerwoman. He 45 very little education. As a child he was very 46 and was laughed at for being feminine (女性化的) and tall.

In 1816 his father died and Anderson was 47 to go out to work, first in a tailor’s shop and 48 at a tobacco factory. 49 the age of 14 Anderson moved to Copenhagen to start a career as a singer and actor. He struggled for three years 50 he had to leave the theatre when his voice 51 in 1822.

52, Anderson went to a grammar school. Having done well, he was admitted to Copenhagen University in 1828. He began to publish his fairy tales in 1835. They 53 in small volumes (量) until his death.

54 Anderson lived a 55 life, he tried to make people 56 in all his stories. He wrote because he didn’t want children to have a 57 childhood as he did. The works 58 Anderson world fame, but he remained a 59 man. He never married and his friends were the people who paid for his work. Anderson 60 on August 4, 1875. His home in Odense is now a museum and thousands of people visit it every year.

41. A. parts B. pictures C. heroes D. characters

42. A. days B. time C. childhood D. years

43. A. poor B. musicalC. big D. happy

44. A. early B. childhood’s C. later D. school

45. A. accepted B. found C. received D. gained

46. A. emotional B. upset C. popular D. naughty

47. A. allowed B. forced C. willing D. used

48. A. then B. lately C. second D. finally

49. A. By B. From C. At D. Since

50. A. since B. after C. until D. still

51. A. lost B. changed C. broke D. worsened

52. A. Even so B. Afterwards C. From then on D. Otherwise

53. A. turned out B. sold out C. came out D. went out

54. A. Since B. Because C. Although D. As

55. A. hard B. interesting C. happy D. successful

56. A. cry B. laugh C. appreciate D. learn

57. A. sad B. happy C. busy D. strange

58. A. got B. brought C. made D. cost

59. A. poor B. unhappy C. moody D. lonely

60. A. passed away B. passed by C. left D. went




I was on a plane that was about to take off when my phone rang. It was my neighbor saying I needed to get to the hospital, for my wife Mary 61(take) to hospital, and when I arrived doctors were trying to make62(she) come back to consciousness, but it was no good.

I explained to my63(child) that Mummy had died. Within hours they were running around the garden, 64(chat) with their granddad while I was in a deep sorrow. I went through the motions of being a dad---cooking, cleaning, washing—but inside I felt hollow. One of the hardest things 65(cope) with was that the boys had lost their mother. Mary and I were everyone’s favorite couple. The physical loss of not having her around was66(extreme) painful. For a year, I was in the 67(deep) of misery. Then I decided that we had to get through this. I began to late Emma, ___68had been a childhood friend, and Mickey couldn’t wait for us to get married so he could call her Mum. It wasn’t long before George warmed to her, too---she is wonderful with them. Two years later we got married and life started to look rosy. Emma and I have had two boys to add69our family.

We all have the concept that our lives are following 70particular path, but sometimes it turns out it’s not going that way.









Dear editor,

I am writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic. Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining the heavy traffic. It has serious influenced people’s daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, I’d like to put forward some advices.

For one thing, more streets and roads should be built. In this way, we can speed up the flow of buses and cars. For other, the number of bikes and cars can be limited, that can decrease the traffic flow. But the most important thing is what the number of private cars should be put under the control. Meanwhile, buses should have its own special routes which cannot be using by other vehicles. Therefore, underground train and city train should be developed quickly.

I do hope my suggestions will be taken.


Li Hua

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假设你是李华。你的加拿大笔友卡尔想了解中国流行的广场舞(square dance)的相关情况。请你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括:







Dear Carl,

I’m delighted to hear from you and I will tell you what you’re curious about......



Li Hua


听力 1-5 BAABC 6-10 CBBCA 11-15 BCACA 16-20 BABCC

阅读理解21—23 ACC 24—27 DABB 28—31 CDBA 32—35 DDAC 36—40 GEAFC

完形填空 41-45 DCAAC 46-50 ABACC 51-55 CBCCA 56-60 BABDA


61. was taken/ had been taken 62. her 63. children 64. chatting

65. to cope 66. extremely 67. depth/depths 68. who 69. to 70. a


Dear editor,

I am writing to you to talk about the heavy traffic. Nowadays, people in many big cities are complaining ^ the heavy traffic. It has serious influenced people’s daily life

about seriously

and economic development. To solve the problem, I’d like to put forward some advices.


For one thing, more streets and roads should be built. In this way, we can speed up the flow of buses and cars. For other, the number of bikes and cars can be limited,


that can decrease the traffic flow. But the most important thing is what the number of

which that

private cars should be put under the control. Meanwhile, buses should have itsown


special routes which cannot be using by other vehicles. Therefore, underground train and

used Besides/Moreover

city train should be developed quickly.

I do hope my suggestions will be taken.


Li Hua


Dear Carl,

I’m delighted to hear from you and I will tell you what you’re curious about. Square dance becomes more popular than anytime before. However, it’s a little different from the dance you are familiar with. In the morning or after dinner, people, especially elderly women, will gather in squares to dance to popular music. More and more young people are also joining in now.

There are many reasons behind its popularity. First of all, China has made great progress in its social and economical development in the past decades, and people have more time and energy to enjoy themselves. Besides, doing the square dance is a good way for people to get fit.

However, because dancers play loud music and occupy lots of public places, they annoy many people. Maybe square dancers need to make some changes.


Li Hua
