

试卷类型 A




第一部分 听力 (共两节满分30分)




  1. What is the man wearing now?
    1. A blue sport shirt.B. A green sport shirt.C. A green T-shirt.
  2. How many languages can Helen speak fluently?
    1. Three.B. Four.C. Two.
  3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    1. Psychological problems.B. Spending habits.C. High rents.
  4. Where will the woman go first?
    1. To the post office.B. To the bakery.C. To the bank.
  5. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    1. At home.B. At a restaurant.C. At school.
      第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  6. Who showed the man some pictures of South Africa?
    1. Jennifer.B. Lisa.C. Laura.
  7. What does the man have to do now?
    1. Wait for his partner’s reply.B. Book a flight immediately.C. Ask his boss for the time off.
  8. Why did the woman go to that location?
    1. She saw a brochure.B. It has the lowest price.C. It’s near her workplace.
  9. What does the man want the woman to do?
    1. Buy a golden card.
    2. Go online before Johanna shows her around.
    3. Give him a picture for a new membership card.
  10. Who might Ms. Winkler be?
    1. Ella’s mom.B. Ella’s teacher.C. Ella’s advisor.
  11. What does Ella need to do to be a top ten student?
    1. Pass the final exam. B. Do well for the next few months. C. Get a 90% on the final exam.
  12. What is the man worried about?
    1. Ella getting into college.B. Ella’s social life.C. Ella’s mental health.
  13. What did Eva do last night?
    1. She went to a concert. B. She saw a Christmas play. C. She watched a basketball game.
  14. How is Rebecca related to Eva?
    1. Eva’s classmate.B. Eva’s teacher.C. Eva’s sister.
  15. What does Eva’s mother probably do for a living?
    1. She’s a violinist. B. She’s a nurse.C. She’s a babysitter.
  16. Why is Derek having trouble with his studies?
    1. He is busy with his music.
      B. He has to work in the orchestra.
      C. He has a lot of responsibilities at home.
  17. Who is making the announcement?
    1. The city.B. Campus Security.C. The marathon organizer.
  18. When does the race start?
    1. At 8:00 a.m.B. At 9:00 a.m.C. At 9:30 a.m.
  19. What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?
    1. Get excited about the marathon.
    2. Call the marathon organizer’s website to complain.
    3. Finish their business before the race starts.
  20. Why should people get a map?
    1. To find the closest parking lots.
    2. To figure out where there might be traffic problems.
    3. To find out which shops and banks are open.
      部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
      The Great War Exhibition
      When: Sun 10 Jan, 9:00 am- 6:00 pm
      Mon 11 Jan, 9:00 am- 6:00 pm
      Where: Dominion Museum Building, 15 Buckle Street, Wellington
      Restrictions: All Ages
      Ticket Information: Admission Free
      The journey is rich in personal stories which tell of the great experience of the battlefields and the hardships athome during war-time New Zealand. The visitors will experience the desperate horrors and the victories of the human spirit that were part of the Great War.
      Kaipara Coast Plants & Sculpture Gardens
      When: Sun 10 Jan, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
      Mon 11 Jan, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
      Where : 1481 Kaipara Coast Highway (SH16), Auckland
      Restrictions: All Ages
      Ticket Information:
      ● Adults: $10.00
      ● Children 5-13:$ 5.00
      ● Groups 10 : $ 8.00
      ● Over 60 &. Students (with ID): $ 9.00
      Come and enjoy a relaxed art and garden experience. Sculptures are for sale and the display changes completely ever 12 moths with the new exhibition opening in December each year to give you a fresh experience each time you come.
      Dream Works Animation
      When: Sun 10 Jan, 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
      Mon 11 Jan, 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
      Where: Te Papa, 55 Cable St, Wellington
      Restrictions: All Ages
      Ticket Information:
      ● Adults: $ 15.00
      ● Children&Students 3-15 (with Student ID): $ 6.00
      ● Children under 3: $0.00
      The exhibition features over 400 items, including rare concept drawing, models, interviews, and original artworks. Adults and kids can get creative with real animation tools, and soar above the clouds in the Dragon Flight experience from How to Train Your Dragon.
      Balls, Bullets and Boots
      When: Sun 10 Jan, 9:00 am- 4:30 pm
      Mon 11Jan, 9:00 am- 4:30 pm
      Where: National Army Museum, 1 Hassett Dr, SH1, Waiouru
      Restrictions: All Ages
      Ticket Information: Door Sales Only
      The exhibition explores the impact the cruel reality of war had on colonial sportsmen and their loved ones as they were transplanted from the rugby fields of home to fight.
  21. If a couple with their son aged 5 attend the second and the third exhibitions, howmuch should they pay?
  1. $ 53. B. $61. C. $75. D. $82.

22. Which of the following may attract a sport-lover most?

  1. Balls, Bullets and Boots.
  2. The Great War Exhibition.
  3. Dream Works Animation.
  4. Kaipara Coast Plants & Sculpture Gardens.

23. The main purpose of the text is to ________..

  1. Persuade people to study history seriously
  2. Attract more visitors to join in the exhibitions
  3. Advise people to spend more time with families
  4. Compare the differences of four different exhibitions


Meet Ben Saunders: adventurer, athlete, motivational speaker. Ben, at the age of 23, was the youngest man to ski solo (单人滑雪) to the North Pole. He dragged a 180-kilogramme sledge (雪橇) over 1,420 miles through the worst Arctic conditions. This year, as well as planning a return to the Arctic, Ben plans to ski solo from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole and back in the autumn, carrying all his supplies on his sledge.

Ben Saunders was fired after persuading the firm to support his disorganized first adventure. “Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. We were attacked by a bear. We started running out of food. It was just desperate. And we didn't get to the Pole; we didn't get there, so we had no media interest. No one heard about it: no book deal, and no speaking. I was so unhappy.”

People said it was impossible for me to get to the Pole. I said, “No, I can get there,” and I did. Self-belief, I see it as being a bit like a muscle — it's my belief that the more you stretch (伸展) yourself, the stronger it gets. If you never do anything that's uncomfortable or risky then your self-belief gets weaker. So that's one of the lessons I've figured out along the way. The thing that I've stretched and tested is my self-belief.

“My Antarctic adventure is just practicable and that's what is exciting to me. If I knew it was possible, if I knew I could do it without too much bother, I wouldn't be interested.” Why? “Personally I'm attracted by the human performance element to it. Not that long ago, running a marathon was seen as the top point of human attempt, and now I wouldn't be that surprised if my mum said she was going to run one next year.”

People's horizons (见识) are changing. “I'm not particularly gifted, and I'm absolutely average. I've just chosen this one goal to achieve and I've been working hard to realize it. That's it. And that's the thing that attracts me: with enough training and enough determination, enough focus and preparation, how far can we go? And I don't think I've found out yet.”

24. What do we know about Ben Saunders' first adventure?

  1. There was no press coverage.
  2. It was supported by his company.
  3. It was well planned and organized.
  4. He actually reached the North Pole.

25. According to Ben Saunders, if you want to stretch your self-belief, you should _____.

  1. often test your confidence B. try something adventurous

C. aim to reach the North Pole D. always stretch your muscles

26. Ben Saunders was excited about his Antarctic adventure because _____.

  1. he liked running a marathon
  2. he wanted to exercise his body
  3. he knew it might be achievable
  4. he was sure he could do it easily

27. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  1. We have to change our views about adventure.
  2. Wemay never know our possibilities and energies.
  3. We should have a reason for going on an adventure.
  4. We have to be especially talented to have an adventure.


We’ve reached a strange–some would say unusual–point. While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance according to a recent report from the World Health Organization, more people now die from being overweight, or say, from being extremely fat, than from being underweight. It’s the good life that’s more likely to kill us these days.

Worse still, nearly 18 million children under the age of five around the world are estimated to be overweight. What’s going on?

We really don’t have many excuses for our weight problems. The dangers of the problem have been drilled into us by public–health campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through-up to a point.

In the 1970s, Finland, for example, had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweight was its main cause. Not any more. A public–health campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent over the past three decades.

Maybe that explains why the percentage of people in Finland taking diet pills doubled between 2001 and 2005, and doctors even offer surgery of removing fat inside and change the shape of the body. That has become a sort of fashion. No wonder it ranks as the world’s most body –conscious country.

We know what we should be doing to lose weight—but actually doing it is another matter. By far the most popular excuse is not taking enough exercise. More than half of us admit we lack willpower. Others blame good food. They say: it’s just too inviting and it makes them overeat. Still others lay the blame on the Americans, complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American–style fast food.

Some also blame their parents—their genes. But unfortunately, the parents are wronged because they’re normal in shape, or rather slim.

It’s a similar story around the world, although people are relatively unlikely to have tried to lose weight. Parents are eager to see their kids shape up. Do as I say—not as I do.

28. What’s the “strange” point mentioned in the first sentence?

  1. The good life is a greater risk than the bad life.
  2. Starvation is taking more people’s lives in the world.
  3. WHO report shows people’s unawareness of food safety.
  4. Overweight issue remains unresolved despite WHO’s efforts.

29. Why does the author think that people have no excuse for being overweight?

  1. A lot of effective diet pills are available.
  2. Body image has nothing to do with good food.
  3. They have been made fully aware of its dangers.
  4. There are too many overweight people in the world.

30. The example of Finland is used to illustrate _______.

  1. the cause of heart disease B. there are too many overweight people in the world

C. the effectiveness of a campaign D. the fashion of body shaping

31. Which would be the best title for the passage?

  1. Actions or Excuses B. Overweight or Underweight

C. WHO in a Dilemma D. No Longer Dying of Hunger


Adults are happy to tell their children that crusts (面包皮) will give them curly hair, carrots will help them see in the dark, and spinach will make them strong. Even though adults know it's not totally true, they think it's good for their children's health, a study had found.

In a study about 31 percent of adults said they once told their children the curly hair tale, and 36 percent said they'd been told the same thing by their mother or father. Among the over-50s, almost half said they'd been promised curly hair if they ate their crusts. A quarter of the 2,000 adults questioned in the study told their children carrots would help them see in the dark. This could be true to some extent because of the high levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene in root vegetables.

Another favorite among parents is that milk will make one strong. A third surveyed said their parents told them this, and about 29 percent said they told their children the same thing. But while there is plenty of evidence to suggest milk is good for people's health, there are also a lot of scientific papers saying it isn't.

Thanks to Popeye, spinach is also fed to children, along with the idea that it will make them strong. While there is also some truth in this one, scientists now believe it is not the iron, but the inorganic nitrates (无机硝酸盐) that improve physical power.

One in seven of the surveyed admitted telling their little ones that runner beans will make them run faster, which is nothing more than wordplay and has no basis in science. Almost one in five adults were subjected to the same tale in childhood.

Just over one in 10 parents told their children green food would turn them into a superhero, and a quarter admitted hiding vegetables in meals.

Lyndsay Jones, spokesman for Persil Washing Up Liquid, said,"It's clear that the most persuasive stories about food are passed on from generation to generation. Our research shows that the ideas continue, and we tell our kids the same things our parents told us, even if they're not always entirely true."

Crusts may not make your hair curly, but there's plenty of research that says crusts contain more of the goodness than the rest of a loaf. Hopefully, as a result of our Cook with Kids promise, more parents will be encouraged to spend time with their children in the kitchen and teach them the truth about food.

32. We can know from Paragraph 3 that ________.

  1. a third people are forced to drink milk by their parents
  2. milk is beneficial to children's physical strength
  3. there is doubt whether milk is helpful to people's health
  4. about 29 percent people wish their children good health

33. Which of the following does Lyndsay Jones agree?

  1. Adults are willing to teach their children as their parents did.
  2. Most persuasive stories about food are false.
  3. Stories about food shouldn't be passed on from generation to generation.
  4. Parents can't make sure if some stories about food are totally true.

34. We can learn from the passage that ________.

  1. scientists think the iron in spinach helps children grow strong
  2. parents are expected to tell children the truth about food
  3. runner beans can really make children run fast
  4. crusts are said to contain less nutrition than a loaf
    35. How is the passage mainly developed?
    1. By following time orderB. By making comparisons.

C. By giving examples.D. By analyzing causes.



In high school,it’s important to stay healthy.36 How can you study well if you’re sick? So you should pay attention to your health in order to study well in high school.In order to enjoy good health,you should have some good habits.Here are some tips for you.

Drink water regularly every day.Some students don’t like drinking water.They only drink water when they are extremely thirsty.37You should drink water regularly so that your body and brain can function well.Avoid sport drinks and soda when you are thirsty.They are not good for your health.

38Some students don’t eat three meals a day.No matter what happens,you should not skip any meal of the day.Eating regularly helps keep your metabolism(新陈代谢)high and keeps your energy up.It’s especially important to eat a good breakfast every day with protein,carbohydrates(碳水化合物,and fiber to set up your body for the day of activity.If you don’t eat,how can you stay focused in class?

Eat the right foods.Some students eat whatever they can get.This is wrong.39Choose whole grains like rice and whole wheat flours.Skip muffins,donuts,and other processed foods.Instead,choose whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables.

40If you do that,you can get distracted.Therefore,you may not pay attention to how much you are eating.You may eat too much.Eating too much harms your health.And you may gain too much weight because of it. Try to eat slowly so your brain sends the right signals to tell your belly that it’s full.

A.Don’t skip meals.

B.This is bad for your health.

C.Eat a good breakfast every day.

D.Avoid eating too much at one time.

E.Don’t watch TV or movies when you eat.

F.If you are unhealthy,you may fall ill easily.

G.You should eat the foods that are good for your body.




My wife and I were attending a wedding at St. John’s Church. The sound of41rang to the heavens as the ceremony continued.

At the church, I 42 an old friend,Casper, who happened to be at the43. Now 73, Casper was a brilliant and 44 softball pitcher (投球手) back in the Men’s Leagues of Philadelphia in the mid-60s. I did not 45the now silver-haired fellow until my brother-in- law John mentioned his name to me! After a very pleasant46, Casper asked if I remembered a letter of47 I had written to him back in 1964. It appeared Casper fell on hard times.As professional pitchers 48 do, he wasn’t pitching too well for a period of time. I did not 49the letter, but he said, “Yes, I still have it, and I read it anytime 50 aren’t going too well.” He said that he had read the letter many times, and the situation always seemed to improve. I was 51andspeechless!

He continued, “You don’t remember?” I said, “Sadly, no, I don’t.” But I did ask if I could have a(n) 52of the letter. He said he would email it to me. After the53, we met on the steps of the church. Casper came up to me and 54the letter. He lived a block from the55and had run home to get it. The envelope was56 and turned yellow, and so was the letter inside. That letter had to be nearly 50 years old.

In57terms, the letter read:“These hard times are58! Keep your enthusiasm for the 59.Never quit and you’ll be back on top again60. Hang on there!”

41. A. wind B. music C. traffic D. fireworks

42. A. took over B. ran into C. picked up D. called on

43. A. meeting B. service C. scene D. position

44. A. limited B. balanced C. devoted D. talented

45. A. invite B. recognize C. disturb D. inform

46. A. discussion B. shaking C. journey D. greeting

47. A. encouragement B. appreciation C. apology D. introduction

48. A. sometimes B. entirely C. rarely D. forever

49. A. receive B. write C. remember D. preserve

50. A. jobs B. things C.stagesD. effects

51. A. pleased B. disappointed C. puzzled D. annoyed

52. A. address B. copy C. record D. opinion

53. A. party B. break C. wedding D. incident

54. A. dropped B. delivered C. opened D. presented

55. A. theatre B. church C. office D. station

56. A. folded B. faded C. painted D. divided

57. A. gentle B. patient C. modest D. simple

58. A. reasonable B. temporary C. relative D. impressive

59. A. game B. prize C. glory D. lesson

60.A. properly B. casually C. totally D. shortly

第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Jane was walking round the department store. She remembered how difficult61was to choose a suitable Christmas present for her father. She wished that he was as easy62(please)as her motherwho was always delighted with perfume.

Besidesshopping at this time of the year was not63pleasant experience: people stepped on your feet or64 (push)you with their elbows(肘部)hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.

Jane paused in front of a counter 65 some attractive ties were on display. “They are real silkthe assistant tried to attract her. “Worth double the price.” But Jane knew from past experience that her66(choose)of ties hardly ever pleased her father.

Jane stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered. She found some good quality pipes67sale. She did not hesitate for long: although her father smoked a pipe only once in a while,she knew that this was a present which was bound to please68.

When Jane got homewith her small but well-chosen present in her bagher parentswere already at table having supper. Her mother said69(excite),“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking!” Jane 70(inform).

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



Lily is a good friend of me. She is an exchange student from America, that has been studying in China for one and a half month. In order to make full use of her short stay here, Lily works hardly. Because she had not studied any Chinese before coming, so she has much trouble communicating with the local people. She got up early in the morning to study after class. She is so independent while live far from her family and quite helpful to our Chinese. However busy she is, she would rather take her time help us with our English.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 描述这一现象;

2. 分析其原因及弊端;


注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 但可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不记入总词数。


Dear editor,

I’m writing to you about a common phenomenon to draw it to the public attention.




河北冀州中学 仿真考试二 答案


1-5 CABAA6-10 CACAB 11-15 CBCCB 16-20 ABACB

21—25BABAB 26—30 CBACC 31—35ACDBC 36—40 FBAGE

41—45BBCDB 46—50DAACB 51—55CBCDB 56—60BDBAD

B 卷

1-5 BBBAA6-10 CACAB 11-15 CACCB 16-20 ABACB

21—25ABA BA 26—30CABCC 31—35BCDAC 36—40 EABGF

41—45AACDA 46—50DBBCA 51—55 CACDA 56—60ADABD

61.it 62.to please 63. a 64. pushed 65. where

66. choice 67. on 68. him 69. excitedly 70. was informed

Lily is a good friend of me. She is an exchange student from America, thathas

mine who

been studying in China for one and a half month. In order to make full use of her


short stay here, Lily works hardly. Because she had not studied any Chinese before


coming,so she has much trouble communicating with the local people. She gotup


early in the morning to study after class. She is so independent while live far from

before living

her family and quite helpful to our Chinese. However busy she is, she would rather


take her time Λ help us with our English.


Dear editor,

I’m writing to you about a common phenomenon to draw it to the public attention.

As is often the case, when people are having meals, waiting for buses or even walking along streets, they are always addicted to their phones, heads hanging down, completely ignoring others.

The reason for the increasing number of phubbings everywhere is that smart phones nowadays can be used for people to do nearly everything, such as playing mobile games, shopping online and keeping in touch with friends through QQ. However, too much exposure to phones is harmful for their health and safety. Moreover, people engaged in phones fail to communicate well with those around them.

Personally, people should wisely use their phones to help with their work and study. Meanwhile they’d better care more about their family and friends rather than phones.

Best wishes to you!

Yours truly,

Li Hu


Text 1

M: Have you seen my blue sport shirt?

W: I think it’s still in the washing machine. You’ll probably have to keep wearing that green T-shirt until the wash is done. Sorry about that.

Text 2

M: Helen is writing a book about German and Danish literature.

W: Wow! She knows Chinese and English. Is she also fluent in German and Danish?

M: German, yes. But she’s just starting to learn Danish for this project.

Text 3

W: I’m afraid I spent so much last month that I won’t be able to pay the rent on time.

M: I warned you last month that you were spending too much again. You really should stay away from the mall.

Text 4

M: Hey, Josie. What’s up? Are you heading to Main Street, too?

W: Yeah. I’m trying to get there as fast as I can. I need to deposit some money and book a birthday cake. But first, I’ve got to mail some letters.

Text 5

W: How do I look in this dress? I want to wear it to the school party tonight.

M: It looks great. But I think you’ll be more attractive in that long black dress. Oh, someone is at the door. I think it’s the pizza we ordered.

Text 6

M: I’m thinking of going to South Africa around New Year’s Day for two weeks. It’s such a beautiful country, Jennifer.

W: Have you been there before?

M: No, but I’ve seen some of Laura’s pictures of her hometown, and it really made me want to visit.

W: Have you booked a flight?

M: Not yet. I’ll probably buy my tickets sometime next month.

W: Wouldn’t they be cheaper now? You can usually get better prices if you buy in advance.

M: I know, but Lisa wants to go with me, and she still has to ask her boss for the time off. I don’t want to book my flight and then have to change it.

W: No doubt!

Text 7

M: Welcome to New Day Fitness. May I see your membership card?

W: I’m not a member. I was just driving by, and I thought I would stop in and see what the place looks like. Can I have a look around?

M: Absolutely. Do you belong to a gym now?

W: No, I’m new in town. My workplace is not far from here, and I’ve been thinking of joining one.

M: Well, Johanna will show you around, but I will give you this brochure to take with you. You can sign up here today or online at this web address. If you sign up today, we can take your picture for your card right here.

W: Okay. Thanks.

M: You are welcome. Madam, surely you deserve to treat yourself to the golden card…

Text 8

M: How are your grades this semester, Ella? I don’t want to put pressure on you, of course, but I’d love a report.

W: You mean Ms. Winkler didn’t tell you?

M: No, I’m afraid I haven’t heard from her in months. I was actually starting to get worried. You are passing, I’m sure.

W: Of course, Dad. And Ms. Winkler said that I only need to get a 90% on the final exam to be on the list of the top ten students in the whole school.

M: That’s fantastic news! I guess Mom knows, but why didn’t she tell me? I would love to celebrate this with you.

W: Not so fast. I still have to pass the final, you know. Even though I only need a 90%, I don’t want to leave anything to chance. And I want to learn everything I can.

M: I’m so proud of you. But if you’re too focused on your studies, you might find it hard to make friends at college in a couple of years. Just take it easy once in a while.

Text 9

W: Derek, did you go to the basketball game last night? It was really exciting, and almost everyone was there. But I didn’t see you.

M: I was dying to, but I missed it. I was practicing for my violin concert and I lost track of time. I guess you went, Eva?

W: I did, but I had to leave early. My mom asked me to get home before 9:00 so she could go to work. She didn’t want to leave Rebecca home alone.

M: Your mom is on night shifts again? That’s not easy.

W: Not easy on my social life, but it’s just for a month. And she’s taking care of a bunch of sick kids, so I can’t really complain.

M: You’ll miss the class Christmas play!

W: Well, I missed the end of the basketball game, too. Right after I left, things really heated up. I heard we got most of our points in the last quarter.

M: Well, at least your schoolwork won’t suffer. If you’re home every evening, you can study and go to bed. I will still have to balance studying and practicing.

W: It will be worth it when you have a career you love, won’t it?

M: Yes. I have always dreamed of being a violinist in the city orchestra.

Text 10

Please be advised that many streets in and around the Howard University campus will be closed on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. as part of the Williams Route 66 Marathon. The city of Smithville has advised us that we should expect traffic problems, especially when runners are likely to be passing our school. Campus Security officers will be on hand to help direct traffic, but you should expect difficulty entering and exiting campus. The marathon begins downtown at 8:00 a.m. More than 11,000 people are expected to attend this event, and significant traffic jam is expected. Remember that visitors may also be lining the streets to cheer on the competitors, so it’s best to finish any shopping or banking before 9:00. We know that some of you will need to conduct business as usual. Students and employees who park in the apartment parking lots may be able to enter and exit through gates along the main streets that are normally closed during regular hours. You’d better get a map of the marathon course so that you can handle the traffic problems. You may also call their office at 918-555-1212. If you have concerns, please contact us at Campus Security by phone at 918-555-6361, or leave a comment on our website.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  1. (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)


21.数字计算题。题干:一对夫妻带着五岁的儿子看第二个和第三个展览的价格。根据价格介绍中的相关信息:第二个展览:● Adults: $10.00 ● Children 5-13:$ 5.00;第三个展览:● Adults: $ 15.00

● Children&Students 3-15 (with Student ID): $ 6.00。可知,总价格为10*2+5+15*2+6=61.故选B。

22.细节理解题。根据最后一个展览的介绍The exhibition explores the impact the cruel reality of war had on colonial sportsmen and their loved ones as they were transplanted from the rugby fields of home to fight. 这个展览探索战争的残酷事实对殖民地的运动员以及他们所爱的人的影响,因为他们被迫离开球场去打仗。故选A。


【解析】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了极地探险家 Ben Saunders。

24.细节理解题。由第二段中的we didn't get there,so we had no media interest 可知,在 Ben Saunders 的第一次北极探险中,由于他们没有到达北极,所以没有引起媒体的关注。故选A。

25. 推理判断题。由第三段中的If you never do anything that's uncomfortable or risky then your self-belief gets weaker 可知,Ben Saunders认为如果你从不做任何不舒服或有风险的事情,那么 你的自我信念就会变弱,因此,如果想增强自我信念,就需要尝试一些有挑战的事情。故选B。

26. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的My Antarctic adventure is just practicable and that's what is exciting to me.可知,令Ben Saunders感到兴奋的是他的南极探险是可行的,可以实现的。故选C。

27. 推理判断题。由最后一段的with enough training and enough determination, enough focus and preparation, how far can we go? And I don't think I've found out yet可知,我们可能永远不会知道我们的潜力和力量。故选B。


28. 推理判断题。由第一段中的“While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance… more people now die from being overweight, or say, from being extremely fat, than from being underweight. It’s the good life that’s more likely to kill us these days”可知,尽管解决世界饥饿问题仍然非常重要,但是现如今,死于过度肥胖的人比饿死的人还要多。好生活似乎成了更大的杀手。这是一个非常奇怪的现象,结合选项可知,A选项切题。

29.细节理解题。由第三段We really don’t have many excuses for our weight problems. The dangers of the problem have been drilled into us by public–health campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through-up to a point.可知,从2001年起,公共健康运动就一直在向人们宣传肥胖的危害。这个信息已经深入人心,人们对于肥胖的危害已经有了很清楚的认识。所以人们不能再为自己的肥胖找借口。故选C

30.推理判断题。由第四段中的 In the 1970s, Finland, for example, had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweight was its main cause. Not any more. A public–health campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent over the past three decades.可知,该数据说明,20世纪70年代,芬兰的心脏病居全球第一,肥胖是主要原因。再过去的30年里,公共健康运动已将芬兰的心脏病死亡率降低了80%。这个例子充分表明了公共健康运动的作用。故选C

31. 标题归纳题。现在,我们面对一个很奇怪的问题:尽管世界饥饿问题还很严重,但是,死于过度肥胖的人比饿死的人还要多。好生活似乎危害更大。很多人都知道肥胖的危害,都意识到应该减肥,但是,人们却不愿真正的采取措施去减肥,并且为自己的肥胖找了很多借口。那么,我们到底该继续为自己找借口还是行动起来,积极地减肥呢?答案不言而喻。故A选项适合做该文标题。

32.细节理解题。根据文章“But while there is plenty of evidence to suggest milk is good for people's health, there are also a lot of scientific papers saying it isn't.”尽管有许多证据证明牛奶对身体健康有好处,但是仍有许多科学文件认为并不是这样。A项未提到,B项太绝对,D项与原文不符。

33.细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段“Our research shows that the ideas continue, and we tell our kids the same things our parents told us, even if they're not always entirely true。”可知父母不确定是否故事正确与否。A项teach用词不准确,应为tell. B项未提到。C项未提到。

34细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Hopefully, as a result of our Cook with Kids promise, more parents will be encouraged to spend time with their children in the kitchen and teach them the truth about food. ”A项根据第四段最后一句话“scientists now believe it is not the iron, but the inorganic nitrates (无机硝酸盐) that improve physical power. ”。C项根据文章第五段“which is nothing more than wordplay and has no basis in science.”D项根据文章对后一段第一句话“Crusts may not make your hair curly, but there's plenty of research that says crusts contain more of the goodness than the rest of a loaf.



36.F 空格前谈到,高中时期健康很重要,空格后指出:如果你病了怎么能学习好呢?可知空格处承上启下:如果你不健康,你就可能很容易生病。故选F

37.B 空格处谈到,有些学生只在口渴时才喝水,空格后又指出了正确的喝水方式(应该有规律地喝水),可知前面那种“口渴时才喝水”的做法不利于健康。故选B

38. A 本文主要讲述高中如何保持健康的话题。本段内容谈论的是一日三餐的好处,而且在本段开头就指出“Some students don’t eat three meals a day. No matter what happens, you should not skip any meal of the day.”,故选A:不要不吃饭。

39. G 本文主要讲述高中如何保持健康的话题。空格前谈到,一些学生吃任何他们能买到的东西,这是错误的,可知空格处选G:你应该吃对你的身体有好处的食物。

40. E 本文主要讲述高中如何保持健康的话题。联系下文的“If you do that, you can get distracted.(如果那样做,会分散你吃饭的注意力)”可知,空格处应该是分散注意力的事情,故选E:吃饭时不要看电视或电影。


41. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. wind风;B. music音乐; C. traffic交通;D. fireworks烟花。根据上句“我和妻子在圣约翰教堂参加婚礼”,可知婚礼继续时,音乐的声音响彻天空。故选B。

42. 考查动词短语辨析以及对语境的理解。A. took over接管,接替;B. ran into偶然遇见,快速进入,碰撞;C. picked up捡起,接某人,好转,偶然学会;D. called on号召,呼吁。句意:在教堂,我遇见一个老朋友Casper,他恰巧也在那儿。根据句意可知选B。

43.考察名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. meeting会议 B. service服务 C. scene场景D. position位置。根据上下文可知,作者和Casper都在现场。at the scene 在现场。故选C

44.考察形容词辨析及对语境的理解。A. limited有限的B. balanced平衡的C. devoted忠诚的 D. talented有才能的。句意:Casper是一位聪明又有能力的垒球投手。这里是和brilliant相对应的形容词。故选D

45. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. invite邀请;B. recognize识别,认出;C. disturb干扰,打扰;D. inform通知。句意:知道我的姐夫John向我介绍他的名字,我才认出现在这位银发同事。根据语境可知选B。

46. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. discussion讨论;B. shaking摇晃,动摇;C. journey旅程,旅行;D. greeting问候。句意:在非常愉快的问候之后,Casper问我是否还记得我在1964年给他写的一封鼓励信。两个很久没见的人见面,自然首先是一些问候的话语,故选D。

47. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. encouragement鼓励;B. appreciation欣赏,感激;C. apology道歉;D. introduction介绍。根据下文,这封信是在困难时刻作者写给Casper的信,他保存到现在,可知这是一封鼓励信,故选A.。

48. 考查副词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. sometimes有时;B. entirely完全地; C. rarely罕见地;D. forever永远。句意:Casper陷入了困境,专业的投手有时也会这样,他一段时间以来表现的都不好。根据语境可知选A。

49. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. receive收到,接收;B. write写;C. remember记得;D. preserve保存,保持,保护。根据下文“You don’t remember?” I said, “Sadly, no, I don’t.”,可知我并不记得这封信故选C。

50. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. jobs工作;B. things事情; C. stages阶段,时期,舞台;D. effect影响,效果。句意:我仍然保存着这封信,而且每当事情不顺时,我都会读一读。故选B。

51.考察形容词辨析及对语境的理解。A. pleased高兴的 B. disappointed失望的 C. puzzled迷惑的 D. annoyed烦恼的。句意:我感到很困惑,不知道说什么,因为作者不记得这封信了。故选C

52.考察名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. address地址 B. copy复制品,稿件C. record记录 D. opinion观点。句意:但是我问他我是否能有一份这封信的复印件。他说他会把信的内容发邮件给我。故选B

53. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. party聚会; B. break休息;C. wedding婚礼; D. incident事件。句意:婚礼之后,我们在教堂的台阶上遇到了。根据上文,他们都是来参加婚礼的,故选C。

54. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. dropped落下,投下,减少;B. delivered递送,接生;C. opened打开;D. presented介绍,赠送,提出。根据下句had run home to get it.他回家拿了信,可知Casper走向我,并把这封信拿给我。故选D。

55. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. theatre剧院;B. church教堂;C. office办公室;D. station站。他住在距离教堂一个街区的位置,跑回家把信拿过来了。根据语境可知选B。

56. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. folded折叠,合拢;B. faded褪色,逐渐消失;C. painted涂;D. divided分割,分开。根据下句这封信有50年之久了,可知信封已经褪色并变黄。故选B。

57. 考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. gentle温和的,文雅的;B. patient耐心的; C. modest谦虚的;D. simple简单的。本题考察词组 in simple terms简单来说,用简单的语言。句意:用简单的语言,信这样写道…。故选D。

58. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. reasonable合理的;B. temporary暂时的;C. relative相关的;D. impressive使人印象深刻的。上文可知这封信鼓励着Casper,可推断这里说的是:困难是暂时的,故选B。

59. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. game游戏;B. prize奖,奖金; C. glory荣誉;D. lesson课,启示。上文介绍Casper是垒球投手,可推断信中是希望他保持对这项运动的热情,故选A.

60. 考查副词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. casually偶然的,未经考虑的;B. properly恰当地;C. totally完全地;D. shortly马上,立刻,扼要地。句意:不要放弃!你很快就会再次回到顶部。坚持下去。根据句意可知选D。


第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

61.答案it. 解析:分析句子结构可知,to choose a suitable Christmas pre sent for her father与空格处内容所指相同,所以此处用it作形式主语。

62.答案to please 解析:该句空格前是形容词,所以用动词不定式作状语。

63. 答案a. 空格后出现名词词组pleasant experience,此时experience表示“经历”,是可数名词,所以空格处用不定冠词a.

64. 答案pushed. 解析:分析句子结构可知,or连接并列谓语动词,step用了一般过去时态,所以push也要用一般过去时态。

65. 答案where. 解析:分析句子结构可知,该句式含有定语从句的复合句,counter在从句中作状语,表示地点,所以此处用where引导定语从句。

66. 答案choice. 解析:空格前有形容词性物主代词,所以空格处应填名词,choose的名词形式是choice.

67. 答案on. 解析:本句句意应为:她发现一些质量很好的烟斗在出售。表示“(在商店中)出售”用on sale.

68. 答案him. 解析:根据句意,此处应指琼的父亲,且需要用代词代替her father,所以用第三人称男性代词宾格形式him.

69. 答案excitedly . 解析:兴奋地说,应该用副词修饰said.

70. 答案was informed. 解析:因为inform与Jane构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以此处要用被动语态形式。

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  1. 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)


Dear editor,

I’m writing to you about a common phenomenon to draw it to the public attention.

As is often the case, when people are having meals, waiting for buses or even walking along streets, they are always addicted to their phones, heads hanging down, completely ignoring others.

The reason for the increasing number of phubbings everywhere is that smart phones nowadays can be used for people to do nearly everything, such as playing mobile games, shopping online and keeping in touch with friends through QQ. However, too much exposure to phones is harmful for their health and safety. Moreover, people engaged in phones fail to communicate well with those around them.

Personally, people should wisely use their phones to help with their work and study. Meanwhile they’d better care more about their family and friends rather than phones.

Best wishes to you!

Yours truly,

Li Hua

【思路导航】 根据内容提示确定写作人称以第三人称为主。因为这里谈的是一个普遍现象(人们沉溺于手机而忽视了与周围人的沟通),基本时态为一般现在时。这个话题涉及目前普遍存在的现象,内容贴近学生的日常生活,易于动笔。题目规定了三项任务:一是描述现象,二是分析原因及弊端,三是陈述如何改变现状。可以按此线索安排写作顺序。

【亮点点击】 本文主题明确,结构完整。重点突出,详略得当,时态准确,语言流畅,言简意赅,要点齐全,发挥适度。关联词语运用得恰到好处,使整个语篇衔接紧密,逻辑清楚。难能可贵的是,短文使用了较多的复杂结构和高级表达方式,使短文增彩不少。

关联词语:however, moreover, personally, meanwhile, etc.

亮点词组和短语:addicted to, ignoring, keep in touch with, exposure, is harmful for, in terms of, engaged in, rather than, etc.

高级句式:定语从句(As is often the case),时间状语从句(when people are having meals, waiting for buses or even walking along streets ),表语从句(that smart phones nowadays can be used for people to do nearly everything such as playing mobile games, shopping online and keeping in touch with friends through QQ)等。
