


时间:100分钟 分值120分

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Ⅰ卷 选择题 (共两部分,满分70分)

第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)


I was said to be the worst student in my class, and my family thought I was hopeless. I had to grade six. at that time a new teacher, Miss Sadia, came to our school.

One day after class, she that I was staying alone during the lunch break. She came to me and began to talk to me. It was just a conversation. After that day, she gave me particular and it made me feel special(特别). I started to work hard because she gave me the feeling that believed me , and my started to improve(提高) in her subject.

Months later, she moved into a house near my . We would walk home together after school. Her constant (不断的 ) support helped me, in my studies, as I knew she would my grades both in her subject and the other subjects. I finally second in my class.

Then, after grade six, she started to slowly drift away(疏远) still kept a constant(不断的) check on me. By the time I was in grade seven, we spoke, but by then I had become the in my class. When I left my school, I was with her, as she never answered the when I called her.

Then I graduated and went to a good university. One fine day, our paths(路) again. I met her at a wedding. I could not asking her,"Why did you stop talking to me?"

"You are a clever boy. I wanted you to be a tree on your own roots, not depending on (依靠)others. Now here you are and I feel of you. You are your inspiration and do not need to a shoulder," she said. I could not say anything, but I smiled. I’ll always thank her .

1.A.jump B.attend C.copy D.repeat

2.A.heard B.noticed C.learned D.sensed

3.A.stupid B.useless C.normal D.secret

4.A.attention B.attraction C.explanation D.examination

5.A.everyone B.someone C.anyone D.nobody

6.A.words B.objects C.classes D.grades

7.A.home B.school C.hotel D.company

8.A.generally B.actually C.especially D.usually

9.A.change B.look C.improve D.check

10.A.received B.came C.caught D.held

11.A.but B.as C.or D.so

12.A.ever B.often C.once D.hardly

13.A. oldest B. strongest C. best D. cleverest

14.A.out of touch B.in common C.out of reach D.in touch

15.A.road B.schoolyard C.phone D.machine

16.A.separated B.formed C.added D.crossed

17.A.finish B.help C.prevent D.keep

18.A.standing B.flying C.growing D.sitting

19.A.sad B.proud C.good D.ashamed

20.A.give up B.get on C.look for D.take up

第二节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中选出最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Does everyone want a challenging job? In spite of all the attention focused by the media, academicians, and social scientists on human potential and the needs of individuals, there is no evidence to support that the vast majority of workers want challenging jobs. Some individuals prefer highly complex and challenging jobs; others develop in simple, routine work.

The individual-difference variable(变量)that seems to gain the greatest support for explaining who prefers a challenging job and who doesn’t is the strength of an individual’s needs for personal growth and self-direction at work. Individuals with these higher-order growth needs are more responsive for challenging work. What percentage of ordinary workers actually desire higher-order need satisfactions and will respond positively to challenging jobs? No current data is available, but a study from the 1970s estimated the figure at about 15%. Even after adjusting for changing work attitudes and the growth in white-collar jobs, it seems unlikely that the number today exceeds 40%.

The strongest voice advocating challenging jobs has not been workers—it’s been professors, social science researchers, and media people. Professors, researchers, and journalists undoubtedly made their career choices, to some degree, because they wanted jobs that gave them autonomy, recognition and challenge. That, of course, is their choice. But for them, to force their needs onto the workforce in general is presumptuous (冒失的).

Not every employee is looking for a challenging job. Many workers meet their higher-order need off the job. There are 168 hours in every individual’s week. Work rarely consumes more than 30% of this time. That leaves considerable opportunities, even for individuals with strong growth needs, to find higher-order need satisfaction outside the workplace. So don’t feel you have a responsibility to create challenging jobs for all your employees. For many people, work is something that will never excite or challenge them. And they don’t expect to find their growth opportunities at work. Work is merely something they have to do to pay their bills. They can find challenges outside of work on the golf course, fishing, at their local pub, with their friends in social clubs, with their family, and the like.

21.What makes people choose challenging jobs?

  1. Positive responses. B. Work attitudes.

C. Higher-order growth needs. D. Personal self-direction.

22.Who is the least likely to prefer a challenging job?

  1. College professors. B. Construction workers.

C. Social researchers. D. Media journalists.

23.The passage is intended for _______.

  1. job-hunters B. researchers

C. employers D. graduates

24.Which is the best title for the passage?

  1. Not Everyone Wants a Challenging Job
  2. Complex Jobs Offer Growth Opportunities
  3. Employers Should Create Challenging Jobs
  4. Challenging Jobs Give a Sense of Recognition

Everyone knows that you can study the English language for years and still not understand a native speaker of English.

Well, here’s a secret for you: a lot of British people can’t understand each other either! Apart from the different regional accents across the country, language can also differ (不同) among age groups. The words and pronunciations used by young Britons can be very different to those used by adults. This is called “yoof” culture.

The word “yoof” is a slang (俚语) spelling of “youth”. Some people consider “yoof” to be a negative (消极的) term, since its pronunciation is easier than “youth”. Other people see the term as positive, because it describes how young people are creating their own language, concepts (观念) and identity.

When parents find it difficult to understand their children, the children can say more things without the censorship (审查) of their parents. In this way, young people are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression.

They are creating a “yoof culture”. It is impossible to come up with a complete list of words used by yoof. By the time the list was completed, it would be out of date. New words come and go like fashions.

By A.J. Dalton

25.The point of the article is _____.

  1. to list words used by yoof
  2. to introduce UK yoof culture
  3. to give advice on how to communicate with native English speakers
  4. to explain why it is hard for British people to understand each other

26. According to the article, children are creating a “yoof culture” _______.

  1. to stay cool among their peers
  2. to draw more attention from their parents
  3. to avoid interference of their parents in their lives
  4. to keep up with the fast pace of modern society

27. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?

  1. The variety of regional accents in the UK is an obstacle to communication.
  2. Some people consider the term “yoof” positive because it is easier to pronounce than “youth”.
    C.A few vocabularies used by yoof are going to be collected in dictionaries.
    D. Yoof culture is getting popular all around the English speaking countries.
    28. By saying “Sorted!”, yoof probably means ______.
    1. “I’m very tired.” B. “I understand.”
      C. “You got it wrong!” D. “I don’t care!”
      Transformers: Dark of the Moon
      Theatrical Release Date: July 1, 2011
      Studio: Paramount Pictures
      Director: Michael Bay
      Genre(类型): Action︱Adventure︱Sequel︱ Sci-Fi︱ 3D
      The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, are back in action, taking on the evil Deceptions. The Autobots and Deceptions become involved in a dangerous space race. The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft on the Moon and must race against the Deceptions to find its secrets, which could turn the tide in the Transformers’ final battle. Shockwave, a longtime “Transformers” character, rules Cybertron while the Autobots and Deceptions battle it out on Earth.
      Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II
      Theatrical Release Date: July 15, 2011
      Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
      Director: David Yates
      Genre: Action︱Adventure︱Sequel︱Fantasy︱3D
      In part II, the battle between the good and evil forces of the Wizarding world evolves into an all-out war. This final adventure continues Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s attempt to find and destroy Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes. Harry Potter is called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice to bring an end to his nemesis.
      Winnie the Pooh
      Theatrical Release Date: July 15, 2011
      Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
      Director: Don Hall, Stephen J. Anderson
      Genre: Sequel︱Family Animation
      Winnie the Pooh is a 2011 American traditionally animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Based upon the characters of the children’s books Winnie-the-Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner by A. A. Milne and Return to the Hundred Acre Wood by David Benedictus, the film features two previously unadapted stories from the original books.
      In the movie, Owl sends the whole gang to save Christopher Robin from an imaginary bad character, and it turns out to be a very busy day for Winnie the Pooh who simply set out to find some honey.
      29.Which of the following is not the genre of Transformers: Dark of the Moon?
      1. Action.B. Sequel.C. 3D.D. Fantasy.
        30.According to the Movie Express above, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II is mainly about __________.
        A. a journey of Harry, Ron, and Hermione
        B. high risks of the final adventure by Harry and his nemesis
  3. an all-out war between good and evil forces
  4. a fear of Lord Voldemort
    31.Who might be most interested in the Movie Express of Winnie the Pooh?
    1. Would-be parents.B. Families with children.
      C. Writers of children’s books.D. Honey lovers.
      A smart phone’s low battery warning is the only warning that most people take seriously. Try the following steps and you will improve your battery life.
      1. Let there be less light
      For larger smart phones, the longer the screen is on and the brighter it is, the faster your battery goes. Try making the screen as dark as you can bear it and still read a text. Darkening the screen is common among teenagers, but it may be hard for Mom and Dad to see what’s showing on their phone.
      2. Turn off the signals
      Your smart phone does a lot of communicating in the background. They’re checking for things like new emails, text messages, Wi-Fi signals, Bluetooth signals, your location and more. These activities do drain your battery life, so you should turn off whatever you aren’t using. Location Services is also another feature that burns up your battery, so you can use GPS and Wi-Fi to find out which apps have access to Location Services and turn them off.
      3. Turn off notifications (通告)
      Another way to improve battery life is to stop the constant flow of notifications and updates from Facebook, email, games and sites. Your phone will automatically pick up these notifications when it’s connected to the Internet, and they can have a noticeable impact on battery life.
      4. Use battery saving mode (模式)
      For a quick way to improve your battery, simply put your smart phone in Airplane Mode. If Airplane Mode is too limiting, some phones have a specific battery saver mode. This shuts down unimportant functions and apps like Wi-Fi, some updates and more.
      If used properly, these tips above will improve your battery life up to 30 percent.
      32.The underlined word “drain” means “ ”.
      A. light up B. use up
      C. pick up D. make up
      33.If you want to improve your battery life, you are advised to use a .
      A. small screen B. large screen
      C. bright screen D. round screen
      34.We can infer that aged people tend to .
      A. email family members B. use Location Services
      C. darken the screen D. brighten the screen
      35.We can learn that Airplane Mode can .
      A. improve signals B. waste energy
      C. affect health D. save power
      第一节、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项根据短文内容。(5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) A major source of teen stress is school exams, and test anxiety is not uncommon. When you recognize your teen is under stress, how can parents help your teen stay calm before an exam?
      Be involved. Parents need to be involved in their teen’s work. 36. What they look for is your presence — to talk, to cry, or simply to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with your teen. Encourage your teen to express his worries and fears, but don’t let them focus on those fears.
      Help them get organized. 37. Together , you and your teen can work out a time—table in which he can study for what he knows will be on the test.
      Provide a calm setting. Help your teen set up a quiet place to study and protect his privacy. Give them a nutritious diet. It is important for your teen to eat a healthy, balanced diet during exam times to focus and do his best.38. If this happens, encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet, rather than junk food, is best for reducing stress.
      39. Persuade your teenager to get some sleep and /or do something active when he needs a real break from studying. Making time for relaxation, fun, and exercise are all important in reducing stress. Help your teen balance his time so that he will feel comfortable taking time out from studying to spend time with friends or rest.
      Show a positive attitude. 40. Your panic, anxiety and blame contribute to your teen’s pressure. Make your teen feel accepted and valued for his efforts. Most importantly, reassure your teen that things will be all right , no matter what the results are.
      A. A parent’s attitude will dictate their teen’s emotions.
      B. Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite.
      C. They will only make the situation worse.
      D. Encourage your teen to relax.
  5. The best thing is simply to listen.
  6. Help your teen think about what he has to study and plan accordingly.
  7. Your teen may also make negative comments about themselves

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


With the 41.________ (develop) of industry, air pollution 42._______ (get) more and more serious. In Beijing, many people suffer different kinds of illnesses as a result of air pollution.

Air pollution is caused by the following43.__________: about half of the problem is caused by transportation. There are more and more cars, buses on the roads, and they give off 44._________ (harm) gases. 25% of air pollution is caused by factories. Another factor is the smokers. Smoking not only does harm to their health 45._________ to others. 46._________ these, about 10% of air pollution is caused by other reasons.

We should take some measures to fight 47.________ pollution. New fuel can be used to take 48.________ place of gas. We can plant more trees. 49.__________ everybody realizes the importance of environment and does something to stop pollution, the problem will 50.________ (solve).










My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m and ends at 3:30 p.m. They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework. Therefore , we have more time with after-school activities. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sport for one hour every day.

My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.



A young man was slapped in the face until he bled because he didn’t offer his seat to a woman with a baby on a bus in downtown Hangzhou. Later he was proved to be a disabled person.

In a series of cases nationwide, we see people being beaten for refusing to give up their seats on public transport, which seems to be a moral problem about correct behavior and self-sacrifice.

People without morals (who don’t give up their seats to deserving people) can be condemned, but they don’t deserve to be treated with violence because they offend moral values and not laws. In comparison, the attackers behave worse.

The attackers regard relying on violence as their only choice if people ignore their appeals to give up their seats. It seems they start a shout or a fight for the sake of justice, but can they still think of their personal intention when they call violent justice?

This “violent justice” can confuse many people and encourage them to do the same, especially when we are overpowered by illogical mood.

If cruel and rude acts are rooted in children’s hearts, society will never step into civilization. The practice violates common values, neither solving problems nor safeguarding civilized society.

  1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点。
  2. 以约120个词谈谈你对这一事件的看法,内容包括:
  1. 读完这则新闻,你有什么感受?
  2. 假如你是车上的一名乘客,你会怎样做?
  3. 就如何创建和谐社会提出你的建议。
  1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。
  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


1_5DBCAB 6_10DACDB 11_15ADCAC 16_20DBABCC 21_25CBCAB 26_30CABDC 31_35BBADD

36.E 37.F 38.B 39.D 40.A


42.is getting



45.but (also)

46.Besides / In addition to/ Apart from



49.If/ Once

50.be solved


【小题1】They→ There

【小题2】didn’t→ don’t

【小题3】many→ much

【小题4】with→ for

【小题5】hour→ hours

【小题6】look→ looks

【小题7】the flowers→ flowers

【小题8】sat→ sit


【小题10】helpfully→ helpful

