









第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1.What is the man waiting to do?

A.Enjoy some noodles.

B.Eat some eggs.

C.Drink some hot water.

2.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Give running another try.

B.Try some of the other events.

C.Talk with the P.E.teacher.

3.For what purpose did the woman choose to take Spanish?

A.She wanted to be classmates with the man.

B.She studied it when she was a little girl.

C.She had studied a similar language before.

4.What is Steve worried about?

A.His football. B.His lamp. C.His desk.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a bookstore. B.In a game center. C.In a library.




6.How does the woman describe her students?

A.Diverse. B.Boring. C.Educational.

7.When does the conversation take place?

A.At the beginning of a term.

B.In the middle of a term.

C.At the end of a term.


8.Where was the group supposed to meet?

A.In the parking lot.

B.At the movie theater.

C.At the entrance of the mall.

9.Which showing are the speakers late for?

A.The 12:00 showing.

B.The 12:10 p.m.showing.

C.The 1:30 p.m.showing.

10.Who is paying for the woman’s ticket?

A.Dave. B.Kate. C.Julia.


11.What is the weather like now?

A.It is windy.

B.It is snowing.

C.It is raining.

12.How did the woman get to the coffee shop?

A.She took a subway.

B.She drove her car.

C.She walked a few blocks.

13.Why did the woman come to the café ?

A.She thought she would study well there.

B.She planned to own a coffee shop someday.

C.She wanted to be surrounded by other students.


14.When do students usually have the most trouble in college according to the man?

A.During office hours.

B.During the first year.

C.During the last year.

15.What resource does the woman mention?

A.The writing center.

B.The library.


16.Where does the man think students should go for help with assignments?

A.The Center for Academic Success.

B.Their network of friends.

C.The math lab.


17.What did John probably want to do when he finished schoo1?

A.Be an engineer.

B.Become a math teacher.

C.Study Modern Asian History.

18.What time did John need to be in the classroom for his English test?

A.At 8:30 a.m. B.At 9:00 a.m. C.At 4:00 p.m.

19.Why did John have ink on his shirt?

A.He did not have enough paper.

B.Someone played a trick on him.

C.He fell asleep with his pen in his hand.

20.What was the terrible truth for John?

A.He had missed the test.

B.He couldn’t find his car.

C.He had fallen asleep in class.

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)




These everyday-1ife inventions will make your life more comfortable.Whether you are washing,cooking,cleaning or even sleeping,none of it will ever be the same once you start using these.Let’s start this list the way you start your day:in bed.

A body pillow just for comfortable sleeping

What’s better than waking up embracing that special someone?Now,waking up next to your significant other without pain or discomfort is no longer unheard of.This pillow will allow your allow to rest under your partner without the weight of that person leaving marks or cutting off circulation!

Nightstand table/breakfast in bed

Arriving at the second stage of our day:breakfast! But wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to get right out of bed?With this invention you can eat right from the comfort of your bed!Whether you are preparing a Mother’s day surprise for that special Mrs.,or if it’s just for fun,you just need to prepare the food,put it on the sideboard,swing it over the covers,and enjoy!

An ironing board with a mirror on the back

Somewhere between getting up and going to work,you might need to iron your clothes.When you don’t want to waste time running from the ironing board to the mirror to try something on,you can simply rum over this double-purpose ironing board/mirror to ensure that it looks just right.

Bicycle backpack with safety—LEDs

For those of you opting for a real bike ride,this backpack can save your life.It has art inbuilt LED—screen signaling your next moves.Displaying either a turn signal or a brake light,traffic behind you will surely take notice and respond accordingly.

Thiscleaning slime’is just perfect for grabbing dust from the electronics and mechanical devices

Cleaning your car from the outside is no problem.Cleaning it from the inside is not so easy,because of all the places difficult to clean—vents,dials and buttons.This cleaning slime can help with that.Just squeeze it in,and let it grab all the dust trapped in those difficult cracks and corners.It is also great for cleaning your keyboard or other spaces in the kitchen,living room and workshop.

21.What’s special about the pillow?(改后)

A.It can guarantee you a night’s sound sleep.

B.It can promote your blood circulation.

C.It can leave some marks on your arms.

D.It will cause no pain or discomfort in bed.

22.Which of the following statements is true of these inventions?

A.The ironing board can also be used as a mirror.

B.The nightstand table makes it easier to prepare food.

C.The LEDs can direct you to your destination without mistakes.

D.The‘cleaning slime’can be trapped in difficult cracks and corners.

23.Which section of a newspaper can you find the passage?

A.Science fiction. B.Domestic life.

C.Health care.D.Current affairs.


Anaya Ellick from Chesapeake,Virginia has won the Nicholas Maxim Special Award for Excellence in Manuscript Penmanship in 2016.Brave Anaya does not use prostheses,instead,he holds her pen between her forearms and stands up at her desk to write.Despite her being born without hands,she manages to catch up with her classmates and to be no different from them.

“We looked at her writing and were just shocked to see how well her handwriting was,considering she writes without hands,”competition director Kathleen Wright told ABC News.“Her writing sample was comparable to those of normal people.”

Her hard work and determination has inspired and amazed almost everyone around her,including her parents,teacher,and principal.

“There is truly very little that this girl cannot do,”the principal of Greenbrier Christian Academy in Chesapeake,Tracy Cox,told ABC News.“She is a hard worker.She is determined.She is independent.”

Her parents Bianca and Gary were worried about her daughter at first,but are now inspired by her determination.“She ties her shoes,she gets dressed by herself,she doesn’t really need any assistance to do anything.”her mom told WTKR.

“I was shocked at the news at first,”Anaya’s father Gary told WTKR,but now they are confident that she can overcome her impairment

“I don’t think Anaya thinks of it as an obstacle.”Greenbrier founder and superintendent Ron H.White told ABC News

Anaya has been presented with a trophy and a $1,000 prize,according to Zaner-Bloser’s website.

Will and determination seem to grant anyone to do anything.This touching and inspirational story about the little girl sheds light on our life when we get frustrated from difficulties.By not letting any excuse stands in the way,we will surely make our lives more fulfilled.

24.Why was Anaya given the Nicholas Maxim Special Award?

A.Because she wrote better than any other competitor.

B.Because she tried to catch up with her classmates in daily life.

C.Because she inspired everyone around her with her determination.

D.Because she presented her outstanding handwriting as a girl without hands.

25.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Anaya regarded her disability as an obstacle at first.

B.Anaya’parents are worried about her all the time.

C.Anaya’s success was beyond her parents’expectation.

D.Ron H.White thinks Anaya is independent.

26.The underlined word“impairment”in paragraph 6 means___________.

A.mental pressure B.physical disability

C.temporary failure D.inside sadness

27.What can we learn from Aaya’s story?

A.No obstacles to success. B.No excuses in the way.

C.Success enriches life. D.Dream inspires morale.


Shalin Shah died of cancer at the age of 22,but before his death he made sure to send a message to the world to cherish life for the gift that it is.Shah made headlines in the weeks leading up to his death in May 2015 for a powerful blog titled“Thank You,Cancer.”In it,he described moving through his fear of death to realize his purpose life—to inspire others to live their lives fully,even as his own was rapidly coming to an end.

The 22-year-old’s profound wisdom motivated his family to launch a hashtag on Twitter and Instagram,start a foundation in his name and publish a book of Shah’s quotes.

Now with the help of software company Finoit Technologies,the Shah family has developed an app that aims to make gratitude a daily part of people’s lives.The app,available for download on Apple and Android devices,invites users to set a daily gratitude reminder“to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of life,”according to a release.Think of it as a“gentle nudge,”the Shah family said,reminding users to slow down and give thanks.

“The app was developed to spread Shalin’s legacy,”his mother,Bharati Shah,told HuffPost.“Shalin’s wish was that if he could put a smile on someone’s face even for a minute,it served his purpose in life.”

A California native and recent college graduate,Shah had just begun Peace Con trainng in Pen when he became ill and was later diagnosead with stage IV synovial sarcoma.In the months that followed,Shah defeated his fear of death and developed a profound philosophy of life.In his blog,“Thank You,Cancer,”Shah wrote:I want to share my experience of realizing how beautiful the gift of life truly is in the hopes that it can inspire others who are going through tough times to appreciate the positive in life a little more.It is also the reason why I am,after all that Ive been through in the past few months,thankful for terminal cancer

The young man’s legacy lives through the app,which features quotes from Shah’s writings and photographs of his travels abroad.

28.What did Shah do before his death?

A.He bought a gift for his family. B.He developed all app.

C.He sent a message to his friends.D.He rose to fame because of a blog.

29.What is the purpose of the app?

A.To launch a hashtag. B.To raise money for a foundation.

C.To make people grateful. D.To gather material for a book.

30.Who helped with the app?

A.Finoit Technologies B.Instagram C.Twitter D.HuffPost

31.What did Shah convey in his blog“Thank You,Cancer”?

A.His determination to fight cancer. B.His appreciation for life.

C.His experience of traveling.D.His advice to value health.


Not everyone’s taste

Have you ever imagined that one day everything your body needs will come in powder form and all you have to do is add water?

山东省青州市2017年高考热身训练英语试卷Soylent,a drink developed by a group of us engineers,claims it can do just that.It can provide your body with all the nutrients it needs and for as long as you want.You don’t have to eat any other food.This April,Soylent shipped its first products to consumers in the US.

Robert Rhinehart is the 25-year-old co-founder and chief executive of the firm selling the drink.He found himself spending too much time and money searching for nutritious meals while he was working in San Francisco.

An electrical engineering graduate,Rhinehart began to consider food as an engineering problem.“You need amino acids and lipids.not milk itself,”he was quoted as saying by The New Yorker:“You need carbohydrates,not bread.”He began to think that food was an inefficient way of getting what he needed to survive.

Rhinehart hopes his product can be a game changer in the food business.But Soylent may potentially be good for the environment,too.According to a Guardian article,food production is responsible for 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.But to completely replace our daily meal with a bland-tasting drink?Not many people are enthusiastic about the idea.

After all,most of us see food as not merely fuel,but also a pleasure。New York Times writer Farhad Manjoo lived largely on Soylent for a week and a half. He declares that“everything about Soylent screams function,not fun,”thinking it“the most joyless new technology to hit the world since we first laid eyes on.MS.DOS.”

Lizzie Widdicombe,who wrote The New Yorker’s article on Rhinehart,also tried out Soylent.With Soylent,you“cruise”through the day.If you are working at your computer and feel hungry,you don’t have to stop for lunch.You can always be productive.

And here lies Soylent’s downside,Widdicombe says:“Meals provide punctuation to our lives:we’re constantly recovering from them,expecting them,riding the emotional ups and downs of a good or a bad sandwich.With a bottle of Soylent on your desk,time stretches before you,featureless and a little sad.”

32.What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce the topic. B.To advertise for a new drink.

C.To test the readers’imagination.D.To attract readers’participation.

33.What do Rhinehart’s words in Paragraph 4 imply?

A.Food is not enough to feed us.

B.Milk and bread are beneficial to us.

C.It is what contains in the food that matters.

D.Milk and milk are different sources of food.

34.What is Farhad Manjoo’s attitude to Soylent?

A.Positive B.Doubtful C.Negative D.Neutral

35.What’s the disadvantage of Soylent according to Widdicombe?

A.It makes people go hungry easily.

B.It removes some functions of meals.

C.It isn’t environmentally friendly,

D.It causes emotional ups and downs.

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Coming face-to-face with your inadequacies can be painful,to say the least 36It even makes you question yourself.Your knee-jerk reaction may be to get defensive or even dismiss the critique entirely.But handling negative feedback with grace will not only make you look gracious,but it could ultimately help you grow as a person.Here’s how to do it.

1.Be objective about the criticism

Before you jump to conclusions and begin to challenge the other person’s opinion,take a step back and look at it objectively.$来&源:

Next time you get a bad review,don’t immediately allow your emotions to get the better of you,but rather,take a moment to consider whether the criticism is at all accurate.37

2.Avoid unnecessary conflict

If you decide that the point is valid,it may be hard to take.In your discomfort,you may feel the urge to criticize the other person angrily and defend yourself.38

3.Be open to the idea of change

39 And it may be because of a concept called“cognitive dissonance”that Can prevent us from changing even when that’s what we need most.

4.Ask questions

If you’re open to using the criticism as a springboard to improvement,you will likely need more information.40 Your emotions will be tiding high,and you may not be particularly receptive to extra information.However,when you feel ready,it could be worth revisiting the subject with the person who criticized you.Even if you don’t agree with their advice,thank them and promise to consider it.

A.Most of us are pretty stubborn.

B.There is no doubt that change is necessary.

C.But it’s best to avoid getting into an argument.

D.Being sensitive to criticism leads you nowhere.

E.It challenges the way you believe people see you

F.Give yourself a chance to really take in the information and evaluate it.

G.The initial moment you hear it may not be the best time to ask for more details.


第一节 完形填空: (共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


A man hired a taxi outside the airfield.It had a woolen carpet with brilliant lace edges.On the glass partition(隔墙)that 41 the driver’s seat was a copy of a famous painting.Its windows were all clean.The customer was very 42 and said to the driver.“I’ve never seen a nicer 43 .”Thank you for your praise.”the driver answered 44

“How did it occur to you to 45 your car?”asked the customer.

“The car isn’t mine.”said the driver.“It belongs to the company.I used to be a 46 of cabs.When they returned,all of them were as 47 as garbage cans with rubbish 48 everywhere.On the seats could be found something sticky 49 peanut sauce or chewing gum.Why so? I thought if the car itself were very clean,the passengers would most likely be 50 and stop littering.”

“So when I got a 51 to be a taxi-driver,I began to put my idea into 52—to tidy and decorate the car.Now 53 a new passenger gets on my car I’d make a check and be sure it is in good order.When my car 54 after a day’s work,it always remains 55.”

When doing a thing,one makes efforts and wants to see the result.To change others,one has to make twice the effort 56 get half the result.To change oneself is the other way round…more fruit with 57 effort.One had better ask oneself why one makes 58 on others much more than on oneself.If you take enough care to do as best you can for other people’s sake,your efforts will yield results.If you 59 the inner world of your own,examine yourself and wipe out the dust and dirt,instead of fixing your eyes on other people,you will find a cheerful mood for yourself and create a 60 environment for others.



















59.A.look for B.1ook through C.1ook into D.look up



第三部分 英语知识运用



If documentary A Bite of China was a feast for the eyes with inviting images of cuisines from around the country,Aerial China《航拍中国))offers another visual treat with 61 (it)impressing beauty of the country’s natural views.

The series has 34 parts,each 62(feature)a different place.The first season’s six parts feature scenery from Heilongjiang,Hainan,Xinjiang,Shaanxi,Shanghai and Jiangxi.According to the Beijing Morning Post,it took one year 63 (film)the first season.The total distance they covered was about 150,000 kilometers—enough to circle the Earth four times.

Their efforts have paid 64 ,however,Aerial China 65(recent)has a score of 9.4 points out of 10 on Douban,an influential rating and review website 66(recognize)worldwide.The majority of viewers 67(impress)by the amazing view of nature the show presents.From the beautiful blue of me South China Sea to the vast grassland 68 herdsmen(牧民)hunt in Xinjiang...“Every frame of this show would make a great desktop wallpaper,”commented Huashang Morning Post.

But amazing views are not the only thing Aerial China wants to show to the audience.“Every picture and every line 69(convey)the love for our motherland.”chief director Yu Le said in 70 interview with CCTV.“The more you know about the place where you live,the more you feel obliged to protect it.”

第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)







Dear Editor,

I am a high school student who will graduate next year.Since I enter Senior Three,I have found that some of the students in our class study more harder than before.They study late into night,eating snacks and drink coffee.In the morning,some students have to go to school in a hurry without breakfast,which surely do harm to their healthy.

In our opinion,though we are under the heavy pressures of study,we should try to eat properly and get so much rest as possible.Taking regular exercise is also that we need.Only by this way can we keep fit and study well.


Li Hua

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)











高三英语热身训练参考答案 2017.5

第一部分 听力(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

1—5 ABCBC 6—10 AACBC 11—15 CBABB 16—20 CABCA

第二部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

21—25DABDC 26---30BBDCA 31---35BACCB 36---40EFCAG

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

41—45 AADBD 46—50 BCCCA 51—55 DABBC 56—60 ADACD

第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

61. its 62. featuring63. to film 64. off 65.recently

66. recognized 67. are impressed 68. where 69. conveys 70. an

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 短文改错(满分10分)

Dear Editor,

      I am a high school student who will graduate next year. Since I enterSenior



Three, I have found that some of the students in our class study more harder than

before. They study late into ∧night, eating snacks and drink coffee. In the

the drinking

morning, some students have to go to school in a hurry without breakfast, which

surelydo harm to their healthy.   

does health

In our opinion, though we are under the heavy pressuresof study, we should


try to eat properly and get so much rest as possible. Taking regular exercise is


alsothat we need. Onlybythis way can we keep fit and study well.   

what in


Li Hua

第二节 (满分25分)

Traditional Chinese Culture into the Campus

To promote the students’ understanding of our traditional Chinese culture and arouse their interest and enthusiasm, our school recently launched a campaign, with the theme of “Traditional Chinese Culture into the Campus”

Various activities were organized, such as learning operas, paper cutting and Chinese calligraphy, attracting a wide range of participation of the students. Besides, an essay competition was held, where the students shared their own ideas and stories about the traditional culture.

The campaign turned out to be a great success, from which all the students benefited a lot. Not only do they take pride in being a Chinese, but they feel it their responsibility to preserve the traditional Chinese culture and spread it all over the world.



Text 1

M: Are those noodles done yet? I’m so hungry, I could eat raw eggs!

W: Me, too. But I’m afraid they’re still cooking. It feels like I’ve been waiting for this water to boil all day.

M: I think it just seems longer because we’re so hungry.

Text 2

W: What are we doing in P.E. today, John? I hope it’s not track and field again. I’m a terrible runner.

M: Not all of track and field is running, you know. Why don’t you try some of the “field” events? There’s the long jump, the high jump…

Text 3

W: I studied a little French when I was younger, and I know that Spanish has some similarities, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. At least, that’s what I was thinking when I signed up for it.

M: It looks like we’ll be classmates.

Text 4

W: What happened to this lamp, Steve? It looks like someone used it as a football.

M: I know. It fell off my desk last night. Do you think my parents will notice?

W: Definitely. You should send a text message and tell them about it before they get home.

Text 5

W: Hey, Max! Do you know about the big game this weekend?

M: Uh…yeah, but keep your voice down. We’re supposed to be quiet in here. People are studying all around us.

W: What do you mean? It’s not like we’re in class. This is our free time.

Text 6

M: How was your break? Ready for a new term?

W: It was fine, but it wasn’t long enough. I could use just one more week.

M: I hear you! How’s your new class load? What are you teaching?

W: Art History 101, the same as usual. But this year, I’m excited because my students are from different parts of the country.

M: Awesome. I’ll bet you’ll learn a lot.

W: Why are you in the lunch room? Don’t you have papers to grade?

M: No, I’m just planning tomorrow’s lesson. I got bored and decided to come see what’s in the fridge.

W: Well, there’s nothing in there yet. It’s only the first day of school.

Text 7

W: Where are Jim and Kate? We’ve been waiting here forever. We were all supposed to meet here at noon by the entrance.

M: Yeah, they’re in the parking lot. And Dave and his wife Julia are right behind them. What time does the movie start?

W: In ten minutes, but since everyone is late, we might have to see another movie.

M: There is another showing at 1:30, so we can shop here for a while and then head up to the fifth floor.

W: OK. You get the tickets, and I’ll wait here for the rest of them. Do you have enough money for the tickets?

M: Actually, no. I only have enough for myself and one other person. What about you?

W: Dave’s wife is paying for me. So, I guess we’re stuck here.

M: I guess it would have been easier to have just gotten a ride with them…

Text 8

M: Look outside, Hannah. It’s only raining now, but the temperature is supposed to drop. The streets will be icy if it gets cold enough.

W: I think the rain will turn to snow soon, actually. I wonder if I should put the snow chains on the tires before I leave.

M: Let me check the weather report. If it’s going to snow, you may want to think about just staying here.

W: I can’t stay in this café all night, Hank. And you shouldn’t either.

M: Well, I only have to walk a few blocks and I’ll be home. What are you going to do? It’s safer for you to take the subway.

W: I suppose I should have stayed home. I don’t know why I always feel like I can study better in a coffee shop. It’s a little crazy, isn’t it?

M: Not really. Look around you. This place is full of desperate students like us.

W: Well, if we ever get to graduation, I’m going to save up my money and buy a coffee shop in a college town.

M: That’s a great idea. But first, we have to survive this storm.

Text 9

W: Welcome back to Valley High, Aaron. It’s been two years since you visited us, and you’re almost finished with college. Can you give the students some tips on how to succeed in college?

M: Uh, I will try. I think it’s important to take control of your schedule in the first year. Nobody will tell you when to do your homework, so you have to take charge. And of course, you need a good network of friends. It’s important to choose friends who also have good study skills. Otherwise, you’re doomed!

W: And what causes most new college students to fail?

M: Well, in addition to falling behind on their work and spending too much time on social activities, I think students also get in trouble when they don’t use the university’s resources.

W: You mean, like the library?

M: Well, yes. I’m also talking about services that can help students succeed. For example, the office for academic success can help you find tutors. Or you can visit the writing center or the math lab if you need help with an assignment. And of course, all professors have office hours. You should take advantage of those when you are confused or get behind.

Text 10

It was midnight, and John was studying for his last test. He had many classes, and getting the highest score was important to him. He knew that doing well in high school was important. He had stayed awake every night during final exams to make sure he could succeed.

On Monday night, he had worked on chemistry until 8:00 the next morning, just in time for his chemistry final. On Tuesday night, he had reviewed Modern Asian History until 4:00. On Wednesday night, he worked on his mathematics. He wanted to get the highest score possible on that test, because engineers must know math well. But on Thursday night, when he was studying for his English test, he began to fall asleep. His head was resting on his textbook, and his pen had made a big ink spot on his shirt. He had slept until 8:30, and he had only thirty minutes to get to the classroom. He put on his glasses and ran to the school. When he got there, there were no cars in the parking lot. The gates were closed. He looked at his smart phone and saw that all his friends had sent him messages. That was when he realized the terrible truth — he had slept longer than he had thought. It was the weekend, and the English test was over!
