









第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.What time is the train expected to arrive?


2,Where is the man’s new house?

A.Mexico City. B.Boston.C. Los Angeles.

3.Why does the man make the call?

A.To tell the doctor his delay.

B.To ask the doctor for help.

C.To make an appointment.

4.How did the man go to work in the past?

A.By car. B.By bike. C.By bus.

5.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Teacher and student.




6.What are they talking about?

A.Plans for the weekend.

B.Homework for the weekend.

C.The project from the teacher.

7.What is the woman going to do?

A.Do homework. B.Go hiking. C.Complete the project.


8.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a 1ibrary. B.At a bookstore.C.In the classroom.

9.Why did the man have to pay $5 ?

A.He returned the book late.

B.He damaged the book.

C.He lost the book.


10.What kind of scarf does the woman want to buy?

A.A silk scarf. B.A fur scarf,. C.A wool scarf.

11.How much should the woman pay?


12.What do we know about the woman?

A.She approved of protecting animals.

B.She bought the scarf to keep in fashion.

C.She thought the scarves were cheap.


13.How long will the man stay in New York?

A.3 days. B.4 days. C.5 days.

14.What kind of room does the man want to reserve?

A.A smoking and queen-size-bed room.

B.A non-smoking and double-bed room.

C.A non-smoking and queen-size-bed room.

15. What’s the man’s telephone number?


16. Which of the following services is flee in the hotel

A.The trainer services.

B.The swimming poo1.

C.The fitness exercise equipment.


17.What will the weather be like on Saturday?


18.What should the football fans take to the stadium?

A.Umbrellas.B.Raincoats.C.Enough water.

19.When will it begin to rain in Alabama?

A.On Sunday morning. B.On Sunday afternoon.

C.On Sunday evening.

20.What is the season now?


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Find your perfect job today.Start by choosing a sector,location or other options to get the results you want.

Clerk to West Midlands

·West Midlands Region

·£30.000 per year

·3 days per week

·Closing date:13 November 2017

This interesting and demanding role would be appropriate for an individual with high levels of planning and organizational expertise,experience of public communications and a keen interest in the West Midlands.

Electrical Technician

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Primary duties will include general repair,maintenance and stores management of the electrical workshops. The successful candidate will be required to offer educational certificates and must have good organizational and interpersonal skills.

Finance Assistant

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Tasks will involve processing purchase orders,preparing pay lists.Overall this post requires a hardworking,highly confidential and diligent team player.In return for your hard work we have a staff benefits package which includes a health cash plan and membership of the local government pension scheme.

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Some jobs don’t require you to have any previous qualifications or experience—but you’11 definitely need a supportive,caring nature and a genuine desire to help others.

21.According to the text,which job is paid by the hour?

A.Care and Support Workers. B.Finance Assistant.

C.Electrical Technician.D.C1erk to West Midlands.

22.Which place is suitable for those who want to hunt for a job in December?

A.West Midlands Region. B.Southport,Merseyside.

C.Newcastle Emlyn.D.City of Bristo1.

23.Where does this text probably come from?

A.A job brochure.B.A popular newspaper.

C.An education website.D.A science magazine.


Theresa May is the second female prime minister,taking charge of the UK at one of the most hard times in recent political history.

Born in Sussex but raised largely in Oxfordshire,Mrs.May was educated in a grammar school in the village of Wheatley.The young Theresa Brasier threw herself into village life.Friends recall a tall,fashion-conscious young woman who from an early age spoke of her ambition to be the first woman prime minister.

Like Margaret Thatcher,she went to Oxford University to study.In 1976,in her third year,she met her husband Philip May.The story went that they were introduced at a Conservative Association disco and got married four years later.

Her university friend Pat Frankland,speaking in 2011 on a BBC Radio 4,said:“I cannot remember a time when she did not have political ambitions.”

There are no tales of drunken student celebration,but Pat Frankland and other friends say May was not the serious figure she would later come to be seen as,saying she had a sense of fun and a full social life.

After graduating with a degree in geography,May went to work in the Bank of England.But it was already clear that she saw her future in politics.Like Margaret Thatcher,it took a bit of time for her to find hers.She first dipped her toe in the water in 1992,when she gained a Labour seat in North West Durham.She entered Parliament in 1997 and Theresa was appointed Home Secretary(内政大臣)in May 2010 and became the longest-serving Conservative Home Secretary for over a century.During this time she oversaw reductions in crime,reform of the police,and the introduction of the landmark Modern Slavery Act.

Following her election as Leader of the Conservative Party,Theresa was appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on 13th July 2016.

24.Theresa May got married in ________________.

A.1976 B.1980 C.1992 D.1997

25.According to the text,what contributes most to May’s becoming the Prime Minister?

A.Her consistent ambition.

B.Her husband’s help.

C.A sense of fun.

D.A full social life.

26.What does Theresa have in common with Thatcher?

A.They received the degree in geography.

B.They didn’t become politicians upon graduation.

C.They spent their childhood in the countryside.

D.They got to know their husbands in university.

27.What do we know about Theresa May?

A.She was a successful Home Secretary.

B.She was popular with her classmates.

C.She was serious when she was young.

D.She majored in politics in university.


It may sound strange,but scientists are celebrating the survival and spread of tens of thousands of mosquitoes they released in Northeastern Australia.The whole thing makes more sense when you know that these mosquitoes are not just any ordinary bloodsuckers.They are infected with a type of bacteria that prevents the spread mosquito—borne viruses.

The bacterium,called Wolbachia,is present naturally in nearly two-thirds of all insect species,although it’s not usually found in Aedes aegypti(埃及伊蚊),the mosquitos responsible for spreading viruses like Zika,dengue,and yellow fever.

But when researchers introduced Wolbachia into mosquitoes in the lab a decade ago,the bacteria destroyed the mosquitoes,making them unable to spread their viruses into humans,which gives public health experts hope that by releasing big group of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes into problem areas,they will spread Wolbachia to the local populations—making them unable to spread viral diseases to people.

But a big question was ,will the Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes remain where they are 1et loose or will they move enough to mix with the wild ones ?

So researchers in Australia ran a test.In 2013,they released some 35,000 Wolbachia—carrying Aedes aegypti at one site,131,000 at a second site,and 286,000 at a third site,all in the city of Caims.And they tracked the insects’distribution.Seems the infected mosquitoes spread outward from the two larger introduction areas at a slow but steady rate of about 100 to 200 meters per year.The mosquitoes in the smaller group remained where they were.

The results indicate that Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes could be effective against viral diseases,if they’re applied over larger areas.In the public health community,that finding may cause real excitement.

28.What is a big challenge for the researchers?

A.They can’t raise enough Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes in the lab.

B.They can’t stop the Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes from being killed.

C.They can’t track the Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes once they are released.

D.They can’t control the orbit of the Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes in problem areas.

29.What does the underlined word“them”in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Humans. B.Areas. C.Mosquitoes. D.Viruses.

30.What can we infer from the text?

A.Wolbachia is certain to prevent viral diseases.

B.Most mosquitoes spread the virus of Zika.

C.Great efforts have been made on the research.

D.Mosquitoes with Wolbachia will not suck blood.

31.What does the text mainly talk about?

A.An introduction to the harm of mosquitoes.

B.An experiment on ways to kill mosquitoes.

C.An argument about whether to apply Wolbachia.

D.A new method of defeating mosquito-borne viruses.


The cook lays the piece of beef down the grill and gives it a press with a spatula(锅铲).And there comes unmistakable sizzle(咝咝声)and smell.She turns over the beef and gives it another press,lets it sit,presses it,and pulls it off the grill and onto a small round bun.And now,here it is,a delicious hamburger.

However,this is no diner,and this is no ordinary cook.She’s not wearing an apron,but a lab coat and safety glasses to protect her eyes,standing in a lab.Over the last six years the company called Impossible Trends has done something not quite impossible,but extremely beyond imagination:experimenting on a plant-based burger that smells,tastes,looks,and even feels like real beef.

Biting into an Impossible Burger is to bite into a future in which human has to feed an exploding population but without further endangering the earth by raising more farm animals.Some scientists say this is definitely good news.For farm animals,cows in particular,consume unbelievable amounts of food and water(up to 40,000 liters a year per cow)and take up vast stretches of land.

What makes a burger a burger? The smell,for one,and taste and texture(质感),all working together to create something that feels“animal”.Now,developing a“beef”burger without any previous experience or knowledge requires a variety of different elements that mix together and have an effect on each other,transforming as the plant-based beef cooks.Trying a plant-based burger that’s indistinguishable from the real thing,you can even recreate as many of other flavors as possible.And most importantly you can do it all without using a cow!

32.What is the good news according to the scientists?

A.Human can eat more hamburgers in the future.

B.People can tell the plant-based burgers from the real ones.

C.Plant-based hamburgers are easier to make than the beef ones.

D.Human can eat hamburgers without killing cows.

33.What can be inferred from the text?

A.More natural materials and land will be saved.

B.There will be no cows on the farm in the future.

C.More farm animals will be killed in the lab-kitchen.

D.The plant-based burgers will be people’s best choice in the future.

34.What does the author think of the Impossible Burger?





35.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.An Unusual Cook

B.The Impossible Trends

C.The Impossible Burger

D.An Unusual Kitchen

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


No one likes being disorganized.Acquiring organizational skills is a worthwhile goal.Then how can you become an organized person? 36

Keep a to-do list.

Notebooks are good tools for managing your time.Organized people do not keep things in head.37Write the to-do list on a whiteboard and keep it somewhere you can see it.Cross out items as you complete them so you feel productive and motivated to solve more items on the list.

Never put things off.

Procrastination(拖延)is typical of those who are irresponsible and careless.Organized people do everything on time.38 They would rather stay up late and do what they are supposed to do.That’s not an easy task to do yet it is worth it for sure!


Organized people will always know what is most important and act accordingly.So do not waste your time trying to do 100 things.Spend your time and energy on something that is really worth it.Smaller things can wait.The things that are necessary should always be done.

40But once you’ve got the hang of them,life will become much easier for you.Wait for what? Get off the fence and try to get started!

A.Focus on something that counts.

B.They do not want to put things off.

C.Divide the things into different parts.

D.Developing organizational skills can take time.

E.In a word,organizational skills can better many aspects of your life.

F.The following things organized people always do will help you a lot.

G.Instead,they keep a list of things to do and then check them off once they get done.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One day I came across a video of a kid of 12 playing the guitar on Youtube.He 41 playing the guitar at the age of 9 and is now quite 42 on Youtube with over 600 million video 43.He has inspired a lot of people to play the guitar.

While watching his videos,I couldn’t help but 44 what I spent my spare time doing during my teenage years.I45 I spent it watching TV and playing games with my friends.My adolescent years are46but I still have“right now”.I’11 make use of it more 47 than I did in the past.I am inspired to 48an enjoyable skill that will be with me for the rest of my life.So 10 years later.I can look 49 and think,“That was time well spent.”

Whenever you come across something 50 you to do something,immediately take action.The 51 you wait.the more excuses your mind will 52 to do nothing.So whether you’re a teenager or much older,find a 53 and get good at it,which could be 54 .There’s no 55better than fight now to start it.If you’re still young,take advantage of it.56 you age so seriously,you’11 have less spare time and also 57 to be slower at learning things.

Keep in mind that it may take years of 58 to get good at the skill(s)you choose but don’t let that 59 you.Ten years from now,you’11 be glad you 60it.





45.A.expectedB.insistedC. predicted D.realized







52.A.come up with B.meet with C.put forward D.take up








60.A.dealt with B.struggled againstC.1ived withD.stuck to

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


When it comes to the most bacterial spots in your hotel room,there’s one place you61(probable)don’t need to be too worried about:your bedsheets.Why? It’s all62(thank)to the sheets’bright,white colour.

At first glance,63 (use)all—white bedding in a hotel might seem a bit absurd;white fibre material is the easiest 64 (stain),after a11.However,that’s also exactly why it makes sense.White sheets make the rooms look recently decorated,65 convinces guests that the bed is clean and fresh.And because they look and feel so clean,they also give the 66(impress)of luxury (奢华)—even if the hotel itself is rather inexpensive.

“Visually,67 idea of the white bed is important,”Erin Hoover,vice president of design for Westin and Sheraton hotels,told HuffPost.“Something about an all-white bed means safety,health and a good night’s sleep.”Westin hotels 68 (be)the first to popularize the white hotel bedsheets back in the 1990s.

And if you have noticed,you’11 find that the all-white color theme often applies69 towels and nightclothes,as well.This has a 70 (practice)purpose:bedsheets,towels,and any other dirty laundry can be washed together without any colors bleeding.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







A little boy was packing sand into blue bucket.Then he turned the bucket upside down and lifted it.Which appeared before his eyes was a castle tower.All afternoon he worked,building the castles.Bottle tops would be soldiers and sticks would be bridges.At his excitement,a sandcastle was being completed.As the waves came near,the child began to clap cheerful.He knew this would happen,but he was not surprised and there is no sorrow. When the great waves crashed into the castle and her masterpiece disappeared into the sea,smiled. He picked up his tools,taking his father’s hand,and went home.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)








