


英 语






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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  1. Why does the woman call the man?
    1. She doesn't know how to use the refrigerator.
    2. She wants her washing machine to be fixed.
    3. There is something wrong with the refrigerator.
  2. What are the speakers talking about?
    1. The man's experience. B. An imaginary situation. C. The woman's job.
  3. How long has the meeting been delayed already?
    1. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 20 minutes.
  4. What does the man want the woman to do?
    1. Dance with him. B. Take care of her feet. C. Show him the steps.
  5. How does the man find the apartment?
    1. Unsafe.B. Too big. C. Excellent.
  6. What did the man forget to do?
    1. Call his mother. B. Pick up the children. C. Get kids' clothes back.
  7. What will the man do this Wednesday?
    1. Hand in his report. B. Go to the dry-cleaner's. C. Celebrate his birthday.
  8. Why did the woman go to Europe?
    1. To have a conference. B. To attend a wedding. C. To travel.
  9. Who is Mary?
    1. Mike's friend. B. Mr. Smith's daughter. C. Jane's colleague.
  10. What did the robbers want?
    1. The mobile phone. B. The necklace. C. The black bag.
  11. What do we know about the woman?
    1. She is short but strong.
      B. She has been robbed three times.
      C. She can handle these situations well.
  12. Who called the police?
    1. Two passers-by. B. A bus driver. C. The woman.
  13. How did the man feel about his promotion?
    1. Calm.B. Unexpected. C. Embarrassed.
  14. When will the man take over his new position?
    1. Tomorrow.B. Next week. C. The following month.
  15. What will the man be in charge of?
    1. The foreign business. B. The sales department. C. The accounts department.
  16. What will the speakers do next?
    1. Eat out. B. Claim the prize. C. Order some food online.
  17. What is the result of eating miracle pills?
    1. People get sick. B. People lose weight slowly.
      C. People don't lose weight successfully.
  18. Who is the best example for losing weight?
    1. The speaker's teacher. B. The speaker's aunt. C. The speaker's classmate.
  19. How many times did Susan exercise per week?
    1. 2.B. 3. C. 4.
  20. What is the key to losing weight effectively?
    1. Having healthy new habits. B. Having magic cures.
      C. Having good doctors.
      第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)
      阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。
      TheDayAfter Tomorrow
      Written by Whitley Strieber, this novel is an adventure based on the film of the same title.Jack Hall,a scientist,is studying some ice samples in Antarctica.Suddenly the ice plates of Antarctica break and move.He never thought that a disaster would happen in his life time,but as it turns out,one is on the way.
      Jack’s 17-year-old son, Sam Hall, is ready to go to New York for a competition. He does not know that he is going to be in great danger.Soon the weather around the world takes a turn for the worse.There are natural disasters everywhere,destroying everything and resulting in millions of deaths.New York is no exception to the terrible weather.It starts to rain and snow so heavily that New York is soon covered in snow.It is the start of the new Ice Age.
      Sam and his friends take shelter in a library where there are many books to burn for fire.Sam calls his father and is told not to go out.Yet many of his friends do not listen--they go outside and freeze to death. Worried about his son, Jack decides to find Sam although there are very dangerous storms.Meanwhile, people in the rest of the country are told to head south as far as possible.
      Jack takes a dangerous journey and finally finds Sam. All of the people that stay in the library are safe. Soon the storm is over and the sun appears.More and more people are found alive. It is a miracle.
      This is an inspiring book that reminds people about the results of global warming and the importance of environmental protection.Are we doing enough to protect the world we live in? This book is suitable for all ages and for anyone who enjoys adventure, excitement and suspense(悬疑).
  21. Why is Sam Hall in great danger in New York?
    1. He takes part in an illegal competition.
      B. He gets lost on his way to the south.
      C. He has to face extreme weather there.
      D. He is not old enough to look after himself.
  22. How do Sam and his friends survive?
    1. They keep warm by burning books in a library.
      B. They go outside to find a way out.
      C. They ask Sam’s father for help.
      D. They encourage each other.
  23. Whitley Strieber wrote the story to .
    1. inspire people to enjoy adventureB. call on people to protect the environment
      C. introduce his experienceD. inform people about first aid skills
      People can rent many different things today:cars,apartments,party dresses,and so on People deal with these rentals between and among themselves.They do not need to come to any company for help.This system is called the sharing economy.It adds up to $26 billion in business each year. It is easy to do because of the Internet, online payments, and social media.
      One group, RelayRides, helps owners earn money from their cars. Anas Kasawat made more than $1,000 this month. “I’ve always thought about, why I can’t rent my own car, and it was difficult to find the right insurance.and no one would do it. So RelayRides was the perfect choice in the end.”
      Still, people worry about security and safety. For example, an international ride-sharing service called “Uber” has had some criticism involving accidents and burglary. Car owners and renters both feel safer when they learn about RelavRides’ million-dollar insurance policy. The company also offers many kinds of vehicles that other companies don’t have.
      RelayRides CEO Andre Haddad says RelayRides is 35 percent less expensive than traditional rental companies in major cities. And he also says that is not the only reason that people like it.
      “I think a lot of people are sensitive to their footprint. Their societal footprint, their environmental footprint, and, when you think about all the cars that are out there that could be better used and we’ll have less need for more cars, that also is a big motivation for a lot of our users in listing out their cars on RelayRides.”
      Daryn Swanson rents out his bicycles on “Spinlister”. He says he cares about making connection with other people in his community.
      “I just like the idea of sharing my things. I have three or four bikes and I don’t use them all at the same time, so I thought it was a good way to meet some people and share what I have.’’
      For Spinlister’s Andrew Batey, this kind of rental helps people who like the same things to meet.
      “I really see that everywhere. We’re in 66 countries now. I could go to Bangladesh and feel the same way in meeting someone who loves biking as much as I do.”
  24. What can we learn about RelayRides?
    1. It provides insurance for car owners.
    2. It charges the same as other rental companies.
    3. It supplies the same vehicles as other companies.
    4. It gets criticism because of accidents and burglary.
  25. What does the author want to tell us in Paragraph5?
    1. The social environment of RelayRides.
    2. The track of the rented cars on RelayRides.
      C. The process of renting cars on RelayRides.
      D. The reason why car owners choose RelayRides.
  26. Andrew Batey chooses Spinlister because he’d like to .
    1. improve his bicycling skills B. travel around the world freely
      C. meet people with the same interests D. become popular in his community
  27. Where does the text probably come from?
    1. An advertising page. B. A business magazine.
      C. A science report D. A social survey.
      New York City is preparing to end its ban on cell phones in schools, dooming an industry that appeared near dozens of schools where teens could park their phones in a van for a dollar a day.
      The out-of-sight, out-of-mind rule is already applied at most New York City high schools. Even with the phone ban still on the books, students at those schools are told, “If we don’t see it. we don’t know about it.”
      But at the 88 city school buildings where metal detectors have been equipped to keep weapons out, the ban is strictly introduced because the detectors catch phones, too.
      Students at schools with metal detectors must either leave their phones at home or shell out for storage. For those students, many of whom have spent hundreds of dollars storing phones and other things over their high school periods, the ban can’t end soon enough.
      “This costs a dollar every day, and it’s a pain to get in that line just so I can get my phone back so I can go home,” 16-year-old Adam Scully said after getting back his phone from the storage van parked outside his school.
      Adam said leaving his phone at home is impossible, adding, “It’s not because I’m overly attached to my phone. It’ because my mom might need to reach me.”
      Parents of teens who attend schools with metal detectors say they too would welcome an end to the phone ban.
      Walter McIntyre, who has two children at Clara Barton High School in Brooklyn, said he now drives his children to school and holds onto their phones during the school day — even though many of their classmates leave their phones in a van.
      “They don’t trust them in those places.” McIntyre said. “They don’t want to lose their phones because they know they’re not getting another one.”
      The security problem came out when a Pure Loyalty van was robbed in the Bronx in June of 2012 and hundreds of students lost their phones.
  28. The underlined word “dooming” in the first paragraph means .
    1. prove something to be right B. allow something to happen
      C. make something certain to fail D. protect something from being destroyed
  29. What is the present situation of New York City high schools?
    1. Most of them obey the ban on cell phones strictly.
      B. Students at schools with metal detectors welcome the change.
      C. Students prefer storing their phones to leaving them at home.
      D. They are preparing to get rid of metal detectors.
  30. Why do McIntyre’s sons never leave their phones in a van?
    1. They hate waiting in a long queue to get their phones back.
    2. They don’t think it safe to store phones in a van.
    3. They once got their phones robbed in a van.
    4. They think it expensive to store their phones.
  31. What may be the best title for the text?
    1. New York City Is Ending Its Ban on Cell Phones in Schools
    2. New York City Schoolchildren can’t Use Cell Phones in Schools
    3. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phones in Schools?
    4. Should Cell Phones Be Banned Within Schools?
      Luther Gulick was chairman of the physical education department at the School for Christian Workers (now Springfield College) in Springfield, Massachusetts. In early December 1891, he instructed physical education teacher James Naismith to invent a new game to entertain the school’s athletes during the winter season.
      With an ordinary soccer ball, Naismith asked his class of 18 young men to get together, appointed captains of two nine-player teams, and introduced them to the game of Basket Ball (then two words). Naismith sent someone to find two boxes to be fastened to the balcony at opposite sides of the gymnasium. The man, however, only found two peach baskets, and the game was played with these.
      The soccer ball and the peach basket soon gave way to better equipment. For example, in the early days the peach baskets were closed at the bottom. The peach basket was later replaced by a metal rim with a net hanging below, and in 1906 people began opening the netting to let the ball fall through.
      The first basketballs were made from panels of leather stitched together with a rubber bladder (球胆) inside. A cloth lining was added to the leather for support. The molded basketball, introduced in about 1942, was a great advancement for the sport. The molded ball, a factory-made ball that had a fixed size and shape, offered better reaction, making play more consistent and the development of individual skills easier.
      In Naismith’s original 13 rules, the ball could be hit in any direction with one or both hands, but it could not be dribbled (运球) because players could not move with the ball. At the beginning of 1910 a player could dribble the ball, but could not shoot after dribbling. It was not until 1916, following heated debate, that players were allowed to shoot after dribbling.
  32. Springfield College in Springfield was once .
    1. a sports school B. a Christmas school
      C. a grammar school D. a religious school
  33. From Paragraph 1&2, we can learn that .
    1. basketball was invented by Luther Gulick in 1918
      B. basketball was played by nine men each game
      C. James Naismith wanted a new game for his school’s athletes
      D. a soccer ball and two peach baskets made the first basketball game
  34. What was a problem for basketball players in the very beginning?
    1. There were too many people in a game.
      B. The ball was not strong enough for playing.
      C. They had to get the ball after each successful shooting.
      D. The metal rim was too small for a ball to fall through.
  35. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?
    1. To prove basketball has a long history.

B. To show how basketball was played.

C. To encourage us to play basketball.

D. To tell the history of basketball.



For many people, one of the best things in life is to lie in a warm bath after a long, hard day at work. There are even some who prefer bottled water. 36 They were the people who built many aqueducts (沟渠) just to get water to the hundreds of public baths in Rome. Most of these baths were very big. There was one which covered a total area of 28 acres!

For bath-lovers, there is nothing more enjoyable than lying in a warm bath long after the washing is finished. 37One reason for this good feeling is that because your body “floats” in water, your muscles can relax. A hot bath can lower blood pressure, too. However, very hot water can make the heart beat faster, and the body may have to take as long as thirty to forty minutes to return to normal. 38

Craig Sherp is a research scientist who works in the Olympic Medical Centre. He believes that baths and showers are good for tired muscles, and they make athletes recover from fatigue more quickly. 39 He did three tests on a group of athletes:

  1. On the first day, all the athletes went for a run early in the morning, then had a cold shower.
  2. On the second morning, the same group of athletes went for a run, but had no shower afterwards.

(3)On the third day, they had no run in the morning, but had a shower.

40 However, to everyone’s surprise, a shower alone wag better than a run without a shower.

A. When they get out of the bath, they feel relaxed and very much better.

B. So he did an experiment to see how athletes feel in different situations.

C. However, no one could be as serious about their baths as the Romans were.

D. Japanese wash and clean themselves completely before bathing in hot water.

E. The French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, loved baths as much as the Romans did.

F. The result was that the best feeling was created by the run followed by a cool shower.

G. So, doctors often advise patients with high blood pressure or a weak heart not to take very hot baths




One day I was at my dentist’s to have my teeth cleaned. He mentioned how smoking had really harmed my 41. I said I would like to 42 smoking and he said he could refer me to a NHS Stop Smoking Clinic. I decided to 43it.

When I attended the Stop Smoking Clinic, I first had to blow into a kind of Breathalyzer (呼吸测量仪) to 44 the carbon monoxide in my lungs. That number was very 45. Afterwards the counsellor told me about the different 46 I could use to help me stop smoking. I 47 to try lozenges (含片).

The night before my stop-smoking day I felt very 48 and could not sleep. In the end I had to get up and have a cigarette to calm my nerves. That would be my 49 ever cigarette, I told myself. 50, the next morning I smoked my last two cigarette when I got up and hated myself for it. Then I 51 why not begin now? It was 1: 35 pm and I 52 what would be my last cigarette. I decided this really would be my last one and the next time I wanted a cigarette, I would have a lozenge instead and this was what I did. Then I had one lozenge. It really 53 me to stop wanting to smoke.

When I went back to seeing my Stop Smoking Counsellor the following week and blew into the breathalyzer machine, the 54 was a low 3. I was greatly 55. Every two weeks I went and saw my counselor to talk over how I had been getting on and also picked up my prescription for my patches and lozenges. Now I’m a(n) 56.

Smoking57 our health. Many people want to quit, but it’s 58 a challenge. From my experience I have learned that it can be much easier 59 you get help from a counselor. So why not 60 the Stop Smoking Clinic if you have difficulty in quitting smoking?

41. A. mouth B. hair C. skin D. teeth

42. A. worry about B. think about C. give up D. keep up

43. A. suggest B. continue C. try D. call

44. A. compare B. measure C. improve D. reduce

45. A. high B. stable C. strange D. regular

46. A. tools B. results C. methods D. places

47. A. begged B. feared C. pretended D. decided

48. A. exhausted B. nervous C. curious D. interested

49. A. scariest B. last C. longest D. best

50. A. Unfortunately B. Unexpectedly C. Necessarily D. Frequently

51. A. doubted B. answered C. thought D. explained

52. A. replaced B. destroyed C. purchased D. smoked

53. A. taught B. helped C. hurt D. allowed

54. A. reading B. expectation C. time D. hearing

55. A. admired B. attracted C. encouraged D. distracted

56. A. tutor B. addict C. non-drinker D. non-smoker

57. A. examines B. harms C. changes D. enters

58. A. luckily B. hardly C. nearly D. absolutely

59. A. if B. though C. unless D. since

60. A. point at B. care about C. turn to D. show off



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第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)



Mike: Alice, nice to see you. I didn’t know that you are also in the language club.

Alice: Nice to see you, too. I 61 (learn) language in the club for half a year.

Mike: How about your progress?

Alice: I’ve got much progress actually. I am brave enough 62 (speak) up. Besides, I have improved a lot in grammar.

Mike: What methods do you use?

Alice: We apply mixed methods. Besides learning on our own, we 63 learn in groups.

Mike: How do you see the advantages of each method?

Alice: In general, students can concentrate more 64 they are studying by themselves. But learning in groups, they come to a more complete understanding by 65 (compare) with others.

Mike: Which one is 66 (suitable) for you, learning on your own or learning in groups?

Alice: Personally, I think 67 is an effective way to study in groups. When I am learning on my own, I 68 (constant) see my subject material from a single perspective. Although this is sometimes 69 (benefit), getting another perspective may help me learn better. I have several good partners learning together. And when I make mistakes, they will give me a lot of 70 (encourage) and suggestions.



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



Nowadays, many schools used the way of closed management to manage students, leave students less freedom to leave the school at their will. Students have different opinions about it.

Some students thought school is best place to get knowledge so they should study with a peacefully heart. Some students lack self-control ability. Once out of school, they may get ourselves into trouble. However, some other think they enjoy less freedom and have less time to be with their families and friends. Besides, they get many chances to get in touch with society, that makes them a frog in a well. Therefore, they have less interest in their studies.




2. 不能发表过激言论;





21-23 CAB24-27 ADCB28-31 CBBA 32-35 DDCD

36-40 CAGBF




61. have been learning62. to speak63. also64. while65. comparing

66. more suitable67. it68. constantly69. beneficial70. encouragement


71. used→use 72. leave→leaving 73. their 74. think→thought 75. the∧best

76. ourselves→themselves77. other→others 78. many→few 79. that→which 80. on→in


With many policies of education reform carried out, many high schools are not allowed to have lessons on weekends and in evenings. Students have more spare time in daily life. I think it is absolutely right. Here are my reasons.

First, with more spare time we can develop our interest in other aspects. To study is very important, but it is not the only thing that we should do in our life. Our life is not all about study.

Besides, with more spare time we can relax ourselves more fully. As we all know, without healthy bodies, we can do nothing.

More importantly, we have more time to stay with our family. There is possibility for us to communicate with our family, so we can also stay mentally healthy. If so, there will be more happy families in our country.


Text 1

M: Yes, Mrs. Smith, what can I do for you? Is it the washing machine again?

W:No. its the refrigerator this time. I think something is wrong with the temperaturecontrol.

Text 2

M: Jane, suppose you lost all your money while taking a vacation overseas, what would you do?

W: Well, I guess I’d sell my watch or computer or do some odd jobs till I could afford a return plane ticket.

Text 3

M:The meeting is supposed to begin at half past ten. But its ten to eleven now.

W: Yes, and many people haven’t turned up yet.

Text 4

M:Anna, would you like to dance?

W: I’d love to, but I’m a terrible dancer. I’m afraid I may step on your feet.

M: Don’t worry about it. I’ll show you how. It’s easy.

W: Thank you. I’ll try my best.

Text 5

M:The apartment I looked at today was pretty suitable--around 180m2.

W: Great. What about the surrounding area?

M:Very quiet and safe.

Text 6

w: ⑥Hi, darling, did you remember to pick up the children’s school uniforms at the dry-cleaner’s?

M: ⑥Uh No, I forgot. But I’ll do that tomorrow.

W: Well, how was work?

M: Everything goes well. My boss is satisfied with my job. I handed in my monthly report. We will discuss it as soon as he comes back from Shanghai.

w: Well, ⑦youll have to celebrate your birthday the day after tomorrow. Were going out to dinner, remember?

M: ⑦Is that this Wednesday? Oh, I forgot about that, too.

Text 7

W: Hello, Mike. How have you been all these days?

M: Just fine, Jane. We haven’t contacted for quite a long time. Where have you been?

W: ⑧I went to Europe to attend an international conference. I came back only yesterday.

M: I know you are always on the go. Oh. I nearly forgot. Mr. Smith asked me to invite you to his daughter Marys wedding. He cannot reach you.

W: That’s fine. I’m glad to be invited. When and where will the ceremony be?

M: The ceremony will be held in the Long Island Hotel oil February 28th.

W: Long Island Hotel. February 28th. That’s next Saturday. I’ve noted it down. Thank you for telling me about the wedding. I’ll be there on time.

M: See you then.

W: See you.

Text 8

M: And it was still daylight?

W: Yes. Anyway, suddenly, someone pulled my hair from behind and at the sametime they grabbed my mobile phone. Now, I’m a karate black belt.

M: Really!

W:Yes, I practice three times a week, so I'm ready for situations like this.

M: I bet you are.

W:Yes. I can react very fast. So as soon as this guy grabbed me. I did what I am told to do in these situations.

M: And what’s that?

W: I fell backwards onto him.

M: You fell backwards onto him!

W: Yeah! I’m tall and quite heavy so we both fell to the ground together.

M: Goodness!

W: Er, yeah. I was ready to hit him but then next thing I knew, two men had seized the guy. They were driving a car past and they stopped to help. They were big strong guys. They called the police who came in fiveminutes.

Text 9

W: I was really glad to hear about your promotion. Congratulations!

M: Thanks, Jane. I was really surprised. I mean there were a lot of qualified people out there.

W: Sure, but the work you did was really exceptional! You definitely deserved it!

M: Thanks a lot.

W: You are always responsible and careful.

M: Jane, I appreciate it very much. I expect to see you get nominated pretty soon, too. You’ve been doing some great work!

W: Thank you. I’11 try my best. By the way, when do you take over the new position?

M:Next month.

W: So what are you responsible for?

M:Im going to manage the whole accounts department.

W: So you must get higher pay than before.

M: Yes, the company will also give me a prize of 1. 000 yuan.

W: 1, 000 yuan? That’s great! So…

M: OK, I know what you mean. It’s my treat.

W: Really? Can I order anything I want?

M: Of course. Lets go to that Italian restaurant.

Text 10:

W: It seems that many people today are overweight. No one wants to carry around extra pounds, but few people know how to lose weight effectively. They look for miracle pills and magic cures. In the end, they fail and the pounds come back. But the most effective way of losing weight is actually very simple. It is a combination of a good diet and proper exercise. What makes it work is determination. It requires discipline and determination to succeed. Hereis an example that proves the truth of thesewords.

My aunt Susan had been trying to lose weight for years. She went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. She lost a lot of weight quickly only to have it come back. Finally, she followed her doctor’s advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet. She ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. In addition, she joined an exercise class. She worked out three times a week. At first, my aunt wasn’t happy because the weight loses so slowly. But her classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her goal. Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. Thatwas because she had developed healthy new habits.
