



出题人: 林胜利 审题人: 董晴晨


  1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷和答题卡,共 6页。满分 120 分,考试用时 100分钟。考
  2. 答题前,请您务必将自己的班级、姓名、学号、考号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上。
  3. 请用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔将答案写在答题卡上的指定位置,在其它位置作答一律无效。
  1. 保持答题卷清洁、完整,严禁使用涂改液和修正带。

第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共 80 分)

第一部分:听力(共20小题,满分 20 分)


听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题, 从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中


  1. What was the film really like?
    1. It was interesting.
    2. It was not interesting.
    3. It was not worth seeing.
  2. Which of the following is the most probable reason why Bill lost his job?
    1. He was usually late for work.
    2. He often made mistakes in his work and asked for leaves.
    3. He made a serious mistake in business with a company.
  3. What did the man mean?
    1. He quite agreed with the woman.
    2. He enjoyed the lecture the whole time.
    3. The lecture was more than one hour long.
  4. What is the man going to do tomorrow afternoon?
    1. Paint the front door.
    2. Weed the garden.
    3. Wash the car.
  5. How will the couple get home?
    1. They will walk home.
    2. They will take a taxi.
    3. They will take the subway.
      第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
      听下面5段对话或独白。 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
  6. Why is her son not going to take a vacation?
    1. Because he doesn’t like travelling.
    2. Because he is busy with his studies.
      C. Because he doesn’t like going abroad.
  7. When are the woman and her husband leaving for China?
    1. Next week.B. Next Wednesday.C. Next month.
  8. What is the relationship between the woman and the man?
    1. Doctor and patient. B. Mother and son.C. Friends.
  9. What does the woman suggest the man do?
    1. Have plenty of sleep.
    2. Do much running.
    3. Not have an injection.
  10. What are the speakers talking about?
    1. Popular sports events.
    2. TV programs people like best.
      C. Things people do in their spare time.
  11. How did the woman do the research?
    1. She talked to people.
      B. She sent letters to people.
      C. She collected information from newspapers.
  12. What do most people do in their free time?
    1. Go to movies.B. Read books.C. Watch TV.
  13. How does the man kill time?
    1. By eating potato chips.
      B. By watching TV.
      C. By taking a walk.
  14. What does the man dislike?
    1. The square.B. The parks.C. The city.
  15. What does the man think is the most important?
    1. Entertainment.B. Income. C. Quietness.
  16. What do the man and the woman disagree on?
    1. Whether the city needs a symbol.
      B. Whether the amusement park should be built.
      C. Whether the square is a good place for a walk.
      听第10段材料,回答第17至20 题
  17. Where does the speaker’s voice come from?
    1. A cinema.B. A car park.C. An answerphone.
  18. When will the Italian film be on next week?
    1. From Monday to Thursday.
      B. From Monday to Friday.
      C. From Monday to Sunday.
  19. When will a student probably go to the cinema if he wants the cheaper ticket?
    1. On Monday.
    2. On Wednesday.
    3. On Friday.
  20. What can we learn from the talk?
    1. A student ticket is half the price.
    2. The cinema has a car park of its own.
    3. Further information can be gained about the film.
      Around the world, Chinese parents are famous for being very generous about educating children. Not 21 about the money, parents often send their children to the 22 schools at home or even abroad to England, the USA or Australia. They also want their children to take part in extra-course 23 where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes which will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that the more
      24 an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend a(n) 25 amount of money on education. Even 26 couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter.
      27 , what most parents 28 to see is that the best early education they can give their children is usually very cheap.
      Parents can see that their children’s skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize 29 , is that today’s children 30 self-respect and self-confidence.
      The problem is that parents are only 31 their children about how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills that they need to be 32 , happy and clever.
      Parents can achieve this by teaching 33 skills like cooking, sewing, and doing other housework.
      34 a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking demands 35 and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult 36 . A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job 37 . His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.
      Some old machines such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your children to play with will make him 38 and arouse his interest. He will spend hours looking at them, trying to 39 them; your child might become an engineer when he grows up. These activities are not merely teaching a child to read a book, 40 rather to think, and to use his mind. And that really counts.
      21. A. offeringB. caringC. spendingD. paying
      22. A. ordinaryB. bestC. specialD. good
      23. A. partiesB. sportsC. clubsD. activities
      24. A. expensiveB. reasonableC. farD. cheap
      25. A. unreasonableB. reasonableC. properD. small
      26. A. richB. oldC. poorD. young
      27. A. HoweverB. OtherwiseC. ThereforeD. Instead
      28. A. failB. tryC. wantD. manage
      29. A. thoughB. ifC. unlessD. or
      30. A. gainB. ownC. loseD. lack
      31. A. installingB. educatingC. persuadingD. suggesting
      32. A. unselfishB. confidentC. friendlyD. polite
      33. A. actualB. trueC. realD. practical
      34. A. AskingB. PromisingC. TeachingD. Encouraging
      35. A. spaceB. determinationC. effortD. patience
      36. A. experienceB. workC. incomeD. housework
      37. A. mentallyB. successfullyC. rarelyD. academically
      38. A. strangeB. puzzledC. curiousD. excited
      39. A. fixB. watchC. breakD. make
      40. A. ifB. untilC. whenD. but
      第三部分:阅读理解 (每小题2分,共30分)
      At the age of 5, most children in the USA start to go to school. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is fun. The children learn to read and write. But they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason at such an early age for him to hit the books.
      The situation changes as children become older. The subjects become more difficult. Students must learn about world history, algebra (代数), and the life sciences. Tests become more common. Pressure is growing to hit the books, study hard, and advance. However, most serious students only really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school.
      High school students who hope to continue their education at a college or university must take a special national test called the S-A-T. The test has two parts. The first part tests the student's ability with numbers and mathematical skills. The second part tests the student's ability in the English language.
      The S-A-T test is very important. A high school student who gets a high score on the two parts of the test has a good chance to enter a top American college. For this reason, many students hit the books for months to prepare for the S-A-T.
      41.The underlined phrase “hitting the books” in the second paragraph probably means ________.
      1. working hard at a certain subject B. reading books with great effort
        C. reading books in a hurry D. studying a subject carefully
        42. The students in high school ________.
        A. have to take the S-A-T
        B. are free and happy
        C. have to hit the books if they want to go on to college
        D. don’t hit the books until they pass the S-A-T
        43. American children don't need________ if they want to study in public schools.
        1. to pay for the educationB. to work hard at their lessons
          C. to hit the booksD. to take many tests
          44. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
          A. In America the students have to pass a certain test to continue their education.
      2. The students must spend much time preparing for the S-A-T.
        C. Those who fail in the S-A-T cannot go to a top college.
        D. Young children needn’t work hard at their lessons because education is free.
        According to most people, after a long period of studying or working, we need to have a rest to refresh ourselves. However, that may not be the case. According to a recent report, you don’t need the break as much as you may think that makes you feel less tired.
        Scientists have long assumed that willpower (意志力) is a limited resource, which is why you feel the need to have a rest, have a snack and come back to a task when you're feeling better. They argued that the only way to restore willpower was by rest, food or entertainment.
        But psychologists have challenged this theory, saying weak willpower is all in your head. They found that people’s beliefs in willpower determine how long and how well they’ll be able to work on a tough mental exercise. “If you think of willpower as something that’s limited, you’re more likely to be tired when you perform a difficult task,” said Prof. Veronika Job. “But if you think of willpower as something that is not easily used up, you can go on and on.”
        The researchers designed four experiments to test students’ beliefs in willpower. After a tiring task, those, who believed or were led to believe that willpower is a limited resource, performed worse on standard concentration tests than those who thought of willpower as something they had more control over. They also found that leading up to final exam week, students who believed the limited resource theory ate junk food 24 percent more often than those who believed they had more control in resisting temptation (诱惑).
        Mr. Job said. “The theory that willpower is a limited resource is interesting, but it has had unintended consequences. Students who may already have trouble studying are being told that their power of concentration is limited, and they need to take frequent breaks. But a belief in willpower as a non-limited resource makes people stronger in their ability to work through challenges.”
        The findings could help people who are battling temptation. Willpower isn't driven by a biologically based process as much as we used to think. The belief in it is what influences your behavior.
        45. The underlined word “restore” in Paragraph 2 probably means _________.
        A. to make something return to its former state or condition
        B. to put things in a certain place
        C. to give back to someone something that was lost or taken from them
    4. to repair an old building, piece of furniture, or painting and so on

46. Which of the following best helps the students to prepare better for their exams?

  1. Push themselves even if they want to take a break.
  2. Remind themselves willpower is not limited.
  3. Don’t eat fast food while studying.
  4. Stay in a comfortable and quiet place.

47. What’s the best title for the passage?

  1. Willpower doesn’t last long.
  2. How to build strong willpower.
  3. The great influence of willpower.
  4. A new theory about willpower.
    Music could be heard through the walls at Paddock Lane as fourth graders tried out some new dance moves Wednesday.
    Through drumming and dancing, Charles Ahovissi has made it his goal to teach students about African culture this week at Paddock Lane Elementary School (PLES).
    “This is very important,” Ahovissi said. “These kids need this, not just to learn about the culture and history, but to be able to focus. Drumming and dancing help kids focus, and challenge them mentally and physically.”
    He said he also tries to change misinterpretations about African culture, and help them correctly understand positive aspects . The main group of students Ahovissi is working with is the fourth grade. All grades will meet with Ahovissi, but he will spend time every day working with the fourth graders on drums and dancing until a performance Friday at 2: 30 p.m.. Fourth grader Linnea Edeal said she has enjoyed Ahovissi’s teaching, even if her hands hurt from hitting the drums. “I like it because it is fun and you get to learn some African culture,” she said.
    Ahovissi has worked with students counting beats on drums and has choreographed(编舞)a dance for the fourth graders. He said what he enjoys most about working with children is watching them as they begin to learn in a different way.
    “I see some kids here are fighting with themselves,” he said. “They are trying to put what I am giving them through their brains. At the end of the day they get it, but the first time they are challenged.”
    The professional performer originally came to the US 15 years ago from Benin, West Africa, and has been traveling for the Nebraska Arts Council teaching children about African culture. He brings to each school a classroom set of drums and costumes(演出服).
    The school was able to fund Ahovissi’s visit through a grant(补助金), said a second grade teacher Kristin Hoffman and the Paddock Lane PTO. “It is important for the students to experience working with an artist,” Hoffman said. “Each year there is something different that I try to do.”
    48. What does Ahovissi think of the music lesson?
    A. It can make African culture colorful.
    B. It can help kids improve their concentration.
    C. It can enrich African history and culture.
    D. It can help kids effectively free of stress.
    49. What does the underlined word “misinterpretations” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
    A. Misunderstandings.
    B. Advantages.
    C. Arrangements.
    D. Misfortune.
    50. According to Ahovissi the students _____.
    A. are only curious about African culture
    B. have great gift for dancing and drumming
    C. are working hard to learn how to dance
    D. change African music in a special way
    51. It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that_____.
    A. Ahovissi has been working in PLES for 15 years
    B. Ahovissi has visited many schools with his drums
    C. Ahovissi will put an end to his job in America
    D. Ahovissi help Kristin Hoffman run a school
    Are you worried that you can’t write well?New Writing South is directing the way!
    •Towner Writer Squad (班组)for kids aged 13-17
    Led by comedy and TV writer, Marian Kilpatrick, Towner Writer Squad will meet once a month at the contemporary art museum for 11 months, starting 12 October, 2015.
    The FREE squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles, from poetry to play writing and lyrics (抒情诗)to flash fiction, to support the development of young writers.
    Application & Selection
    If you would like to apply to be part of the Towner Writer Squad, please send a sample piece of your writing (about 500 words), responding to the title ‘LUNCH,’ with your name, age, address and e-mail address to: debo@newwritingsouth.com.
    Once all applications are in, you will be invited to an open selection event on 17 September,4-5 p.m., at the gallery of Towner. This will be an informal opportunity to meet the Squad Leader, Squad Associate and other young people.
    You will also have a chance to get to know the fantastic gallery space and get a taste of what’s to come.
    Deadline for applications: 8 September, 2015
    For further information go to: facebook.com/towner or towner.org.uk or newwritingsouth.com
    Any questions — feel free to send your e-mail to Towner Writer Squad Associate: whame@towner.gov.uk
    Beginner Writing Project for kids aged 10-13
    Due to popular demand, a writing project will be started for eager beginners.
    Start time: 6 September, 2015
    Meet every other Saturday,2-4 p.m., at the Towner Study Centre.
    Study and write at your own pace - you do not have to rush 一 as you have a year to go through the project. Practise under the guidance of some experienced writers and teachers who can help you with basic writing skills. Most importantly, build confidence and have fun while writing!
    No previous experience or special background is required. Many others have been successful this way. If they can do it, why can’t you?
    Fee: £179
    For more information go to: newtowner.org.uk or generate.org.uk
    52. To join the Writer Squad, each applicant should first _______.
    1. provide a piece of their writing B. meet the Writer Squad Leader
      C. offer their family information D. complete an application form
      53. Applications for the Writer Squad should be e-mailed no later than _______.
      1. 6 September, 2015 B. 8 September, 2015

C. 17 September, 2015 D. 12 October, 2015

54. What is most important for the beginners?

A. Practising as much as possible.

B. Gaining confidence and having fun.

C. Studying and writing at their own pace.

D. Learning skills from writers and teachers.

55. More information about Beginner Writing Project can be found at _______.

  1. towner.org.uk B. newwritingsouth.com

C. newtowner.org.uk D. facebook.com/towner


  1. 单词与释义搭配(每小题1分,共10分)
    56. dweller A. people who teach in a college
    57. overlook B. fail to see or notice
    58. regardless C. something new and unusual
    59. simultaneously D. a strong and deep feeling
    60. curriculum E. person or animal living in a place
    61. mature F. course of study in a school
    62. lapel G. at the same time
    63. novelty H. become fully developed
    64. faculty I. front part of the collar of a coat
    65. passion J. paying no attention to
    第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(共 40 分)
  2. 根据首字母及汉语提示拼写单词 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

66. The word “faculty” b_________ with the letter “f”.

67. Teenagers tend to regard listening to music and doing sports as their l_________ activities.

68. Water and food are the basic n_________ for human beings.

69. I look f_________ to getting high marks in the coming exams.

70. Students at Shady Side are reaching for e_________, not just in classroom achievements but in the development of character.

71. Time and _________(支出;经费) also influence the choice of a hobby.

72. A man who is _________(不停地;持续地) part of a group may like to relax alone

with a stamp collection.

73. As a hobbyist becomes more experienced he will be able to buy more_________(明智).

74. Students at Changchun Foreign Languages School are_________(接触;暴露) to lots of social activities.

75. Hobbies provide people with a _________(平衡)between work and play.

第三节 英汉互译(每小题1分,共10分)

76. 一个人所居住的地方也许会影响到他的爱好。(take up)

77. 她告别家长后出发去学校。(set off)

78. 太阳刚刚升起来,她的闹钟就响了。(come up)

79. 自从我们搬到新家以来,妈妈没在自己身上花一点钱。(spend…on…)

80. 在老师的帮助下,他比以往任何时候都学得快。(than ever before)

81. In theory, these classes are optional, but in parctice they are compulsory.

82. Our studies come first.

83. We will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to find an answer.

84. Such opportunities never come their way.

85. He forced her to go on walking regardless of her health condition.

第五部分 书面表达(满分20分)

为迎接2015年的外语文化节,长春外国语学校开展题为“我的爱好”的英语征文比赛。请以 “My Hobbies” 为题,根据以下要点写一篇100词左右的英语短文参赛。


  1. 对爱好的认识;
  2. 介绍自己的爱好;
  3. 说明你的爱好对你的生活和学习方面的积极影响。


  1. 词数100左右;
  2. 短文必须包括以上所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

My Hobbies

听力答案: 1-5ACAAB 6-10 BAAAC 11-15ACBBC

16-20 BCABC


21. B 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A

26. C 27. A 28. A 29. A30. D

31. B32.B 33. D34. C35. D

36. A37. B38. C39. A40. D


Passage A BCAD

Passage B ABD

Passage C BACB

Passage D ABBC

单词释义搭配: 1. E 2. B 3. J 4. G 5. F 6. H 7. I 8. C 9. A 10. D


  1. begins 2. leisure 3. necessities 4. forward 5.excellence 6. expense 7. constantly 8. Intelligently/wisely 9. exposed 10. balance


  1. Where a person lives may influence the kind of hobby he takes up.
  2. She says goodbye to her parents and sets off to her school.
  3. The sun has only just come up when her alarm clock rings.
  4. Mum has never spent any money on herself since we moved to the new home.
  5. With the help of the teacher, he learns/learnt/learned faster than ever before.


7. 学习是首要的。


9. 他们从没有这样的机会。



A hobby can be anything that a person enjoys doing in his or her spare time. For instance, when we swim, read or play basketball, we are engaged in a hobby which gives us relaxation and enjoyment.

For me, reading and swimming are good ways to relax .When the school day ends, I will absorb myself in a classic novel to experience the different feelings and emotions with the characters. Reading can enrich my mind and teach me how to live a wonderful and meaningful life. At weekends, when I am exhausted both physically and mentally, I will go to swim with my friends. Swimming is a kind of sports that can help to refresh myself and prepare for the coming weekdays.

In a word, having a hobby can make me more of an active and energetic person than one who is addicted to the Internet or TV series.
