



本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。全卷满分150分, 考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后只交答卷(第II卷),第I卷自行带走并放好,以备讲评。

注意事项:1. 答题前务必将自己所在的年级、班级和姓名填写在答题卷边栏对应的区域内。

2. 第一卷选择题完成后,应将自己所选的答案填涂在答题卷对应的区域内。

第I卷(选择题,共 90分)

第一部分 听力(每小题1分,共30分)

第一节 听下面5段对话,从所给选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。

  1. Where was the man born? A. In London. B. In Paris. C. In New York.
  2. What is the woman’s seat number?
  1. No. 10, Row 3. B. No. 10, Row 2. C. No. 10, Row 4.
    3. What did the woman do yesterday? A. Watch TV. B. Sleep at home. C. Climb a mountain.
    4. What does the man have a problem with? A. His stomach. B. His lungs. C. His heart.
    5. When will the speakers meet? A. At eight thirty. B. At eight. C. At nine.
    第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。从所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Why is the man moving to New York?
    1. To look after his mother. B.To start a new job. C. To get married.
      7. What is man’s new job? A. A bank teller. B. A finacial advisor. C. A shop assistant.
      8. Where are the speakers now? A. In New Jersey. B. In California. C. In Hawaii.
      9. What does the woman plan to do?
      A. Visit her uncle. B. Go on vacation. C. Change her job.
      10. What is Lucy doing now? A. Drawing a picture. B. Writing a letter. C. Writing a paper.
      11. What does the man think of writing letters?
      A. It is faster. B. It is convenient. C. It is a waste of time.
      12. How often does Lucy write to her mother now?
      A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once every ten days.
      13. What is the weather today? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Windy.
      14. What kind of weather does the woman prefer? A. Cool. B. Hot. C. Cold.
      15. What will the man do this weekend? A. Go hiking. B. Go swimming. C. Go shopping.
      16. What does the woman want to buy? A. A sweater. B. A hat. C. Trousers.
      17. What is the man probably? A. A person representing customers B. A new salesman in a store
      C. A trainer for the sales man
      18. How can a store attract and keep more customers? A. By employing more experienced salesmen
  2. By leading customers to a decision C. By improving the customer satisfaction
    19. What is important for salesmen? A. Leading customers to the store
    B. Making customers feel welcome C. Showing customers around the store
    资*源%库 20. When should a salesman help customers decide on their needs? A. Soon after they walk into the store
    B. As soon as they say “hello” to him C. When they don’t know what they want.
    第二部分 阅读理解 第一节(共15小题, 满分30分)
    Several years ago, I worked as a truck driver for a company. On Saturdays I usually spent several hours doing something to keep my truck in good condition.
    One Saturday, as I was cleaning my truck, I noticed the boss’s elderly father came out to ask his grandson to take him fishing after work. The grandson told him all about how much he would love to do that, but, he just couldn’t because he had other plans already. The old man hobbled(蹒跚) off to the house.
    Then I heard the grandson telling his dad,"I’m not taking that old man fishing! It’s worse than taking a kid."
         That just broke my heart. I quit working immediately and went home to fetch my fishing gear (渔具) and a chair. Then I came back and invited the old man to go fishing. He accepted happily.
         When we got to the river, I let him sit in the chair at the edge of the water. It wasn’t long before he got a fish. He got one fish after another. His eyes were shining like a child. About half an hour later, he told me he was tired and needed to go home. So I took him and the fish home.
         Two weeks later, the old man died. His family told me later that all he talked about during that time was his fishing trip. I am satisfied that I have taken an old man on his last fishing trip, but I am sorry that his family have lost their last chance. Whenever you get the chance, don’t forget about taking Grandpa fishing. Someday, you may be in the same place and you’ll want your family to care about you, too.

    21. The writer wrote the passage mainly to _______.
    1. tell us something about his work B. tell us about a fishing experience
      C. persuade us to care about the elderly   D. persuade us to take Grandpa fishing
      22.The old man’s Grandson refused to fish with him because _______.
      A. he had something more important to do that day B. he preferred fishing with a child
      C. he was tired of his job and he wanted to rest      D. he didn’t like to fish with an old man
      23. What’s the possible meaning of the underlined word "quit"? A. start B. stop   C. imagine D. try
      24. According to the last paragraph, we know that _______.
      A. the old man’s family is responsible for the old man’s death
      B. the old man’s family regretted not having gone fishing with the old man
      C. the old man got a lot of happiness from his last fishing trip   
      D. the old man was not pleased with his family
      25. According to the passage, we can infer that the author is _______.
      1. willing to make his boss happy B. kind and warm-hearted
        C. prefers fishing to his work D. in need of care from his family
        All her life, Blanche Vavra of Montana, was careful with her spending. She grew up poor, learning to save whenever she could. Vavra never married or had children, but provided money for her mother for years after her father had passed away. She shared a small home with her mother, and never bought anything she didn’t need. Instead, she put her savings in the bank.
            "She probably had a cigar box full of jewelry (珠宝) and the whole thing wasn’t worth a dollar," a neighbour told the local newspaper."But she wore it well."
             But after Vavra passed away at the age of 90, her friends were shocked to see how much she had saved: $2.8 million. She had saved nearly all of her income. After her death, it would be contributed (捐赠) to 11 specially chosen non-profit (非盈利的) groups from her local area. During her later years, Vavra carefully planned where her money would go. She had meetings with several of the organizations’ leaders, and spent much time researching the charities(慈善机构).
            "She was quite clever at making sure these were quality charities," said John Jones, a lawyer who helped deal with Vavra’s money."She wanted the money to go to the groups that would help people in need."
             It was an amazing thing. Most people had never met her or heard her story, but every time they received help, they were told what this great American woman had done. While Vavra’s death made her friends feel sad, they were sure that her kind act would provide a lasting gift for society.

        26. Blanche Vavra was careful with her spending in order to save money for ________.
        A. her family members B. expensive jewelry     C. her friends D. people in need of help
        资*源%库 27. The underlined word"handpicked" in the third paragraph probably means ________.
        A. specially chosen B. highly developed     C. strongly needed D. newly opened
        28. What did Blanche Vavra’s friends think of her act?
            A. It was funny. B. It was kind. C. It was ridiculous.    D. It was unacceptable.
        29. We know from this passage that ________.
         A. Blanche Vavra did not like wearing jewelry at all

        B. Blanche Vavra’s friends would go on with her work
        C. Blanche Vavra’s money was given to the local charities  
        D. most of the local charities were not worth trusting
        30. The author wrote this passage to ________.
        A. tell us Blanche Vavra’s attitude towards the charities

        B. remind us that saving is more important than earning
        C. encourage us to learn from Blanche Vavra’s act
        D. describe Blanche Vavra’s influence on her friends
        Eggs are good and nutritious (营养的) if eaten the right way and many people think of drinking raw (生的) eggs as a healthy habit. However, Seye Adeniyi has some other ideas.
             It is certain that we need food for our growth and total well-being (健康). It seems that eating raw eggs is not a bad thing. In fact, many students believe that raw eggs are richer in protein and nutrients (营养物) than any other food, including boiled eggs. For example, Nike Aderohunmu, a student from Nigeria, often drinks raw eggs for breakfast. He says it can save time as well as give him a lot of energy for the day.
             But people need to realize the fact that too much of anything is bad. So does eating too many raw eggs. It can cause diseases like heart disease, chest pain, cancer, etc. Another fact which many of us don’t realize is that there is nothing good and nutritious about eating raw eggs and that it can also affect your health and lifespan (寿命). Connecting any health value to raw eggs is only a tradition. So, for anybody to say that he/she prefers to gain more protein and other nutrients from eating raw eggs is like building castles in the air.
            Thus, Nike Aderohunmu and other Nigerians who hold that eating raw eggs is good should stop this unhealthy diet habit. Rather, they should cook or boil eggs before eating them. It is only from boiled eggs that they can gain protein and other needed nutrients.

        31. The purpose of the first part is _____. 
        A. to prove eggs are good for our health C. to describe how popular eating raw eggs is
        B. to show that some people like eating raw eggs    D. to introduce why it is wrong to eat raw eggs
        32. Which of the following is NOT true about eating raw eggs, according to the passage?
        A. It helps us get richer protein than boiled eggs. B. It can affect how long we live.
        C. It is a tradition that should be changed.      D. It offers nothing nutritious.
        33. The underlined part "building castle in the air" in Paragraph 3 means______.
        1. finding difficulty building B. building a great castle
          C. having no scientific evidence  D. believing everything is possible
          34. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
          A. Nike Aderohunmu thinks it is delicious to eat raw eggs.
          B. We should stop people from eating raw eggs.
          C. Nigerians will cook or boil eggs before eating them.
          资*源%库$来&源:D. We can get protein and needed nutrients from raw eggs.
          35. The passage is mainly about ______.  
            A. the methods of eating eggs B. the advantages of eating eggs
          资*源%库C. whether we should eat raw eggs D. the nutrients of raw eggs
          The right pair of exercise shoes can do a lot to prevent discomfort and injuries, personal trainers say. Here are some shopping tips:
            36    Depending on your workout, shoes designed for walking, running, tennis, cross-training or another specialty will provide the best support for your feet.
          Shop when you normally exercise. Feet actually get bigger throughout the day, sometimes swelling up as much as a half-size by nighttime.   37  
          Try them on. Never grab a pair of exercise shoes based only on the size of footwear you normally buy. Bring the type of socks you’d wear to work out and go for a walk through the store.
            38    You should be able to spread your toes out comfortably. Make sure there’s about a half-inch of space between them and the front of the shoe. The back should fit snugly (warmly and comf ortably) against your heel and not move up and down. If your feet are different sizes, buy based on the larger one.
          Talk to an expert. Shoe salesmen and personal trainers can study your stride (步伐) and the shape of your feet.     39  
            40     Many trainers recommend switching footwear every three to five mont hs, if possible, to maintain proper cushioning and support.
          One tip: if you have to tie your shoes very tightly to feel a good amount of support, they may be ready to go.
          A. Think about how much you can afford to buy the workout shoes.
          B. Consider your type of exercise.
  3. Focus on fit.
  4. So don’t shop first thing in the morning if you often work out in the evening.
  5. Pay more attention to new style shoes.
  6. Replace worn shoes regularly.
  7. Usually they can recommend the best shoes to guard against injuries.
    I am a straight-A (全优的) student and have been in my whole life. When you come from a family of teachers, it just seems 41. I just dislike losing, and I can’t 42 it. I’ve even come to 43 myself by my grade. I believe that if I don’t get the 44 I expect, I fail. Today when I sat in class and tried to 45 the last few minutes studying for a test, which I wanted to get full marks in, a girl behind me started talking to me. 46, I pretended to listen 47 while still glancing (扫视) at my book 48. When I thought the conversation 49myresponse (答复), I smiled, nodded and agreed. Then I 50 myself wishing she could be 51 so that I could study. After a while, she said,"You know, you’re a really good 52. You’re so easy to talk with." I froze. I repeated the 53 in my head before smiling and accepting it gladly. 54 I knew it wasn’t true. She’d made every 55 to have a conversation, but I wasn’t even trying to 56. Though I 57 the test, the thing I needed to learn most isn’t knowledge only. I have 58 being the top student so much that I have failed to be friendly and caring. All I have thought about is my personal 59 without realizing how self-centered I am. There can be so many learned people, but there are never enough caring and 60 people in the world. Now I have learnt that kindness is one of the most important things for a successful person.
    41. A. useful B. helplessC. unfortunateD. natural
    42. A. changeB. developC. stand D. choose
    43. A. encourageB. valueC. realizeD. think
    44. A. moneyB. recordC. grade D. award
    45. A. saveB. spend C. takeD. cost
    46. A. Therefore B. InsteadC. StillD. Besides
    47. A. carelesslyB. nervouslyC. hopefullyD. politely
    48. A. in no timeB. on timeC. sooner or laterD. now and then
    49. A. refusedB. workedC. requiredD. accepted
    50. A. tried B. found C. enjoyedD. suggested
    51. A. quiet B. gentleC. calmD. shy
    52. A. talkerB. listener C. partnerD. actor
    53. A. adviceB. newsC. opinionD. praise
    54. A. ButB. EvenC. AndD. So
    55. A. word B. chanceC. effort D. possibility
    56. A. pretendB. receiveC. listenD. reply
    57. A. wonB. gotC. passedD. made
    58. A. given upB. focused onC. relied onD. taken up
    59. A. successB. beliefC. growthD. attitude
    60. A. strongB. braveC. cleverD. kind

    词汇检测书面表达总 分
    1. 听力(20分)

1. [A][B][C][D] 2. [A][B][C][D] 3. [A][B][C][D] 4. [A][B][C][D] 5. [A][B][C][D]

6. [A][B][C][D] 7. [A][B][C][D] 8. [A][B][C][D] 9. [A][B][C][D] 10. [A][B][C][D]

11.[A][B][C][D] 12.[A][B][C][D] 13.[A][B][C][D] 14.[A][B][C][D] 15.[A][B][C][D]

16.[A][B][C][D] 17.[A][B][C][D] 18.[A][B][C][D] 19.[A][B][C][D] 20.[A][B][C][D]


21.[A][B][C][D] 22.[A][B][C][D] 23.[A][B][C][D] 24.[A][B][C][D] 25.[A][B][C][D]

26.[A][B][C][D] 27.[A][B][C][D] 28.[A][B][C][D] 29.[A][B][C][D] 30.[A][B][C][D]

31.[A][B][C][D] 32.[A][B][C][D] 33.[A][B][C][D] 34.[A][B][C][D] 35.[A][B][C][D]

36. __________ 37. __________ 38. __________ 39. __________ 40. __________


41. [A][B][C][D] 42. [A][B][C][D] 43. [A][B][C][D] 44. [A][B][C][D] 45. [A][B][C][D]

46. [A][B][C][D] 47. [A][B][C][D] 48. [A][B][C][D] 49. [A][B][C][D] 50. [A][B][C][D]

51. [A][B][C][D] 52. [A][B][C][D] 53. [A][B][C][D] 54. [A][B][C][D] 55. [A][B][C][D]

56. [A][B][C][D] 57. [A][B][C][D] 58. [A][B][C][D] 59. [A][B][C][D] 60. [A][B][C][D]

第II卷(非选择题,共 60分)



In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, 1 goes like this;"Your future depends on many things, 2mostly on you." I can't agree 3 (much) with this view. It's true that our future 4 (determine) by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, 5hard work play a more important role. In 6words, we are the master of our own future.

Take Abraham Lincoln, for example. He was born in a poor family, and only received a 7(limit) education in his childhood. Yet through his painstaking efforts, he changed not only his own fate but also the history of America. 8to this day. Lincoln 9(regard) as one of the most inspiring figures in the world. 10, I firmly believe that our future is in our own hands.




When I walked to home this evening, a little girl was riding bike in the middle of the street. Her mother is following her carefully. Which reminded me of how badly I wanted a bike when I was six years old. However, my parents would let me have a bike until I was 12. My mother was afraid that I’d hurt herself. Every time I passed a bike shop next to our house, I would ask my parents to a bike. When I was 11, I finally got one before much begging. Even now, I still remember clearly what excited I was when I first touched my new bike.


假如你是一名失学学生,名叫李华,你有幸得到在中国工作的Mr. Brown的资助,能够重返校园。你给Mr. Brown写了一封感谢信,内容如下:

1. 收到钱和书后能重返校园,非常感激;

2. 在老师和同学的帮助下,学习有了很大的进步,受到老师的表扬和鼓励;

3. 决心更加努力学习,取得更大的进步

4. 盼望见到Mr. Brown,希望他寄来一张照片。

注意:1. 词数110左右;2. 开头语和结束语已为你写好,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr. Brown

Thank you very much for the money and the books you sent to me. __________________________


Yours Li Hua




完形填空1-5 DCBCB 6-10 ADDCB 11-15 ABDAC 16-20 CCBAD

短文填空1.which 2.but 3.more 4.is determined 5.and

6.other 7.limited 8.Even 9.is regarded 10.Therefore

短文改错第1句:去掉to; bike前加a/her 第2句:is→was


第5句:herself→myself第6句:a→the; to→for 或to buy

第7句:before→ after 第8句:what→how

书面表达(One possible version)

Dear Mr. Brown

Thank you very much for the money and the books you sent to me. It is with them that I am able to come back to school for education now.

To everyone’s delight, I have made much progress in my studies with the help of my teachers and classmates. As a result, I was even praised and encouraged by my teachers. Therefore, I have made up my mind to work harder to make greater progress so that I will become a useful person like you and do something for others in society.

Finally, I am looking forward to seeing you and I hope you can send me a photo of you as soon as possible. Thanks again! Best wishes!
