


英 语



第一部分 水平测试 (共三个部分,满分100分)

第一部分 听力 (30分)



  1. When will the woman probably finish her homework?
    A.By 10:10 B.By 10:20 C.By 10:30
  2. What wil the man do tonight?

A.Go skating B.Make cards C.Go shopping

3.What does the woman think of the math problem?

A.Strange B.Difficult C.Simple

4.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.A hospital B.Some job information C.The man’s work

5.What’s the weather like now?

A.Fine B.Cloudy C.Rainy

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.How did the woman probably feel when watching the movie?

A.Upset B.Bored C.Excited

7.Whom did the woman watch the movie with?

A.Her cousin B.Her uncle C.Her father


8.How much should the man pay for a night?

A.$80 B. $90 C.$100

9.How long will the man stay at the hotel?

A.3 days B.4 days C.5days


10.Why did the man move?

A.He changed his work. B.He wanted to live near his office.

C.His company offered him an apartment.

11.How does the man go to work now?

A.On foot B.By bus C.By subway

12.How long does it take the woman to go to work?

A.Twenty minutes B.Half an hour C.An hour


13.What does the man probably think of his time?

A.Boring B.Tiring C.Fun

14.When did the old woman begin to paint?

A.In her early 60s. B.In her early 70s. C.In her middle 70s.

15.Why doesn’t the man learn to paint?

  1. He has no interest in it. B.No one wants to teach him.

C.He doesn’t think he’s good at it.

16.What does the man decide to do in the end?

A.Learn to sing. B.Learn to play ping-pong.

C.Visit the other retired people.


17.What does the speaker probably do?

A.A doctor. B.A student. C.A teacher.

18.How did the speaker often feel in the past?

A.Bored B.Painful C.Weak

19.What does the speaker like doing on weekends?

A.Playing computer games. B.Playing basketball.

C.Watching TV.

20.What does the speaker think of staying healthy?

  1. Impotant B.Difficult D.Easy.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)
    第一节 (共 10 小题;每小题3分,满分30分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项。
    If you like travelling, you can go to the following cities.
    Marrakech, Morocco
    The city is known as the “red city” for its rose-colored buildings. The city’s Medina, an old city, is a really famous place. 1000-year-old monuments(历史遗迹) can be found in Medina. Today, the place is a crowded marketplace with traditional Moroccan goods for sale. Make sure to visit an outdoor theater in the city. Storytellers and musicians perform there.
    Siem Reap, Cambodia
    Visitors can see hundreds of ancient Buddhist temples in and around the town. After a long day at the temples, tourists can enjoy one of the town’s many bars, restaurants and nightclubs. If you go there, you can pay a visit to the Phnom Kulen National Park in Siem Province. The park’s two waterfalls offer great swimming areas.
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Turkey’s largest city has one foot in Europe and other in Asia. The city is a great place for history lovers. If you go there, make sure to see Istanbul’s most famous religious buildings: the Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque. At night, you can try sailing on the Bosporus Strait. It divides this city into the European and Asian areas.
    Hanoi, Vietnam
    Vietnam’s capital has tree-lined streets, lakes, and some 600 temples and towers. If you go there, don’t miss the Temple of Literature. It was built in the year 1070. You can also enjoy a slow walk down the Old Quarter’s coffee street. Enjoy a cup of local coffee while being there. The peaceful Hoan Kiem Lake is also a nice place to go to. It is one of the prettiest places in central Hanoi.
    21.Medina in Marrakech is most likely a nice place for those who love_______.
    A.watching movies outdoors B.buying expensive dresses
    C.visiting old monuments D.playing outdoor sports
    22.What can you do if you go to the Phnom Kulen National Park?
    A.Buy traditional goods. B.Swim near a waterfall.
    C.Visit restaurants and nightclubs. D.See hundreds of ancient temples.
    23.What do we know about Istanbul?
    A.It lies between Europe and Asia. B.It is the largest European city.
    C.It’s near the Bosporus Strait. D.It’s attractive to history lovers.
    24.The text is written to_________.
    A.tell about some old cities B.tell us about some countries
    C.encourage us to visit the cities D.show why people visit the cities
    We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. With the car full of flowers we were going home. On our way back my wife noticed a cupboard(橱柜) outside a furniture shop. It was tall and narrow. “Buy it,” my wife said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof rack(行李架). I’ve always wanted one like that.”
    What could I do? Ten minutes later I was 20 pounds poorer; and the cupboard, was tied on to the roof rack. It was six inches long, eighteen inches square and quite heavy.
    In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually polite that evening. The police even stopped the traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea.
    After a time my wife said, “There’s a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake(超车)?”
    In fact a police car did overtake. The two officers inside looked at us seriously as they passed. But then, with great kindness, they led us through the rush-hour traffic. The police car stopped at our village church. One of the officers came to me.
    “Right, sir,” he said, “Do you need any more help?”
    I was a bit puzzled. “Thanks, officer,” I said, “Your have been very kind. I live just on the road.”
    He was staring at our car; first at the flowers, then at the cupboard. “Well, well,” he said, laughing. “It’s a cupboard you’ve got there! We thought it was, something else.”
    My wife began to laugh. Then the truth hit me like a stone between the eyes. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a cupboard, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast I could.
    25. The writer wrote this story in order to _____.
    1. praise the police officerB. thank the other drivers

C. show people are kind to each otherD. tell us their funny experience

26. The other drivers didn’t overtake because _____.

A. they wanted to show their special kindness

B. They were afraid the cupboard would fall down

C. they were admiring the flowers in the writer’s car

D. they wondered what was inside the cupboard

27. Writer’s wife began to laugh because _____.

A. she thought the police officers were foolish

B. she was interested in what the police officer said

C. she was glad they were treated kindly

D. she had realized the truth

28.As a matter of fact, the police _____.

  1. failed to help the writerB. did help the writer
    C. got the writer into troubleD. made the writer angry
    Before you can communicate with others, you must learn to communicate with yourself. Discover your own thoughts and feelings. Put what you think and feel into words, say, write a composition or a letter. You can then send your ideas and feelings to others. Sometimes writing a song or a poem can help you do this.
    Are you pleased that your father had offered to take you out for a holiday? Express your thankfulness to him by giving him a hug. Do you feel proud because a friend of yours won in a game? Share your pride by telling him how much you are proud of him. These are good feelings that you would like to share with others.
    Learning to express bad feelings is important, too. For example, you and your friend have disagreement on a certain point. You feel very unhappy about it. It’s wise to tell your friend what you think about the matter and tell him that it’s important that you two should reach an agreement because you need the support from a friend like him. If you have too many unexpressed feelings, they can affect both your physical and mental health.
    29.Which of the following statements is NOTtrue?
    A. Learn to communicate with yourself first.
    B. Share with your friends both your happiness and sadness.
    C. We should avoid expressing bad feelings.
    D. Don’t forget to say thanks to your parents when they’ve done something for you.
    30. How can people communicate with each other?
    A. With feelings.B. Through symbols.C. Through thoughts.D. With hands.
    31.What can you tell from a handshake?
    1. Sharing pride.B. It’s a symbol of friendship.

C. Showing winning in the game.D. Expressing thankfulness.

32. How do you express your bad feelings to your friends from the material?

A. To tell your friend what you think about the matter.

B. To tell your friend that it’s important that you two should reach an agreement.

C. To tell your friend that you need the support from a friend like him.

D. All the above.


Cell phone use and texting are increasingly common, especially among teens. And that could be a problem. Texting affects learning and performing on tests, a new study finds. So a Montana teen, Colter Norick, 17, and his 16-year-old brother Colin decided to test that.

They asked 47 classmates to take part in a two-part experiment. The goal was to test how well these students understood written material. Each one had to read a paragraph or two about a certain topic, then answer questions about it.

In the first part, the participants(参与者) had 15 minutes to understand and then answer questions about six readings. Throughout this test, they met no distractions(分散精力).

During a new set of readings, the brothers sent messages to the participants’ cell phones every 90 seconds. In each message, there were questions that required a reply.

Participants should have scored better on the second test because it was easier. In fact, they scored worse when distracted by messages. Only a few students scored as well when replying to messages as they did when undistracted. But importantly, nobody performed better during the texting part.

The brothers presented details of their findings at the International Science and Engineering Fair. Boys and girls scored equally poorly while texting, the brothers noticed. Older participants didn’t do any better than younger ones. And it didn’t matter if a student thought he was good at multitasking(多任务处理). On average, the brothers found that even students who were confident of their abilities did just as poorly while texting. Surprisingly, even though the students remembered less of what they read while texting, most of them answered questions in messages perfectly.

“Our teacher are very happy to see these results,” says Colter. The teen’s new data strongly support their teachers’ opinion that texting while studying is a serious distraction.

33.What did Colter and Colin want to test?

A.Cell phone use and texting are more common.

B.Teens should avoid cell phone use and texting.

C.Texting affects students’ performance on tests.

D.The effect of texting differs from person to person.

34.The brothers’ findings were related to participants’ _________.

A.age B.quality C.reading ability D.reading speed

35.From the results of the experiment, we can find_________.

A.boys were better at multitasking than girls

B.the easier the tests were, the more mistakes were made

C.nobody did good job in the two-part experiment

D.some students’ test results were not affected by texting.

第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


If tests can make students nervous, anxious and even scared, shouldn’t schools just get rid of them?36.__________ Teachers and schools give students tests for very important reasons:

37.___________ Giving a test is a way for a teacher to see which students are learning the skills and knowledge they should be learning, and which ones are having trouble. Depending on how kids do on the test, the teacher will know if he or she must go back over some things, or if it’s okay to keep moving forward.

To see how well your school is teaching you. All parents want their kids to finally graduate with the ability to earn a living. 38.________ And one way to do this is to have them take tests.

To assign grades. 39.________ Besides your homework, tests are one of the best ways for you to show the teacher that you’ve really learned what’s being taught, and for the teacher to figure out what grade you should get. Grades are also a way to show your parents how you’re doing in school.

To keep you motivated. Admit it: you work harder if you know someone is checking up on your work. For example, if your mom tells you to clean your room but you know she will never go in and check, then you might not do it, right? 40.________ Because you know that you’ll eventually have to take a test on the material and you might be more likely to give it that extra effort and make sure you know everything you’re supposed to know.

  1. To see if you’re learning.
  2. To see if you are totally prepared.
  3. Students must work hard to get good grades.
  4. Well, believe it or not, tests don’t just exist to trouble you.
  5. Grades are important in most schools, and tests play a big role.
  6. So schools have to prove they’re trying their best to educate students.
  7. Well, tests help make sure that you don’t leave your homework behind.

第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45)

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I’ll never forget the kindness offered by strangers. Last year, two days before Christmas, my friend Harry 41._______, saying that their kitchen had caught fire, 42.______ everything in their kitchen, including all their food. Harry and his wife are 43.______ from Mexico with four children, and I knew they always had a(n) 44.______ harvest from their farm every year. After putting down the phone, I drove to their house, taking some 45._____ I had.

When I arrived there, I found that they had all their belongs 46._____ in their front yard. They were so 47._____ to see me, because they knew I could help them. Then I 48._____back, but I was very 49._____, knowing I was really in a hard place financially and was 50._____ to do more for them.

I told a friend of mine about the story and asked if he could give a hand. He immediately 51._____ and said, “I know these people mean a lot to you and I want to 52._____ them.” You know, they had 53._____ met before. He asked me to take Harry to buy some necessities. Of course, he would 54._____. At the check-out counter of a supermarket, I noticed we had chosen too many items, so I had the 55._____ take some back. As we were walking away, I 56._____ heard a voice behind me, “Wait, I want to pay for them.” I turned around, thanked the man 57._____, and told him that my friend’s house had been burned. He said he 58._____ because he had lost his job but was now working again. We went away with tears in our eyes. It was such a wonderful 59._____, seeing folks stepped up when someone needed help, even for a 60._____ stranger.

41. A.visited B.calledC.explainedD.questioned




45.A.toolsB.foodC.medicine D.clothes

46.A.burned up B.carried away C.collected up D.sold out

47.A.excited B.surprised C.fortunate D.calm

48.A.walked B.ran C.flewD.drove


50.A.unwilling B.unable C.unnecessaryD.unafraid


52.A.interview B.save C.teach D.help


54.A.select B.pay C.shopD.exchange







第二部分 能力测试 (共50分)

第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45)

第二节 阅读下面材料,用不多于 1 个单词的正确形式填空。(每个1.5分,满分15分)

When I first heard about the speech competition, I was full of 61._________(excite). I knew I wanted to have a try, and I was eager 62._________(beat) other competitors.

I spent many hours 63.________(practise) my speech and trying to improve it. My friends all said I had a lot of courage. They siad they would be very 64._________(frighten) if they had to speak in public.

After the competition was over, I 65._______(feel) I had done a good job. When I found out I was not the 66.________(win), I was filled with sadness. I cried, and couldn’t feel happy about anything. My parents were very concerned 67.________ me. They felt I was too anxious to win, and not paying enough attention to my personal 68.___________(perform).

They were right. I now realize that the boy who won made 69._______ better speech, but I also tried my best. I am content with second place, because I know that I tried my hardest, 70._______that is more important than winning.

第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分 35)

  1. 短文改错(10 分)






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


China’s economy has been grown very quickly. Besides, our problems with the environment have also grown. Air pollution is now the serious problem in China because of the increasing number of factory. More people are buying cars nowadays, that means China is using more petrol. We only have a small supply of petrol, and someday we will have it any more. What’s more, many people do not throw away their rubbish in a way friendly to the environment, but there is rubbish all over the streets.
There are many things they can do to protect the environment. We can recycle plastic, paper as well as newspapers. We can ride bicycles and use public transport instead of drive cars.

If everyone take action, our environmemt will be much cleaner!

第二节 书面表达

假定你是李华,是一名高中生,从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在香港(Hong Kong)举办冬令营(winter camp),欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。内容主要包括:






Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a senior school student from China. _____________________________________________________________________________



Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


  1. 听力
    1-5 ABCBA 6-10 CBACB 11-15 ACACA 16-20 BBCBA
  2. 阅读理解
    21-24 CBDC 25-28 DADB 29-32 CBBD 33-35 CAD
    36-40 DAFEG
  3. 完型填空
    41-45 BACDB 46-50 CADBB 51-55 CDABB 56-60 AACAD
  4. 阅读填空
    61.excitment 62.to beat 63.practising 64. frightened 65. felt
    66.winner 67.about/with 68.performance 69. a 70.and
  5. 短文改错











