


(时间120分钟,满分150分) 2016.01






  1. Listening Comprehension
    Section A
    Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
    1. A. 9:40.B. 9:50.C. 10:30.D. 10: 40.
      2. A. Leave right away.B. Stay for dinner.
      C. Catch a train.D. Wait for Eason.
      3. A. It will be fine.B. It will not rain at all.
      C. It will stop raining.D. It will rain heavily.
      4. A. Great.B. Moved.C. Disappointed.D. Sad.
      5. A. She is eager to have lunch. B. She is unwilling to go for lunch now.
      C. She is ready for the meeting. D. She is leaving right now.
      6. A. The driver will stop the bus immediately.
      B. The guy by the door will help the man.
      C. The man should check the map.
      D. She will tell the man when to get off.
      7. A. She dislikes fireworks.B. She has plans for the evening.
      C. She doesn’t feel like going out.D. She has to get theatre tickets.
      8. A. Surfing on the Internet.B. Mailing some documents.
      C. Sending a document via email.D. Writing an attachment.
      9. A. To make a tour of Chicago.B. To visit some friends.
      C. To attend a conference.D. To take language courses.
      10. A. She liked to go outing nearby. B. She studied very hard at school.
      C. She won the champion recently.D. She was in her third year in the university.
      Section B
      Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
      Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
      11. A. How to read a book.B. How to make a list.
      C. How to form a habit. D. How to make friends.
      12. A. They are smart people.B. They are good examples of all people.
      C. They make a list for you.D. They help you cultivate good habits.
      13. A. Always have a book.B. Keep a “To-Do” list.
      C. Get more intellectual friends.D. Put down what you will learn.
      Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
      14. A. An adult native speaker.B. A professional American actor.
      C. A beginner of English learning.D. An English expert.
      15. A. Reading and listening.B. Listening and speaking.
      C. Writing and reading.D. Reading and speaking.
      16. A. Fun and efficiency in enjoying reading masterpieces.
      B. The recall of all the good memories of your childhood.
      C. The true pleasure of the world’s language.
      D. The improvement of reading and listening abilities.
      Section C
      Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
      Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
      Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.
      Note to Passenger’s Request
      Request of the manTo change his flight 17.
      The type of the flight neededA18flight.
      Flight numberChina Air flight CA 19.
      Departure time2026th.

      Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.
      Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
      What did the woman watch?A TV programme about how people use horses for 21.
      What are the main aspects in which people used horses?Horses are used in 22.
      What are the two examples the speakers mentioned about the programme? People can see 23 and horses working in the fields.
      When will the speakers go horse riding together?24.
  2. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

  1. 250 Drive-Thru(汽车穿梭)Customers Pay It Forward at McDonald’s
    In Florida, one McDonald’s customer started a pay-it-forward chain that inspired other 249 customers to be generous and do the same. ABC News reports that (25)__________ spirit of giving is in the air as 250 drive-thru customers at a local McDonald’s paid for the meals of the people next to them. A Lakeland customer, Torie Keene (26)__________ (pay) for her food on Wednesday morning when she decided to pay for the meal of the car next to her.
    Keene then purposely told McDonald’s cashier Marisabel Figueroa (27)__________ (greet) the other customer “Merry Christmas” and not “Happy Holidays.” The next customer was moved when Figueroa said her food was already paid by the previous car. That’s when she thought that she would love to do the same.
    It kept going and going. Figueroa, (28)__________ worked from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, said that the chain reaction almost lasted for her entire shift. “I just kept (29)__________(give) everyone the same message, and they were all so surprised and so happy,” she continued. “One lady even paid for the meals of the next three cars (30)__________ her.”
    While people were amazed by how generous they could get, Figueroa said she had the (31)__________ (unforgettable) Christmas experience in her 12 years of working for McDonald’s. “I feel very (32)__________ (bless) to have been a part of all that,” the cashier said. And Keene said that she was surprised by the number of people who continued her good deed when she was “only trying to brighten someone’s day.”

It was Wayne’s wedding day.

Mrs. Ker (33)__________(relieve)finally. Wayne wanted to cancel the wedding again couple of days ago. She kept asking him (34)__________ and then she was told that he heard Susan’s name.

Mrs. Ker said to Wayne in a serious tone, “You were both young then. You didn’t know anything about love! What’s going to happen (35)__________ __________ she has come back? She might have lots of children now! How can you still be dreaming about dating her? She has disappeared for such a long time. Don’t you see (36)__________ a cruel girl she is?”

Under his parent’s pressure, Wayne couldn’t cancel the wedding. Before the ceremony, he kept reminding himself of his bride’s name. He was afraid he (37)__________ say Susan’s name. He said to himself that he needed to give his parents, his bride a perfect wedding.

When he was kissing his bride, he thought to himself, “How nice it could be if my bride is Susan!”

But (38)__________ could go back any more.

Their relationship ended 15 years ago.

His pain was only a recall of yesterday.

Mrs. Ker nodded her head at her son at the wedding, (39)__________ (feel) satisfied. She checked around among the guests. Suddenly, she saw a boy holding a bouquet in the hall. Everybody was sitting but him, (40)__________ he looked pretty outstanding.

She was really shocked when she saw the boy. She gave her husband a slight push, “Baldwin, look at that boy!”

Mr. Ker followed her direction and saw the boy too.

“Doesn’t he look a younger version of our son?” Mrs. Ker said in a curious voice.

Mr. Ker nodded.

(To be continued)

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

  1. enhanced B. obvious C. feedback D. primarily E. head
F. increasingly G. shared H. consistent I. capacity J. impact K. interact

Our world is changing, and the business world is on an evolutionary path that is virtually unstoppable. Knowledge base management is a very good example of such developments. With time the need to bring the customers closer has become even more

41, and this has further resulted in companies taking measures to respond better to their customers.

When discussing trends in knowledge management systems, it is almost impossible to ignore the 42 that cloud computing has had on it. The application of cloud computing has not only 43 efficiency, but has further improved productivity. Through cloud computing, virtual offices are being operated almost everywhere around the globe. All it takes is the click of a button! As for companies, it is vital for them to hire professionals from all over the world.

For businesses that rely greatly on customer satisfaction and approvals, 44 on their services is very important. Customers in particular are able to 45 with the staff on the other end, and provide their feedback as to the quality of services that they have received. The role of most knowledge managers is to ensure that information is kept current, accurate and 46. Significant developments in the database management systems have made it easier to achieve this goal, and there can only be so much to look forward to as we 47 into the future.

At the moment, 48 information that passes through these systems can be run through different forms. There was a time when such information was 49document-

based. Today however, reports and other relevant information can be presented to the seeker through different media.

The most efficient knowledge base management systems in the market at the moment are built with the 50 to handle all kinds of information. One of the other things that we cannot forget to mention is the mobile functionality of these programs. They are compatible(兼容的)with users across all platforms, and this makes them even more convenient than before.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

As a parent, you might have a close emotional connection with your child. You’re the only one who can feel their emotions and understand almost all behavioral 51. Every mother has an opportunity to keep an eye on their children and analyze everything they say and do. Some signs 52 that something bad is going to happen. If you see that your child is in low 53, you should be ready to take immediate measures to prevent the explosion of a crying bomb.

Please forget about physical punishment. This old-school-method of parenting is not the best way to cope with a child’s bad temper. 54, physical punishment is very painful for children. This strategy is the easiest way to put in discipline and make your child willing to obey. 55, psychologists say that physical punishment is so offensive that it can lead to severe consequence. It fills the minds and hearts of children with fear,

56 and anxiety.

Children are like inexhaustible sources of energy. They can run, jump, scream and fool around all day long. So we should lead them to use their negative energy in a proper manner. It’s 57 important to find developmental activities and keep your child engaged as much as possible. Let them play games and exercise 58 they want — physical activity is good for their health. Don’t forget to encourage your child and present them with candies or stickers. If your child is fond of singing or dancing, then give them an opportunity to open up and perform like a star.

Communication is vital for you and your kids. Every child needs 59

socialization and communication with parents and their peers. Your words and pieces of advice help them become stronger and find the right path in life. It’s a good chance to avoid generation gap and build a relationship 60 trust. Lack of contact and communication usually make children too 61 and cultivate antisocial personality in future.

Remember to arm yourself with patience, for patience is the main 62 for many parents who deal with children’s bad temper. Every mother knows that it’s hard to preserve unchanged calmness and remain indifferent to children’s cries and tears. Increase the strength of your mind and fill your heart with hope and 63, because parenting is the hardest job in the world.

I think that the 64 of the problem is not children, but their parents. I hope these useful pieces of advice will help you 65 to your child’s bad temper. What other ways to deal with a child’s bad temper? Share your point of view!

51. A. abilitiesB. principlesC. hintsD. virtues

52. A. createB. indicateC. imposeD. diagnose

53. A. controlsB. disciplinesC. emotionsD. spirits

54. A. In returnB. After allC. No wonderD. For instance

55. A. MoreoverB. OtherwiseC. HoweverD. Therefore

56. A. hatredB. boredomC. carelessnessD. shyness

57. A. roughlyB. extremelyC. slightlyD. subconsciously

58. A. as well asB. as soon asC. as long asD. as far as

59. A. gradualB. acceptableC. completeD. feasible

60. A. leaving outB. addicted toC. going beyondD. based on

61. A. curiousB. courageousC. nervousD. generous

62. A. priorityB. responsibilityC. potentialD. possession

63. A. dignityB. wisdomC. braveryD. diligence

64. A. resourceB. instructionC. sourceD. assessment

65. A. adaptB. devoteC. referD. respond

Section B

Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

  1. ① The past year, which is fast becoming just a memory, is the year I drove through the car wash at fifty miles an hour. At least, it felt like fifty miles an hour.
    ② That day I followed the attendant’s instructions, drove to one of those do-it-yourself car washes. I forgot that my car was a bit moody. I’d been meaning to have it checked, but it didn’t happen often enough to rush me to the garage. Anyway, then unexpectedly, suddenly we picked up speed before the astonished eyes of the attendant. The car shot through the wash cycle, the wax(蜡)cycle, and the dry cycle at a ridiculous rate of speed, and then aimed for the street at the end of the tunnel. We shot through the tunnel with what seemed like the speed of sound and rushed out into the street while I was relieved to see that no cars were approaching. The water and the wax had not yet dried — the car looked as if it had caught some terrible disease.
    ③ “What happened then?” Bobbie asked after I had told my family the story at an evening meal.
    ④ “Nothing,” I said.
    ⑤ “Didn’t you go back to the car wash?”
    ⑥ “Of course not,” I replied.
    ⑦ “I don’t blame you,” Peter said. “They might have arrested you for speeding in a car wash.”
    ⑧ We all laughed. It was a nice moment. We were relaxing after the dishes had been taken away, the pleasant smell of coffee filling the air. We had been talking about the past year and, without pausing to think of the possible consequences, I had told them about my experience with the car wash.
    ⑨ The story delighted the children — who are no longer children. Peter and Bobbie are married, in fact, and I realized I had given them a sort of philosophy of life for the future. I could imagine them, years from now, when they gather together and one of them will say, “Remember the time Dad drove through that car wash …?”
    ⑩ Other things happened last year, too, because each year has its events, the good and the bad, the sweet and the sorrowful, the ordinary and the terrific. The milestones and the small incidents stand side by side, fundamentally different in quality or kind, perhaps, but making a sweet kind of harmony.
    66. The description of the second paragraph brings up images of _______.
    1. disorderB. diseasesC. stormsD. conflict
      67. Which of the following is NOT included in Paragraph 8?
      A. The subject of the discussion.B. The atmosphere of the family talk.
      C. The time when the talk occurred.D. The reason for the car to lose control.
      68. Which of the following can serve as the title of the passage?
      A. A reflection on car tradeB. A memory of the past year
      C. A lesson on driving carsD. A car accident at a car wash
  2. The J. Paul Getty Museum
    With two locations, the Getty Villa in Malibu and the Getty Center in Los Angeles, the J. Paul Getty Museum serves a wide variety of audiences through its expanded range of exhibitions and programming in the visual arts.
    Parking information
    Parking is $15; $10 after 4:00 p.m. Pay once, park twice on the same day. And get same-day parking at both the Getty Center and the Getty Villa for one $15 fee.
    MOREinformation about visiting the Getty Center and the Getty Villa
    @The Getty Center See spectacular art and architecture at the top of Los Angeles.
    Admission is Free.
    1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049
    Tuesday–Friday and Sunday 10:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
    Saturday 10:00 a.m.–9:00 p.m.
    Closed Mondays
    Open Mondays, December 21 and 28, 2015
    Parking lot opens 9:30 a.m.
    Holiday closures: Thanksgiving, December 25 (Christmas Day), and January 1
    Food& Drinks
    Tuesday–Saturday 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
    Saturday 5:00–9:00 p.m.
    Sunday Brunch
    Sunday 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
    Closed Mondays
    @ The Getty Villa Visit the ancient world of Greece and Rome.
    Admission is Free. An advance timed-entry ticket is required.
    17985 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
    Wednesday–Monday 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
    Closed Tuesdays
    Open Tuesdays, December 22nd and 29, 2015
    Holiday closures: Thanksgiving, December 25 (Christmas Day), and January 1
    Food & Drinks
    Cafe at the Getty Villa
    Monday and Wednesday–Friday 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
    Saturday and Sunday 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
    Closed Tuesdays
    No reservations are required for the Cafe. Menu selections are created seasonally. Wine and beer are also available.
    Picnic Box Lunches
    Enjoy your own boxed lunch and grab-and-go items at any of the Getty Villa’s public seating areas, including the Outdoor Classical Theater.

    69. Mr. Larry drove to the Getty Center and the Getty Villa on December 23 (Wednesday), 2015, and enjoyed a wonderful tour there. He paid the parking fee _______ altogether.
    1. $10B. $15C. $20D. $30
      70. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
      A. The J. Paul Getty Museum is an art museum housed on two sites.
      B. The Getty Villa is closed on the same holidays as the Getty Center.
      C. The sale of alcohol is forbidden to people in the J. Paul Getty Museum.
      D. Timed tickets must be obtained in advance in the Getty Villa.
      71. In 2015, at least _______ was/were a good time for enjoying all the art works in the J. Paul Getty Museum in one day.
      A. all MondaysB. all Tuesdays
      C. New Year holidaysD. January 2 (Thursday)
      72. People who go to the Getty Villa may _______.
      A. enjoy the views overlooking Los Angeles
      B. conduct the visit any time because the tickets are free
      C. appreciate the arts and cultures of ancient Greece and ancient Rome
      D. have lunches they bring with them anywhere inside the exhibition area
  3. When a patient calls for help at Seton Medical Center, “Hi, Mr. Rogers, can I help you?” says a nurse; it’s never a problem finding the nurse. It’s because they all wear locator tags that are part of a wireless system that tracks their movements on the floor. “You can even tell when they are walking down the hallway.” says James Hattori.
    This system made by Hill-Rom uses infrared(红外线的)signals to detect when nurses enter a room to answer a call. The Hill-Rom devices look like a mini computer mouse. Some hospitals are putting them in nurses’ kitchens. Staff can talk and listen through a wall unit to nurses or even to patients in other rooms. “We can put the time we were spending hunting staff down, trying to find and locate them to much better use,” says a staff member from Seton. Hill-Rom says it has systems installed in more than 850 U.S. hospitals.
    Some nurses worry that the devices will be used to listen in on conversations and scrutinize their movements. “I’m not wearing mine. I will still meet my patient’s needs but I will not wear this badge.” Annette Bearden is among dozens of nurses at Eden Medical Center who staged an active protest two months ago and hid their badges though they were later recovered. “You know it makes me not feel like a professional. It makes me feel like that someone has to watch me to make sure I am doing my job.”
    “The biggest reason we installed this technology is because our old call system is about 25 years old,” says a hospital manager. For hospitals this is a case of technology allowing, perhaps forcing people to better make use of their time. Officials at Eden don’t deny they monitor how long it takes nurses to respond to calls but say their main concern is patient care. “I think it is one tool that we can use in measuring overall performance but by itself it is not a valid disciplinary tool,” says an Eden spokesperson.
    Eden is expanding its system with hopes the nurse will eventually accept the new technology, but back at Seton where it’s been in place for about two years, there is no uneasiness. “Once the staff actually find out how advantageous it can be for them and the patients, well, actually it became very popular.”
    In Castro Valley, California, the Eden Medical Center spent almost three hundred thousand dollars to install the Hill-Rom systems on two floors. Eden hopes to get more of the systems for other floors.
    73. Why is it easy to find a nurse at Seton Medical Center?
    1. The nurses are on television.
    2. The nurses wear locator badges.
    3. Every patient has his/her own nurse.
    4. Each room has a telephone.
      74. How can the staff talk to their patients when they are not in the same room?
      1. With hand signals.B. Through microphones in the pocket.
        C. Through a wall unit.D. With infrared signals on the doors.
        75. According to the passage, the underlined word “scrutinize” (paragraph 3) probably means _______.
        1. watch closelyB. see inside

C. scan word by wordD. make right

76. How did the nurses at Eden Medical Center react to the badges?

A. The nurses really liked the badges.

B. They threw the locator badges away.

C. They refused to work.

D. They protested and concealed the badges.

77. According to the administrators of the hospital, Eden Medical Center, the application of the Hill-Rom devices mainly aims at _______.

A. introducing modern technology

B. adding a tool for discipline

C. replacing the old call system

D. improving the service for patients

Section C

Directions:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

It was early in the afternoon of May 10, 1996. I hadn’t slept in 57 hours. The only food I had been able to force down over the proceeding three days was a bowel of soup. Weeks of violent coughing had made ordinary breathing a bitter process. At 29,028 feet up in the troposphere(气体对流), so little oxygen was reaching my brain that my mental capacity was that of a slow child. Under the circumstances, I was incapable of feeling much of anything except cold and tired.

I’d arrived on the summit a few minutes after Anatoli Boukreev, a Russian climbing guide working for an American commercial expedition, and just ahead of Andy Harris, a guide on the New Zealand-based team to which I belonged. Although I just met Boukreev, I had come to know and like Harris well during the proceeding six weeks. I snapped four quick photos of Harris and Boukreev striking summit poses, then turned and headed down. My watch read 1:17 p.m. I’d spent less than five minutes on the roof of the world.

A moment later, I paused to take another photo, this one looking down the Southeast Eidge, the route we had chosen to go up. Training my lens(镜头)on a pair of climbers approaching the summit, I noticed something that until that moment had escaped my attention. To the south, where the sky had been perfectly clear just an hour earlier, a blanket of clouds now hid the peaks surrounding Everest. Later, after six bodies had been located, after a search for two others had been abandoned, after surgeons had removed the rotten right hand of my teammate Beck Weathers, people would ask why, if the weather had begun to worsen, had climbers on the upper mountain not observed the signs? Why did experienced Himalayan guides keep moving upward, leading a gang of relatively inexperienced amateurs — each of whom had paid as much as $65,000 to be taken safely up Everest — into an apparent death trap?

Nobody can speak for the leaders of the two guided groups involved, because both men are dead. But I can assure that nothing I saw early on the afternoon of May 10th suggested that a murderous storm was bearing down. To my oxygen-exhausted mind, the clouds drifting up the grand valley of ice known as the Western Cwm(西库姆冰斗) looked so friendly and innocent in the brilliant midday sun, not different from the harmless puffs(喷烟)that rose from the valley almost every afternoon.

As I began my descent I was extremely anxious, but my concern had little to do with the weather: a check of the meter on my oxygen tank had revealed that it was almost empty. I needed to get down, fast.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)

78. Where were the three climbers mentioned in the second paragraph from?


79. Besides the change of the weather, what else led to the expedition team’s falling into a death trap?


80. The underlined phrase “the harmless puffs” in paragraph 4 refers to ______________


81. The author spent less than five minutes on the roof of the world and climbed down fast

because _______________________________________________________________.


I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.




4.令我们大加赞赏的是,这位在讲台上发言的大学生去年就白手起家建立了自己的公司。 (appreciation)

5.很多国际组织敦促双方应该保持冷静以遏制局势的进一步恶化,但这毫无作用。(urge v.)

II. Guided Writing

Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


“学生在学校学得够多了吗?”(Are students learning enough in school?)









Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. M: Hurry! The train leaves at 10:30.

W: Take it easy. We still have 40 minutes.

Q: What time is it now? (B)

2. M: What’s the hurry? We’d like you to stay for dinner.

W: Thanks, but Eason and I have to meet my parents at the railway station.

Q: What will the woman do next? (A)

3. M: Do you think it will rain?

W: Rain? It’s about to pour.

Q: What can we learn about the weather? (D)

4. M: How did your interview go?

W: I couldn’t feel better about it!

Q: What does the woman feel about the interview? (A)

5. M: Let’s go for lunch right now, there’s a meeting 30 minutes from now.

W: What? Right now?

Q: What is implied in the woman’s reply? (B)

6. M: Do you know if this bus stop’s at Red Square? 

W: Well, there is a map over there by the door. 

Q: What does the woman mean? (C)

7. M: Let’s go watch the fireworks now. 

W: I have tickets to the theatre.

Q: What does the woman mean? (B)

8. M: How do you attach a document with your email?

W: Click on the “Attachment”, browse to the document you want to attach, and click “OK”.

Q: What are the speakers talking about? (C)

9. M: What’s the purpose of your visit?

W: I am a student. I will be attending an English learning program at the University of Chicago.

Q: Why does the woman want to go to America? (D)

10. M: Sally had nearly spent all her spare time studying during the past three years. 

W: That’s right, or she couldn’t have taken the first place in exams so often.

Q: What can be inferred about Sally from the conversation? (B)

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.


Here are some tips for developing the habit of lifelong learning.

First, always have a book. It doesn’t matter if it takes you a year or a week to read a book. Always strive to have a book that you are reading through, and take it with you so you can read it when you have time. Just by shaving off a few minutes in-between activities in my day I can read about a book per week. That’s at least fifty books each year.

Second, keep a “To-Learn” List. We all have to-do lists. These are the tasks we need to accomplish. Try to also have a “To-Learn” list. On it you can write ideas for new areas of study. Maybe you would like to take up a new language, learn a skill or read the collective works of Shakespeare. Whatever motivates you, write it down.

Finally, get More Intellectual Friends. Start spending more time with people who think. Not just people who are smart, but people who actually invest much of their time in learning new skills. Their habits will influence you. Even better, they will probably share some of their knowledge with you.

Now listen again please.

11. What is the passage mainly about? (C)

12. What’s true about people interested in learning new skills according to the passage? (D)

13. Which one is not the tip for developing the habit of lifelong learning? (B)


All the beautiful fairy tales and masterpieces that you have encountered during your childhood remain as warm memories in your adulthood. This time, let’s enjoy ourselves in the world of masterpieces through English. When you enjoy reading, your ability to understand English will also rapidly improve.

This series of Reading Room are special reading comprehension booster program, designed to improve reading comprehension for beginners whose command of English is not satisfactory, or who are elementary, middle, and high school students. With this program, you can enjoy reading masterpieces in English with fun and efficiency.

This carefully planned program is composed of 5 levels. With this program’s level-by-level system, you are able to read famous texts in English and enjoy the true pleasure of the world’s language.

In addition, with our “Guide to Listening”, not only is reading comprehension enhanced but also listening comprehension skills are highlighted. In the audio recording of the book, texts are vividly read by professional American actors. The texts are rewritten, according to the levels of the readers by an expert editorial staff of native speakers, on the basis of standard American English with the ministry of education recommended vocabulary. Therefore, it will be of great help even for all the students who want to learn English. Please enjoy the fun of reading and listening English through Reading Room.

(Now listen again please.)

14. Who may find this program most useful? (C)

15. What can readers improve through this program? (A)

16. Which of the following is not the benefit of this program according to the speaker? (B)

Section C

Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

W: What can I do for you?

M: Can I change my flight schedule?

W: Sure. Could you please tell me your name and the flight you’ve booked?

M: My name is Tony Brown. The flight I’ve booked is UA3478.

W: Oh, yes … Which flight would you like to change to?

M: Are there any flights available on March 26th?

W: Yes, China Air flight CA905, taking off from Shanghai at 9 pm and arriving in New York at 5 pm.

M: Is it a nonstop flight?

W: Yes, it is.

M: Ok, I’ll take that flight.

(Now listen again please.)

17. schedule 18. nonstop 19. 905 20. March

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

M: What were you doing when I called you last night? You seemed to be watching TV.

W: Yes. I was watching a TV programme about horses.

M: Oh, I love horses. The programme must be interesting.

W: Yes. The programme is about how people use horses for all kinds of purposes.

M: Horses are useful to people. We use them for sports and recreation. For example, we can see horse races in many countries. What else can they help people do? Did the programme tell you about it?

W: Yes. It also showed examples in which horses still work in the fields in some countries.

M: Really? What a hard job they are doing! By the way, can you ride a horse?

W: Yes, I can. But I don’t ride regularly though. How about you?

M: I can ride too. Perhaps we can go horse riding together at the weekend.

(Now listen again please.)

21. various purposes/ different purposes

22. sports and recreation(或agriculture)

23. horse racing/races

24. At the weekend


II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A


25. the 26. was paying 27. to greet 28. who 29. giving

30. behind/after 31. most unforgettable 32. blessed


33. was relieved 34. why 35. even if 36. what 37. might/would

38. nothing/nobody 39. feeling 40. so

Section B


III. Reading Comprehension

Section A


Section B

66-68 ADB

69-72 BCDC

73-77 BCADD

Section C

78. Russia and New Zealand.

79. Both the climbers and the guides.

80. the clouds drifting up the valley of ice

81. his oxygen tank is almost empty


I. Translation

1. Nowadays, ecotourism has become popular among travelers of all/different ages.

2. In the early morning, these children couldn’t wait (any longer) to get outdoors to make a snowman and play/fight with snow.

3. Whenever it was his turn to make a plan, he would invite his colleagues to have a discussion first.

4. Much to our appreciation, the university graduate speaking on the platform set up his own company from nothing last year.

或What we highly praise is that …

5. Many international organizations urged that both sides should keep calm to stop the situation from getting worse, which did not work at all.

II. Guided Writing

