


高三 英 语





1.How much will the man have to pay?

A.$10. B.$40. C.$60.

2。Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a drugstore. B.In a waiting room. C.In a hospital.

3.Why does the woman want to go somewhere else?

A.The restaurant is full of people.B.The restaurant is very dirty.

C.The waiter is unfriendly.

4.What is the most probable result of the conversation?

A.The woman sat between the man and:his friend.

B.The woman sat together with her friend.

C.The man Sat together with:his friend.

5.When was the novel first translated into Chinese?

A.In 1976. B.In 1981. C.In 1987.




6.at will the woman take to the party?

A.Some packs of chess. B.Some records. C.Balloons

7.Where are the speakers going to meet?

A.At the party. B.At Peter’s. C.At the bus stop


8.What is the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter. B.Neighbors. C.Husband and wife·

9.What is Mary probably doing?

A.Staying at a hotel.B.Talking on the phone.C.Chatting with her husband


10.Where does the woman want to go?

A.The beach. B.The mountains. C.The countryside.

11.How do the speakers know the vacation in the ad is exDensive7

A.The ad says that.B.The ad doesn’t mention the price.

C.They have got the price on the phone.

12.What do we know about the man

A.He wants to stay at home.B.He agrees with the woman.

C.He is not in good health.


13.How long will the woman still have to stay in London?

A·At least a month. B.At least 25 days. C.Nearly 40 days.

14.What does the woman do in the afternoons7

A·Go sightseeing. B.Do homework. C.Take classes.

15.Why does the woman want to improve her English?

A.She wants to get a promotion soon.

B.She wants to make friends with English people.

C.She wants to communicate with her customers better.

16.What do we know about the woman?

A.She knew little English before she came to London.

B.She has never been to London before.

C.She practices English with her roommates


17.What is a blood transfusion?

A.Losing a lot of blood in a serious accident or a difficult operation.

B.Finding out the amount of blood a patient needs for an operation.

C·Taking blood from someone else and putting it,into a patient’s body.

1 8.What finally made almost every blood transfusion successful?

A.The discovery of blood types.B.The founding of a blood bank.

C.The experiment with sheep blood.

19.According to the speaker, if you give 10%of your blood,how long does it take your body to replace it?

A.One week. B.Five days. C.One day.

20.What is the main purpose of the speech?

A.To call on people to give blood.

B.To explain what a blood transfusion is.

C.To review the history of the research on blood.





21.What is the purpose of this letter?

A.To apologize. B.To ask for a raise. C.To quit a job.D.To express thanks.

22.Why did Susan accept the job at Let’s Learn English Inc.?

A.It is more interesting. B.It provides more money.

C.It is less demanding.D.It offers free night classes.

23.What suggestion does Susan make to Formosa News?

A.Offer classes for employees. B.Hire an assistant for the new editor.

C.Reduce employees’working hours.D.Increase the pay for the new editor.


One of the largest youth organizations in the world is the 4-H,an organization of clubs for young people between 9 and 19.The main purpose of 4-H is to provide young people with the practical skills and understanding they will need to become useful members of their communities.The four H’s stand for head,heart,hands,and health.

When4-H clubs first began in America in the early 1900s,members were mostly young people from rural areas.The focus was on farm projects,such as raising pigs and growing and canning food.Today over 75%of the club members come from towns,cities,and suburbs,and hundreds of projects exist,each adapted to its geographical area.While rural districts choose conservation,forestry,and farm management projects,projects in urban areas often involve nutrition,health,car care,and money management.

The 4-H program in America is a joint service of the U.S.Department of Agriculture,state universities,and county governments.Additional funding(资助)is provided by business firms and private organizations. Members of the clubs are guided by volunteer adult leaders and their teenage assistants. In the clubs,4-H’ers learn about and work on solving serious problems that face their communities,issues like environmental protection and community safety.

In addition to the 4-H clubs in the U.S.states and territories,more than eighty countries have adapted the 4-H idea to fit their own needs.In the less developed countries,many clubs offer courses in proper nutrition and in new farming technology.

24.What is the 4-H?

A.A fitness club. B.An educational program.

C.An international firm.D.An agricultural organization.

25.Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?

A.The 4-H has existed for over two centuries.

B.The 4-H club members are mostly from the countryside.

C.4-H projects are adapted according to local needs.

D.4-H projects in big cities usually focus on conservation &forestry.

26.Paragraph 3 is mainly about________.

A.who finance the 4-H program in America

B.who guide the members of the 4-H clubs

C.what activities the American 4-H’ers do

D.how the 4-H program in America operates

27.Which of the following is most probably a 4-H activity in the countryside of Africa?

A.Cooking a healthy meal. B.Traveling abroad in groups.

C.Learning to manage money.D.Dining at McDonald’s.


If you are trying to achieve big goals in your life and work, the chances are that, from time to time, you hit rock bottom. Nothing works, nothing goes right, and nothing succeeds. At times like these, you may feel like throwing in the towel. But before you do, read the following story. It might just change your mind.

One day, a small business owner decided he'd had enough. Enough of the endless work, enough of the lack of response, enough of the disturbing loneliness.

He went into the woods to have one last talk to the wise man. “Mr. wise man,” he said. “Can you give me one good reason why I shouldn't give up?”

The answer took him by surprise. “Look around you,” the wise man said. “Do you see the fern (蕨类植物)and the bamboo?”

“Yes”, the man replied.

“When I planted the fern and the bamboo, I took very good care of them. I gave them both equal amounts of food and water. I gave them sunlight in spring and protected them from the storms in autumn. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In the second year, the fern grew even better than before but nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up on the bamboo. In year three there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not give up. In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. Still would not give up.”

Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout(芽)came out from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small. But day by day the sprout grew. Within six months, the sprout had risen to a height of 100 feet. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive.“Did you know, young man, that all this time you have been struggling, you have been growing? Grow the roots that you need to produce your fruit.”

“Don't compare yourself to others. All things have different purposes, and different journeys. The bamboo has a different purpose from the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful. Yourtime will come. You will rise high.”

The small business owner left the forest. And never went back.

If nothing seems like it is happening in your life, despite all the work you're putting in, remember that you're probably growing roots not fruit. Stick with it. One day not far from now, there'll be a great harvest.

28.The underlined phrase “throwing in the towel” in Paragraph l probably means ________.

A.crying outB.showing off

C.giving upD.running away

29.After the wise man planted the fern and the bamboo,________

A.he cared for the fern only

B.they didn't receive any care from him

C.he gave up the bamboo in the fifth year

D.the bamboo seed never stopped growing

30.From the passage we can conclude that the small business owner will________.

A.not turn to the wise man for help again

B.not give up in face of difficulties

C.give up his business later

D.grow some bamboo later

31. Which of the following best describes the story in the passage?

A.Never give up hope.

B.Practice makes perfect.

C.Time and tide wait for nobody.

D.One should try and achieve bigger goals in life.


福建省莆田市第二十五中学2017届高三上学期期中考试英语试卷Culture and Cuisine

The United States is known for jazz and blue jeans. But travel to Paris and ask your average French citizen about American cuisine(烹饪)and he's likely to answer,“McDonalds.”Ask the same thing of any American citizen on any American street and I'm afraid you'd get the same answer, or something close to it.

Hamburgers and hotdogs and fries are all fine, but with American malls and other outlets standardizing everything from clothing to food, the sad truth is that American cuisine is becoming more homogeneous—all the same—no matter where you live. True, many Americans are eating more varied foods these days, but these are largely the cuisines of immigrant groups, and they are quite likely to be affected by homogenization of American cuisine.

So what exactly is American cuisine? Well, to some extent it is a reflection of our melting pot culture, meaning that Europeans made huge contributions in the form of wheat, dairy products, pork, beef and poultry. But American cuisine also includes products that once were known only to the New World, including potatoes, corn, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and peanuts.

The one region of the country where you still find all these things in daily use is the Deep South. The South lost the Civil War, but children of the southerners are winning the battle to preserve and advance their cooking traditions—and in this case one of the few cuisines can truly be called American, which is why we're pleased to have Low Country cuisine in this issue of food creation. That's right, grits and gravy are back in a big way in cities like Charleston and Savannah. Truth is, they never really left, but up until a decade ago Low Country cuisine was more common at home than in restaurants.

In fact, a large number of tourists now go to the lower Atlantic region in order to experience this extraordinary cuisine for themselves. Time will tell whether Low Country cuisine becomes popular in other regions of the country in the way that, say, Italian cuisine has, but it's amazing and heartening to see one of our true cultural treasures enjoying renewed popularity in these increasingly homogeneous times.

32. According to the passage, American cuisine impresses people as being ________.

A.dull and changeless

B.rich and various

C.popular and delicious

D.disagreeable and unpleasant

33. It can be seen that the writer feels regretful that ________.

A.cuisines of other countries play a more important role in America

B.American cuisine has become increasingly lacking in variety

C.American cuisine tends to vary because of immigration

D.American cuisine is being changed by foreign cuisines

34. From the passage, we know that grits and gravy ________.

A.were cooked with new materials after the Civil War

B.are gaining popularity in the south of America

C.were more popular over ten years ago

D.are seldom served in restaurants

35. What's the writer's attitude towards the renewal of Low Country cuisine in America?

A.Concerned and cautious.B.Hopeless and doubtful.

C.Positive and supportive.D.Critical and disapproving.



$来&源:There is a disease sweeping the world today that is killing far more people than any other,including AIDS or SARS.36The World Health Organization(WHO) has stated that of the 56.5 million deaths per year around the world,over 50 percent are caused by diseases associated with unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. 37

In the face of these shocking statistics,the WHO announced in 2004,a plan to fight obesity(肥胖症)and invited governments around the world to join the campaign to encourage its citizens to adopt a sensible diet and to take up some form of physical activity.38 In Australia,which has the highest number of food advertisements in children’s television in the world,there are an average of 12 food ads per hour.0n the other hand,in Sweden and Austria there are strict laws about advertising during children’s programmes. 39

There is much debate,however,about whether television advertisements are in any way responsible for childhood obesity.In Sweden,and Quebec in Canada,for example,the government ban food ads on children’s television.40 However,Holland,where there are no bans on food advertising,has one of the lowest rates of obesity in Europe.

A.The government also appoints a committee to decide on suitable punishment for food ads·

B.The WHO also said that many of these deaths connected with obesity could be prevented·

C.Governments should consider the role of food ads in children’s television programmes·

D.In these two countries,there is an average of only one food ad per hour·

E.Therefore there is no great difference in the number of obese children·

F.Food ads have no effect on obesity.

G.That disease is obesity.

36. __________ 37. __________ 38. __________ 39. __________ 40. __________




Do Americans have morals(道德准则)? That’s a good question. Moral values in America are like those in any 41.

资*源%库 One of the most42moral values for Americans is honesty. The well-known43about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value44.Little George cut down his father’s favorite cherry tree45 trying out his new hatchet. When his father asked him about it, George said, “I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet.” Instead of46,George received praise. Sometimes American honesty-being open and direct-can 47 people. But Americans still believe that “honesty is the best policy.”

Another48 Americans respect is perseverance(毅力).Remember Aesop’s fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a 49?The rabbit thought he could50 easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not 51.

Compassion(同情)may be the queen of American virtues. The story of “The Good Samaritan(助人为乐者)” from the Bible 52a man who showed compassion. On his way to a 53city, a Samaritan man found a poor traveler lying on the road. The kind Samaritan, 54just passing by, stopped to help this person in need. Compassion can even turn into a positive55.In autumn 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help Floridians 56by a hurricane. The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida 57the favor.

In no way can this brief description 58all the moral values honored by Americans. Courage, responsibility, 59, gratitude and many others could be discussed. But no matter how long or how short the list, moral values are 60.











51.A.slow downB.come upC.give upD.fall off


53. A.lonelyB.aloneC.certainD.deserted

54.A.inspite ofB.on account ofC.as a result ofD.instead of













Hongbao”seems to be on everyone’s lips these days.61(it) origins are rooted in history. Long ago it 62(see)as a means of protecting children from evil spirits.63(1ate),it developed into more general best wishes and a blessing on 64 young.In recent years,with hongbao going digital,online giants Tencent’s Wechat,Baidu and Alibaba are all competing 65(make)theirHongbaothe66 (popular)in the country.

“I got 1.8 yuan,it’s fun.”

“I didn’t get any,I am too slow.”

The war is on to grab digital cash using your cellphone.

But are these Hongbao overshadowing the true 67(mean)of the holiday?45-year-old social worker Guo Jing gives us her opinion.

“When I was young,the elder gave the younger generation a sum of money 68(wrap)in red paper,to wish them luck in the New Year.The amount of money is all about blessings,using round numbers like 50 and 100,not like the e-Hongbao on the Wechat platform,69 you can just pick up a few yuan.”

Anyway,please remember:the Chinese New Year holiday is supposed to be a time to relax and enjoy being 70 your family.

61__________ 62. __________63. __________64. __________65__________

66__________ 67. __________ 68__________ 69__________ 70__________




资*源%库 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。





When I was a child, I hoped to live in the city. I think I would be happy there. Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains are green. Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very seriously problem. The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. Much rare animals are dying out . We must found ways to protect your environment. If we fail to do so ,we’ll live to regret it .


$来&源: 假定你是高三学生李华,你的美国朋友彼得写信询问你未来理想的大学。请你用英语回信介绍以下情况:




Dear Peter,

Thanks for your email.Yes,I’m facing one of the most important choices in my life.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Bye for now.

All the best,

Li Hua


英 语(答案)



6—10 BCBBA

11—15 BCBAC

16—20 BCACA


  1. CCB
  2. BCDA
  3. CDBA
  4. ABBC


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

41—45 DBCBA 46—50 BDCBA 51—55 CACDB 56—60 DBACA


61 its 62 .was seen 63. latelr 64. the 65. to make

66. most popular 67. meaning 68. wrapped 69. where 70 with


71. think –thought

72. countryside前加the

73. or—and

74. on—with

75. been去掉

76. seriously—serious


78. much—many

79. found—find

80. your—our
